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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. You were lucky! Our road... No I mustn't, really mustn't! Our non British colleagues won't have a clue what we're on about!
  2. That may actually be a good thing as far as democracy in the UK is concerned. An Islamic Party would have to "stand alone" and would not be able, as they arguably do now, to "piggyback" on the traditional Labour vote and resources; yet have no interest in representing the majority of their constituents.
  3. In itself something of a word salad, is It not?
  4. "Now listen very carefully, I shall only say this once!"
  5. The truth is to be found in dank places under flat stones, eh?
  6. He rarely manages a coherent sentence in his only language!
  7. Yes, perhaps I should have said that the new "fraternity" was separate, and supercedes the two long existing rival factions?
  8. A profound and thoughtful dissection of the key influences within the USA Presidential Election Campaign! Julius Streicher would have been proud of you!
  9. I wonder how much longer this sort of interference in the electoral process is going to be tolerated? A rhetorical question really, after all "vote harvesting" by the heads of extended families is a long held tradition in many of these communities, and goes virtually unchallenged. Enriching though isn't it!
  10. There is a relatively new " fraternity" amongst the officer corps, which is being appointed to many of the top jobs. They have a very specific loyalty. They wear a distinctive red rim around the collar of their tee shirts.
  11. Umh, if you read @Eric Loh's post carefully you would see that "White Supremacy" is listed as amongst the things she is "anti"
  12. Wandering what will be next to explode, the TV, the Air Conditioning, the Microwave, the Laptop?
  13. As happened when the Supreme Court put Bush in The White House. As happened when the Electoral College put Trump in The White House. This time they will attempt to "run out" the deadlines so that the election "fails", and the outgoing House of Representatives and/or the Supreme Court put Trump in The White House.
  14. Georgia. The steps have been taken to ensure that the election in that state fails.
  15. 16/34 helicopters. 20/44 transport aircraft. That is an awful lot of reconfiguring. Close to 50% of the fleet.
  16. Are they going to compell multi millionaires to fund new glasses and a new suit for everyone?
  17. If the GOP candidate prevails it is because they have inserted their loyalists into the electoral system in a number of States, this will produce confusion, obfuscation and chaos when some or all of these stated fail or refuse to complete the election process. Then the selection of a President will pass to the existing House of Representatives, (not the one elected in November of course, which could be a very different animal) who will insert Trump. If the Supreme Court gets involved, then of course they will do as they are told. It is blatantly obvious that this is the plan. It is not following the Constitution, but is manipulating the Constitution. Once a GOP regime is installed, it will move swiftly to silence dissent, take control of the judicial system, media and ensure that it permanently retains power. The endgame for democracy in the USA.
  18. China is getting bored with waiting, have added some "hurry up juice"!
  19. I've seen lorries trundling around with fully grown trees on the back, their roots wrapped in plastic. Instant shade!
  20. They're skint, have been ever since that warship managed to have a Negligent Discharge (ND) with it's main armament when parking up some months ago!
  21. It is quite interesting to google the RTAF aircraft, and in particular helicopter fleet, and see just how high a proportion of it's airframes are configured for "VIP" transport!
  22. She didn't pay. Getting onto the list for becoming a Government Teacher ( Job for life, good pension, subsidised loans to buy car and house) requires putting down a substantial "contribution". The exam results are meaningless. The Office of Basic Education Corruption, sorry, I meant "Committee", has been caught out. They are now awaiting contractors to come in and lift the carpet!
  23. I would suggest that he should be congratulate - for finding a knocking shop in Merthyr Tydfil!
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