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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. 1) The biggest party in Parliament urges charter reform. 2) Assorted dinosaurs in white uniforms make complaints to the Electoral Commission (EC) and Constitutional Court (CC). 3) EC recommends dissolution. 4) CC dissolves biggest party in Parliament.
  2. The plot went that-a-way 👉
  3. Absolute heroes. Such bravery! No, such pathetic examples of human beings.
  4. I wasn't aware that it was a competition!
  5. I saw a brilliant AI generated video clip showing car loads of dogs fleeing Springfield Ohio!
  6. His Majesty has offered him what must be a good deal, Frogmore Cottage is quite a decent gaffe for a retired single man, even if he does have a "live in divorced wife". He would be a fool not to take it; unfortunately with or without Amazon Prime's drama, it's already established that he is a fool!
  7. Do you think so - I always thought he suffered from hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia! And if that doesn't crash Google... Hint: it is nothing to do with a fear of illegal immigrants eating zoo animals in Ohio!
  8. That would have to be managed with umh, considerably more tact and finesse than the imposition of judicial sanctions on those with "distasteful" views Now that is in my opinion very likely, perhaps not totally denied but certainly in a "second tier"! Possibly issue captive bolt guns to paramedics called to people taken ill whilst smoking in pub beer gardens? Maybe initially going a tad far but carefully spun...
  9. Independent? Commissioned by the Health Secretary and conducted by a Labour Peer?
  10. A couple of years ago my daughter had to give a short talk (in English) about her parents. Unknown to me she extracted my modest collection of medals from the drawer in which I kept them, and used them to illustrate my army career. Unfortunately she quoted me: "these are real medals for real actions, not just for being first in the canteen queue." A couple of the older teachers were scandalised (particularly the guy who ran the cadet force, (who was apt to turn up looking like Idi Amin on a feast day!) but the younger teachers, refreshingly found it rather funny. Idi Amin confiscated her phone the next day and I had to go and have a quiet chat with him.
  11. I didn't suggest you were German now did I? Seems to have touched a nerve though hasn't it!
  12. A right arm extended at an angle of 45 degrees from the shoulder, with the palm of the hand vertical, well that is a different kettle of fish eh Gottfrid? I don't know who is dafter or more pathetic, you or friend Ruangkrai Leekitwattana!
  13. I should imagine that mincing around the Russian side of the border with Finland is significantly less dangerous than deploying to Donbass as a "volunteer battalion". Mind you, probably not a good idea to upset the Finns, they can get quite "kinetic"!
  14. By way of an update, I have just spoken to my daughter who has a dormitory room in a block between the Obajour School and Sports complex and the main road. She tells me that the water there is 10cm deep, and rising. Luckily she is on the first floor (UK parlance) and has moved her scooter to a friend's house on higher ground.
  15. I see no reason to believe that she did not write it herself. She is, after all, an intelligent and articulate young lady, who is in particular known for encouraging young people to register and vote. I am sure that the Democrat campaign were aware of what she was posting, but there are no grounds to start a conspiracy theory! Incidentally it is significantly more credible than the buffoonery suggesting that she was endorsing Trump. Certainly it will enrage many within the "Trumpeters", I doubt somehow that she cares!
  16. An argument to be made yes, but I was commenting on the suggestion that she was not qualified to be President in comparison to Mr Trump.
  17. Word reaches me of significant flooding in Chiang Rai city today (11 September). I have to visit the Immigration office in the basement of Central Plaza tomorrow or Friday. I would like to know if they are affected by flooding, or open as normal. No luck trying to raise them on the phone, and I don't want to drive in 30kms on my motorbike, in this weather, to find it closed, so if any kind soul is wiser than me, and yes that is a very low bar...
  18. Word reaches me of significant flooding in Chiang Rai city today (11 September). I have to visit the Immigration office in the basement of Central Plaza tomorrow or Friday. I would like to know if they are affected by flooding, or open as normal. No luck trying to raise them on the phone, and I don't want to drive in 30kms on my motorbike, in this weather, to find it closed, so if any kind soul knows...
  19. The ' cat lady" has spoken!
  20. I don't think she is promiscuous - boy was I prepared to try, but I had, on reflection, to conclude that I wouldn't get anywhere!🙂 Still there is always the music and the photos!
  21. Kamala Harris had, at the time she declared her candidacy for President, according to one source I watched, some 34 years in public service, the greater bulk in elected positions. Trump, at the he declared his candidacy had zero, no, years in public service. Now, in his present campaign, he has, 4.
  22. The US Presidential election, because the USA is the world's greatest military and economic superpower, and the US dollar is effectively a world currency, is of great importance and significance to the rest of the world. That is why so many of us watch with interest, and can have strong views on the candidates. Whatever the outcome on November the 5th matters very much to the rest of the world. For those of us who live in democracies it is of consequence because it shapes the future, for those who live under various oppressive regimes it is even simpler - America for all that we criticise is a beacon. We cannot afford to let the light be dimmed, or perish the thought, be extinguished. It is not often I agree with the poster I quote. In this case I do.
  23. The would be Presidential version of "the dog ate my homework"!
  24. When faced with the lies, obfuscation and good old fashioned bigotry which defines much of the Trump/Vance campaign taking the Mickey in this way is effective, and almost impossible to rebut!
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