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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. Chomper you are no fool, although I strongly disagree with you on many things. You (and I) understand absolutely how the UK government works. If you really believe that Starmer and his colleagues were unaware of the Southport Killers Jihadist tendencies during the period post the murders, then you are much more naive than I can imagine! It is indefensible, you damn well know it is indefensible. Live to fight another day, or continue to defend the absolute indefensible and destroy your own credibility. If you carry on, then no-one is going to take you seriously on UK political topics again
  2. Further to my last post; Starmer and his government's cynical and politically corrupt approach to the matter will prevail. Questions will simply go unanswered, effective discussion in Parliament is refused, the Speaker, who sadly and disappointingly seems to have become the governments lapdog is obviously instructed to stop that in it's tracks. An independent (judge led) investigation into who knew and when, well that is obviously a silly idea.
  3. It really is quite incredible, using it's literal meaning (unbelievable) that Starmer et al were unaware of this fellows Islamic terrorist leanings within a few hours. However long it took for the police to get a warrant, execute a cursory search and then another hour to make the phone calls " Prime Minister, we have found Ricin and a Jihadist terror manual, more details as soon as we have them." They knew all along, they covered it up assiduously, and even more egregious they turned it to their own purposes to jail or threaten to jail their critics, in an attempt to cowe opposition to their policies, or lack of, through widespread brutal application of the Law. I wonder how some of the judges, who were persuaded to apply the severest penalties possible feel know? Actually probably couldn't care less, eyes firmly fixed on the next few rungs of the Judiciary promotion ladder! Being nasty on Facebook really does fade into significance when compared to a deliberately engineered government coverup of this magnitude. Unfortunately one poor sod (in so many ways) has died and many have had their lives and livelihoods destroyed.
  4. Lucky so and so, missed virtually all the last month of the bloody election campaign!
  5. With nothing to eat save berries and mushrooms, I suspect that acquiring a suitable log was beyond his capacity!
  6. I hope that "Freddy" has received due praise for starting the ball rolling. He sounds like a good boy!
  7. Possibly the most accurate, precise and concise precis of Trump and the MAGA phenomenon I have seen!
  8. Gentlemen, gentlemen. All this would be resolved if we were to agree that their is no such thing as "International English" or indeed any other genre - there is English and then there are mistakes. Incidentally, it is not in "the England", it is either "England", the country, or "English" the language.
  9. Absolutely.
  10. More "blether". PS, Fool I may be, but at least I know enough to use " paste as plain text" when cutting and pasting my worthless, completely wrong and inane opinions on the internet; avoids the giveaway change in font size,!
  11. Several good suits and a new pair of specs...
  12. I haven't a notion and am not remotely interested - internal Irish Republican politics in the 1930s and early 1940s is totally irrelevant to the current US Presidential election. "Blether" seems an appropriate "nickname"!
  13. Have I? I'm not the one going around inventing faux psychiatric conditions and labelling people with them; nor am I the one accusing people who dare to take issue with your labelling as "stupid". You may not be stupid but you are perhaps a little bit strange in this regard? I believe the "mot juste" in this matter is "weird"!
  14. Life is very simple isn't it?
  15. Oh deep joy, here we go again, another invented faux psychological condition to label those with whom you disagree - a wonderful gift, being able to diagnose mental diseases based on a social media post!
  16. Trump Rally Manhattan , Fake News ? No, it really happened!
  17. Well there are some 139 billion baptized Catholics worldwide, and whilst it would be fair to say that not all of them hang on their every word, or even agree with everything said, they certainly are listened to.
  18. Vigano's excommunication was, in essence, because as a member of the conservative wing of the Catholic Higherarchy, a Vatican insider, politician and diplomat who had never worked as a Parish Priest or Diocesan Bishop, he was oposed to Pope Francis's election. He saw, one might consider, the election of a South American Jesuit, with extensive pastoral experience amongst the poor of urban Argentina, and one who had stood up to their 1980s Junta, as a dilution or pollution of the "clerical genes" of a higherarchy, totally European (in fact Italian) which should rule over the Vatican. Pope Francis, recognising his hostility, didn't make him a Cardinal (Vigano fully expected, as a leading conservative to be made one) and retired him. Vigano's subsequent reaction and antics resulted in his excommunication. All a bit MAGA really!
  19. There is a certain logical impasse here. You post, it seems, approving of Vigano "ruling" that voting for Harris is a grave sin. Subsequently you post deriding "these self declared holy men"; ignoring the fact that Papal Infalibity is restricted to theology, and does not apply to "matters of man". So which is it, logically it cannot be both?
  20. Ooh, do I detect a sense of humour failure? It certainly sounds like it doesn't it!
  21. Since Trump seems to be "going further" at each rally, we can only look forward to the final weekend of this campaign - it will surely be vastly entertaining!
  22. The calculation is, I suspect, that they will confirm more white voters with these blatantly racist attacks than they will turn away Puerto Ricans. It says a lot about Trumps campaign that it is almost certainly right. Now shall we discuss the Republicans rabid opposition to Puerto Rico becoming a state, it does after all have a greater population than some 19 other states. The Senator Tommy Tuberville is on the record as staying that we don't want to "give them voting rights and stuff "; a bigoted <deleted> but perhaps an honest one. But damm right you don't, it would mean two more Senators and a number of Representatives (at present they have one non voting Representative) which would upset the "balance" in Congress; I suppose no one can face the uphill task of gerrymandering those seats.
  23. Let alone a decent yacht, or one of those ginormous dachas
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