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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. Really not sure what point you are trying to make. If, as I suspect, you are gloating, well you fill your boots. I'm not American, so if you want to screw your country up, well it is a shame but, as they say here: "up to you!" The rest of the world will watch from afar. We will still call the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of Mexico, Canada will remain a sovereign country, and Greenland remains not for sale!
  2. Looks like an advertisement for a hairdressers, or perhaps a plastic surgeon!
  3. Mid terms if the House of Representatives and or the Senate changes hands. Neither have particularly solid majorities.
  4. Whatever! It really is the most remarkable imagery - really does suggest that you are the unhinged obsessive one. Granted there is some serious competition, but you are well out in front!
  5. Your post, and the imagery it conjures up is very revealing.
  6. But you don't, you have got JD Vance. He is who we're discussing so don't bother trying to deflect...
  7. I flew VietJet from Chiang Rai to Phuket in December. First leg in a journey Chiang Rai to Kuala Lumpur and back. Phuket - KL and KL to CEI were Air Asia. I thought that they were very good - and those tartan shorts were cute!
  8. Apropos but possibly off topic: Do you know why Toblerone ( to which I am exceptionally partial, to the extent of forgiving the Swiss for inventing cuckoo cocks) is triangular? Well if it was square it would not fit in the box! Back on topic, the fellow sounds an absolute rotter, sort of chap who sleeps in his vest!
  9. Trump has a remarkably effective grip on MAGA and through that the Republican Party. Hence his unchallenged control. If he goes then MAGA goes, and Vance is just another politician. He won't have Trumps ruthless grip. And without that ruthless grip, the punch up between various factions within the party, and the wealthy oligarchs who have invested in becoming the third part in government, after the legislative and executive branches, well that punch up will be spectacular and entertaining, and will give a whole new perspective on lame ducks. In fact I suspect that Vance will be reduced to quacking on the sidelines
  10. I think "enough money" is not a concept Mr Trump acknowledges! He will remain perched on his tarnished throne until he is either removed by the voters (and moves are afoot to enable him to run again, rest assured in that case that the system will be managed to ensure he wins) or his diet catches up on him.
  11. But, but, but, he was on the telly...
  12. Not any more, since Mess facilities were privatised and are now run by contractors profit rules!
  13. Pah - amateur lightweights! You should have seen us in British Army of The Rhine in the 1970s and 1980s - fittest pissheads in NATO! Mind you, the Cloggies ran us a close second!
  14. Probably gone downtown for a night on the lash to celebrate!
  15. Sort of sums it up really - a fat, hyper, white man, dressed up for combat, (albeit with a helmet several sizes too small), pointing a weapon at a child in arms. America, the shining city on the hill!
  16. Only if you are given the opportunity. If those who take you into custody won't listen, and you are not given access to a lawyer, it is not so simple. As the OP tells, a military veteran was not listened to.
  17. I say, steady on @Walker88, she is about the only one in the Trump line up photos from Monday last who wasn't offensive to the eye!
  18. I wonder if the savings in bakery staff costs will be outweighed by the insurance premiums for "self service bread slicing machines"? There are those one can observe amongst the shopping cohorts that I wouldn't trust with a pair of kindergarten scissors!
  19. The screening is probably pretty rudimentary - as far as the agent carrying it out, quite probably colour is the major determining factor. Once they are in the "system" there will probably be no way out.
  20. You could always try scenes from "Schindlers List" intercut with scenes from "Triumph of The Will", watched with sound turned down.
  21. Oh dear, so he's not a fat, thin skinned, whining, narcissistic, con artist, fake tan, fake hair, fake wife and fake principles? How can I break it to you gently; the iron jawed, sculpted body superheroes, firefighters and football jocks on the playing cards he grifted were not actually him! The reality is rather more the current (2024) iteration of the "Village People". "One tough mf on a mission" - golly, that really is a good one!
  22. I would like to put your post through Google translate so as to understand what you are saying, could you tell us what language it is written in please?
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