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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. The "ignoring" of the popular vote is perhaps the ultimate in political cynicism. If it is ignored then it cannot claim it is a democratic process, nor can it be considered a Representative Republic, because the clearly expressed majority of the electorate will most definitely not be represented. The present convoluted system may have been good within the physical constraints (time and distance, slow communication), political desires (maintaining the "right people's" grip on power) and given the lack of universal suffrage, all prevailing at the time it was designed, but society, communications and the concept of a democratically elected Presidential form of government has developed and moved on. It is entirely possible to accurately tally and know the popular vote for Presidential Candidates, nationwide, and that should be the final arbiter. After all it is a nationwide election. There is a considerable irony when "the new world", having fought to break free from their perceived tyranny of the "old world", cling to such outdated and essentially undemocratic systems, open to the most blatant of jerrymandering ( because they serve those at the top of their political system) whilst the "old world" has moved on to various forms of far simpler and more representative means of electing their governments. There is much that is flawed with the UK's parliamentary system, and I certainly argue that it needs reform, but at least the party which gets the most votes ends up forming the government.
  2. He will walk (waddle) away to Mar-a-Lago to wait for the courts.
  3. Even if Mercedes-Benz were aware of the badges on this bus, I doubt very much whether there is anything they could do, here, to stop it. I've noticed "uniquely Thai" buses carrying those badges before, and always doubted that they were made by Mercedes.
  4. Reduced demand should allow them to scrap the older vehicles?
  5. Hundreds if not thousands probably. The inspection regime, such as it is, is just another example of the utterly cynical, universal penetration of corruption into the countries governance . It is hard to think of any institution, sphere of activity or activity which officialdom engages in which is not rotten.
  6. And it resulted in a combout?
  7. Funny you mention that, last time she was round at my place she left...
  8. Lovely picture, but you really shouldn't post it, it will only wind up the barking mad political fringe merchants! Of course it is his property, to do with as he wants; but he is still a pillock!
  9. Well yes, although I thought the problem was that he rarely if ever attended Parliament!
  10. I do hope that you are not suggesting our bold gendarmerie are somehow involved in extorting money from the sex industry - I mean surely, that would be against the law wouldn't it?
  11. It is more than 80 years since the Fascist government fell in Italy. Most of the countries in the EU, and certainly the Baltic countries had Fascist regimes forced on them, replaced by 40 odd years of an equally repressive and often brutal Soviet regime. Ursula Von Der Leyden is far from my favourite politician, but fascist she is not! You really do not the faintest idea what you are talking about.
  12. What did Goebbels call it? Oh yes, "the big lie".
  13. When I saw the title of this thread I thought it might have been about Trumps barefaced lies about President Biden failing to take calls from the (Republican) governors of Georgia and North Carolina. Silly old me! We know he lies habitually but this must be a new low!
  14. Astonishingly venal - criticizing his bold moves to offer a youthful, vigorous and forward looking perspective on Thailand's democracy, of which he is such a central part!
  15. Where is that chap with a "Sharpie" when you need him?
  16. The relatively few (almost exclusively Western democracies) countries which fund it need to turn off the money taps. It will fall into complete obscurity within the year, cease to exist within three. Mind you, the same could be said about that buffoon Lammy!
  17. He is not a Catholic Priest. In fact he is not a Priest, he is not ordained, and cannot minister the Sacraments. In fact he is a cleric belonging to a church (The Church of England) which was invented purely to allow it's founder, the then monarch Henry VIII, to give faux legitimacy to his political, financial and sexual ambitions. It is all really rather irrelevant. A church, any church, Protestant or Catholic, exists to serve Almighty God. The Church of England doesn't really convince that it actually believes in God. Conversely it is "big on" political prosletysing, albeit in a direction with which Mr Robinson finds himself at odds.
  18. Am I alone in seeing the irony of the EU, possibly the most corrupt and corrupted, fiscally leaky and virtually unaudited political institution ever, clambering onto the moral high ground in order to prosecute a national politician who dares to challenge them? In terms of misuse of funds the EU is a legend for corruption in its own generously subsidised lunchtimes! Gracious me, the EU makes the Ottoman Empire look like the role model for lean mean, stripped out, political and fiscal multinational governance!
  19. Hmm, failure to appreciate the irony of @Nick Carter icp's remark does rather lay you open to charges of being a "plient dullard" yourself!
  20. Are you arguing that the world is a musical, cinematographic, culinary, sartorial and academic wasteland? You do make rather a good case!
  21. Harris wasn't fact checked, because she didn't spout a tissue of lies ...
  22. A lot of them (us) vanish due to old age "catching up on them". Let us be blunt, if you are active on this forum and you die, then unless (unlikely) another poster is a friend or relative, you just vanish.
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