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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. I suppose the contrast is spreading yourself all over social media, partizan media, spouting ever more ludicrous lies, talking rubbish about fictional cannibals and battery powered sharks and grifting; or carefully presenting your campaign to the public, whilst taking care to avoid deliberate misrepresentation. I leave it you to decide which characterises which campaign.
  2. Yes, I read somewhere that he is launching a crypto currency! Surely no one, but no one, could be daft enough to buy into a crypto currency run by Donald Trump!
  3. Or maybe it was written on a pair of gold plated gymn shoes?
  4. Umh, he said he was doing so on live TV!
  5. Hezbollah's capability, in particular it's ability to communicate is more than a bit degraded. Pagers are out, radios are out, cellphones not trusted...
  6. I think that it is totally different. Men go into bars in Pattaya looking to do that; the girls work there in the full knowledge, if it the expectation, that it is going to happen. A summer vacation job on the cheese counter in Harrods food hall is rather different.
  7. Yet remarkably, I have come to terms with it!
  8. Was she a Trump supporter? She certainly was in Biden's camp last time round, and Trump's claim that she endorsed him just a couple of weeks ago has been exposed as a pack of lies. If you look carefully at what she said, yes she said that she personally would vote for Harris/Waltz, her message to young people was to register and vote! She said that they must make their own decisions as to who they vote for. She rather appears to have the cat vote!
  9. Come now @spidermike007, I've noticed this tendency in your posts before. You must be fair, he may have no plans A or Plan B, but he does have a concept of a plan. He said as much in his absolute victory clinching statement, during his outstanding performance in the epic debate last week, which absolutely confirmed his suitability to resume his Presidency. Cut the dear chap some slack, it has only been 10 years!
  10. I knew a girl years ago who worked in Harrods during the vacation from University. She was quite "posh", pretty and well spoken, as one would imagine working in the Harrods food hall. I remember her telling me that he was creepy, often hanging around the younger female staff, with what she described as a dirty mouth and wandering hands. They all tried their best to avoid him.
  11. It was a pathetic outburst from an entirely self centred sad old man, who has just realised that politically and in terms of celebrity status, the image he has of himself has crumbled. An image as fake and unconvincing as his improbably incredibly coloured fake hairstyle! Taylor Swift of course also has an image, carefully constructed and burnished, but one altogether more credible, appealing and attractive than Trump. She also has nicer legs! As you may have gathered, I don't like the fellow.
  12. Fat lot of good that will do. Old chap simply cannot keep track of time.
  13. Ah but I'm sure he rose to the top of his profession due to his absolutely unparalleled leadership and military skills, just look at him, he has lean mean steely eyed killer written all over him!
  14. Jurassic Party! I see that he has a picture of Elvis pinned amongst his outstanding collection of military bling! Isn't he the guy who was caught on a video,throwing an epic wobbly and chasing a protester into the grounds of a hotel to pistol whip him, whilst serving as head of the army?
  15. If he tries to find forgiveness and absolution for these alleged sins, through the Catholic Church, he will find it a difficult and rigorous process. It is much much more than purely popping into a confessional box and muttering "Bless me Father for I have sinned", reeling off a list and coming out to say a handful of Hail Mary's! And if he does receive absolution and is truly penitent, then he still will have to face temporal "justice" - render unto God what is God's, and unto Caesar what is Caesars, isn't that the quote? I recently resumed going to confession after many years of not going, ( serious surgery awakening awareness of my own mortality!); my initial "session" involved a very rigorous, soul baring and intimate examination of my actions with my confessor, over several periods each of an hour or so. Neither easy nor comfortable. If you are not judged to be sufficiently penitent then you don't get absolution. If you omit or hide actions, or successfully "pull the wool over" your confessors eyes then any absolution he may utter does not count in the eyes of Almighty God, which is after all the whole point! The Sacrament simply does not happen. Now I don't presume to judge this chap in that sense - but it is not an easy option.
  16. Israel is shutting down electronic communications amongst/between their terrorist enemies. Good move - they will be reduced to land lines (traceable and can be listened in on), written messages and couriers ( again can be intercepted and reveal locations, and face to face meetings, aka targets.
  17. She has made the most astonishing discovery! I can't imagine how nobody noticed before!
  18. Who on earth uses pagers? Well, not Hezbollah anymore I should imagine!
  19. He rather lost interest - perhaps when he was warned that the reports had some long words like marmalade and wheelbarrow in them!
  20. I suspect that she couldn't care less about him, but will probably stick around until the money runs out. It would be interesting to know her take on that Loomer woman, she probably views her as worth a fair bit when the divorce is finally negotiated.
  21. BOHICA: bend over, here it comes again. Of course B300 won't "move the needle", but as the demands for Mercedes ( sorry, infrastructure investment) grows it will become B500, B800, B1000. Needles will move eventually.
  22. Given where most users keep pagers and similar devices, they probably won't breeding for a while!
  23. It would no doubt require some very clever software programming and engineering. Right up Israel's street!
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