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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. And then, when night falls, men in red hats will emerge from the shadows with lists of people to round up. Be worried, if you are Black or worse Latino, a place in a desert camp awaits you!
  2. I wonder if her salary package was "reviewed"? Oh silly me! She is still "on the team" ,and able to tell him what to do, no doubt.
  3. The article doesn't mention that of the 8 Bell AH Cobras they will replace, one crashed in 2001 and 3 are stored unserviceable. So not a vast pool of experience in operating attack helicopters. As a utility helicopter to insert troops or carry loads, their size renders them practically useless. I suppose that you could install a comfy chair in the back for a VIP, but the entourage will have to go by bus!
  4. Being black, being successful and possibly riding around in a nice car.
  5. This is a particularly nasty and vindictive policy, long threatened and driven by ideology, more crudely put "class warfare" - nothing to do with raising revenue for the state education system. Parents who choose to send their children to private schools already pay through their taxes for state education, yet their choice means that they make no claim on the resources of the state sector.
  6. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/YJe23fXwM1ALEA39/
  7. Gracious me, anyone would think you know what you're talking about! Anyway, the border with Myanmar is 2400 km long. These little helos have a range of 450km, and there are 8 of them, so coverage is going to be a little patchy! Mind you, the "Praetorian Guard" based in and around Bangkok, which amounts to a reasonably well equipped armoured infantry brigade group, with modern armour and self propelled artillery, would find them quite useful. The rest of the army is equipped with leftovers from the Vietnam war, and their mobility and deployability is constrained by the availability of tour buses to move the troops.
  8. Perhaps not formerly rejoining, but some sort of "two tier membership"?
  9. You're Independent? Gracious me, I would over to see you in action if you were committed to one party or the other!
  10. I suppose it was only a question of time before "long march" memes started to be discussed in connection with Starmer.
  11. It is my impression that the bulk of the Security Forces are made up of various "Ranger" and other para military groups. The army itself is a bit like the Olympic Flame - they never go out!
  12. They don't seem to be using their big ones for that - can't be getting the VIP seating dirty!
  13. Come now, don't be shy, the USAAF 10th Bombing Group payed regular visits to Bangkok in 1944 and 1945!
  14. The challenging bit remains, why were the pair stopped, and handcuffed, particularly when she was with a three month old baby, when there was no evidence or trace of drugs or weapons, and no real prospect of violence. These two may be “dedicated, hard-working, and much respected officers” whose reputations have been “ruined”. It does seem rather remarkable that they seemed to have smelt cannabis, when this couple drove past them in their car? It must have been a particularly pungent strain of the drug to have been wafted from the couples moving car to the moving police car! It does sound like an episode from one of Tom Sharpe's novels chronicling the apartheid era South African Police Force! Maybe their olfactory senses need recalibration. I am sure that the initial "stop" was not triggered by seeing a young, obviously successful and relatively affluent black couple in a smart car?
  15. Perhaps one should ask the people of Switzerland, Norway, and the Balkan states how they feel about EU influence, and the effective limitations it imposed upon their freedoms to run things the way they may wish. Mind you, of course, asking the people is anathema to the EU! Which rather takes us back to my initial point.
  16. After a hot cup of Vegemite you too would probably be game for anything!
  17. Tops in Chiang Rai (arguably further along the distribution chain) are knocking out Vegemite for less than B200 a jar. Personally I prefer Marmite (which is more expensive) but that is a whole new debate which perhaps we should leave alone!
  18. Prorogation of Parliament was in 2019 - 5 years ago! Incidentally, didn't Boris win a landslide victory on the matter, principally, of leaving the EU shortly after. That the Tories were stupid enough to spaff it up the wall subsequently is neither here nor there. Personally, I rather suspect that if they had a shred of self discipline they would still be in power. The political leanings of the UK Press is irrelevant, and arguably any such bias in printed media is perhaps more than compensated for in the broadcast media. Touch of the "but, but, but Boris" I would suggest!
  19. So begins Starmer's long slow surrender to the demands of the EU. It will take several years, but it will be complete. You can bet your bottom dollar (Euro?) that it will be kept clear of Parliament, and all favours will be called in to ensure that it does not receive proper public or press scrutiny. It all has a familiar ring to It doesn't it? The EU bureaucracy cannot tolerate a major independent economy, physically adjacent to it's own. It has to gain control of it, it's existential for them. The government know that it cannot rely on support from it's population, so will not consult or involve them.
  20. They mean business, even the General's big hats are made from digital pattern camouflage material! Thoroughly modern!
  21. The UN funds and "owns" UNWRA. The clue is rather in the "UN" bit of UNWRAs title. UNWRA was central to the logistics and execution of HAMAS's attacks on Israel. The same is true of UN involvement with Hezbollah. To borrow our little Portuguese Jew hater friend's oh so measured phrase, "these things don't happen in a vacuum!"
  22. I am delighted and flattered that you can make the effort to be so condescending as to find it "a charming story". In very many countries the electoral! system is made more complex, by the sheer number of parties. In the UK, for example we have 9, leaving out various independents. I really cannot speak for Canada, although I rather imagine that you do not agree with Mr Trudeau's government. Nonetheless the basic principle which I outlined holds true in the vast majority of cases. In the USA it is effectively a binary choice, so ignoring the majority vote is perhaps more indefensible?
  23. I saw a figure (on here) suggesting that there were more than 13,000 so modified. Truly horrific. They should be off the road immediately, preferably permanently, certainly until proper checks, continuous monitoring and effective training for operators and drivers are in place. Inconvenient yes. But all those dead children?
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