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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. J F Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King in 1968. Over 55 years ago. These old government employees will be busily redacting everything from beyond the grave!
  2. I have a blood test every year as part of the regime of diabetes treatment and monitoring in my local government hospital. Without going back over my itemized bill, I don't know the exact price but it is not particularly expensive. The results are back in an hour or so, printed out in English. Go to the hospital out patients, see a doctor (you will have to wait), explain what you want, he/she will send you to the laboratory room. They will speak enough English.
  3. The Gospel teaches mercy, consideration for the vulnerable, the poor, those struggling on the margins of society. It teaches love, kindness and tolerance. It emphasises charity and compassion. All ideals in the New Testament, even (I assume) in the version produced in Donald Trump's name, although (again I assume) he will never have read it. She was doing exactly what she was supposed to do, preaching the Gospel. If the President found it to be "nasty", embarrassing and annoying then perhaps that should be food for thought? The Gospel also has quite a lot to say about hypocrites at prayer!
  4. Certainly in the government hospitals there are a number of charging scales, depending on whether you are a foreigner, privately insured Thai, or a Thai who belongs to one of a number of government health schemes, or are a Thai using the "30 Baht" scheme. Whether or not our impending tax status will make a difference I somehow doubt - but perhaps? I have a long term open wound on my foot which has to be dressed daily. My local hospital used to charge me B50 a day, then the price was raised to B180 a day. The head nurse suggested I go to the local health clinic who charge me B80 for every two visits. They are not open Saturday and Sundays, so I go to the hospital at weekends and public holidays. Initially they charged me B220, which then after a couple of visits came down to B120. Baffling! Private hospitals probably charge as much as they think that they can get away with! Our nearest private hospital, a Christian foundation offers a discount for Christians, although " Catholic pay full price"!
  5. Well, there are plenty of organisations which make the bible available free - The Gideons spring to mind, but there are others. Personally I would suggest that in Trump's case the bibles he sells are purely intended to capitalise on his name, and make money for him.
  6. I would like to try a couple of glasses of what the Torygraph leader writer is on - it seems pretty powerful stuff!
  7. I have definite opinions on female clergy, lesbian or not, (which are formed by my Catholicism and not by mysogony or homophobia) but I do not presume to suggest that she "should not be allowed to wear the cloth". The Catholic Church does not say so, so perhaps for a MAGA enthusiast to say so is a bit presumptuous? As for getting involved in politics, well the Episcopalian Church is a branch of the Anglican Church which was formed by Henry VIII (1534) in what was absolutely a political move. It was "codified" by Messrs Cranmer and Cromwell, who were nothing if not political! Bishops in that Church pushing politics from the pulpit is not exactly new - it is what they have done for just short of 500 years! Incidentally I rather agree with what she said, as a moral rather than religious stance. I'm not quite so sure about the opportunity she took to say it.
  8. Or, heaven forbid, a religious service in the praise of our Lord.! Personally, I would suggest that they should have scrubbed around the whole business. Trump doesn't have a jot of faith, it would seem doesn't have the most basic concept of it, doesn't even say the Lord's Prayer and has no principles at all let alone Christian ones; let us leave out grifting his own edition of the bible! It was an entirely pointless exercise, with the added risk that the Secretary of Defence might get at the Communion Wine!
  9. Absolutely - does she not know he was sent by God to save America - didn't he say so in his inauguration speech! He didn't go there to pray, or listen to a sermon, rather to bask in adoration! On the other hand, it was probably worth it to see the glorious mix of discomfort and rage on his face - together with perhaps a little bit of embarrassment amongst some of his entourage! Talk about shifting in his seat uncomfortably! She was wasting her time - it only gives him an excuse to accuse her of being "nasty", gives him something else to whinge about, allow him to add the Episcopalian Church to the long long list of institutions which are enemies of America; anyway the next time he enters a church or attends any service it will probably be for his funeral!
  10. I somehow think that phrase refers to taxation and "worship" rather than a theological point.
  11. Instead you have some fat old dude with an iffy comb over, a fake tan and an (admittedly hot) Eastern European catalogue wife coming out and whining about how everyone has got it in for him, whilst grifting sneakers, Chinese bibles and whisky glasses! "Plus la change plus la meme chose" as they say in Quebec - soon to be part of the 51st state!
  12. It does not matter if one is quite relaxed about a convicted felon being President. Bizarrely there are many, including the President himself, who seems to regard it as a badge of honour.
  13. More to the point, what has happened to the price of eggs?
  14. But they will 1) reduce the amount of government spending, which will also increase the amount of money they have available, and 2) should lead to growth which will increase the governments income. Handing out bonanza salary increases to public sector workers without any productivity improvements attached does neither.
  15. I suggest that an awful lot of people, perhaps a majority, think just that.
  16. She rather continued the theme with the outfit she wore to the ball. I wonder, is she making a point?
  17. Jolly good Starmer, now back to the inquiry which the public really want - the decades long activities of the Pakistani child rape gangs and it's cover up by the police, judicial and local authority establishments - you know, the cases that never crossed your desk for all those years that you were Director of Public Prosecutions.
  18. It's not beyond the bounds of possibility that the hat was chosen/designed to stop him kissing her...
  19. Didn't you find inspiration? Sent by God to make America great again. Going to send some chaps to plant the Stars and Stripes on Mars.
  20. From a country (NL) which is - rather understandably - sensitive to Nazism...
  21. Grifter got to grift - I understand that he got out just before it crashed spectacularly! Mind you, he managed to turn his inauguration itself into a grifting opportunity - all that fundraising for the massive outside event which - oops - never happened; has to be a Presidential first!
  22. Either a breech premature loading the cartridge, or, more likely perhaps, given that the two injured soldiers were Senior Non Commissioned Officers, an ammunition handling accident to the rear of the gun. That US 105mm ammunition system is very stable.
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