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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. If anyone holds views which may differ from yours, the trick is to slap "denier" after whatever the subject you disagree over. This allows you to not bother with debate, consideration of another viewpoint, and allows you to go to full on "frothy mouth scorn mode". In fairness it can be applied to and by both ends of the political spectrum. In this case I think it applies to someone who does not consider what may or may not be on a drunken drug abusing inadequate buffoon (Mr Biden's unfortunate son Hunter) to be evidence of the most egregious political scandal since America became independent, despite the claims of that silly fellow who seems to be incapable of keeping his jacket on in Congress.
  2. If Elon Musk is an existential threat to anyone or anything, it is probably to himself and his business empire.
  3. Seth Meyers pops up on my UTube feed from time to time - he does take the piss most effectively! I suspect before long their will be a concerted attempt to shut the network down. As for moving the inauguration indoors, well his base supporters should get used to being left outside in the cold.
  4. As the topic is displays of "masculine energy" that conjures up some disturbing images!
  5. Mind you, in the end it didn't end well for Caesar; as the Carry on version of history recorded, his last words were "infamy, infamy, they've all got it in for me!"
  6. Some "very good people" indeed. But wait, no British government representative? What of the "special relationship" I hear you wail? After all, we have a special place in our hearts for Donald:
  7. Interesting valedictory interview (really more of a conversation) between Laurence O'Donnell and Joe Biden. I will accept that O'Donnell is a confirmed Democrat supporter; however Biden was cogent and made sense, albeit not particularly fast. He was a long way from the senile old fool many suggest.
  8. It rather looks as if AoT are making a bid for the banner of TATtery!
  9. Well the OP is quite clear on that, it was sold to them by the Mahamongkut Ratchawittayalai Foundation, who managed the deceased estate.
  10. In my various dealings with the US Army from time to time I came across a few who espoused the "Warrior Ethos" We, in the ramshackle scruffy amateur rabble known as the British Army would refer to them as either "lean, mean, steely eyed killers" or sometimes "Walts" as in "Walter Mitty". Admiration of Leonidas and the Spartans was discussed, personally I rather found their obsession with ancient Greek blokes in leather miniskirts with oiled bodies slightly disturbing! Funnily enough, I do remember a couple of such "warriors" who spent quite a lot of time trying rather hard to impress the admittedly rather pretty pair of signallers who worked in our CP. On one occasion, when things were getting a bit fraught (during the run up to Gulf 1 - the Iraqis were threatening to come over the border from Kuwait and the noble Saudi Knights of the Desert had all waddled off south in a cloud of dust) I had to tell them to bugger off and let the girls get on with their jobs! They sulked, most un warrior like!
  11. I would imagine that these obstacles could be overcome, given Mr Musk's umh, shall we say, connections. It could prove to be the first example of the influence of "the oligarchy" on the way that the new government operates - interesting times!
  12. Indeed. The arrangements for his "imprisonment"/jail time, along with the arrangement of his reduced sentence and subsequent pardon would have been sanctioned at the very highest level, as I should imagine, is the clearance for his quasi political activities!
  13. Making and supplying buses is certainly the business to "be in" in the US for the next couple of years - they are going to need an awful lot of them!
  14. Well, the extremely rich ones anyway...
  15. Three Balls eh? He will be able to dance the night away, cheek to cheek with Melania! Do be careful not to trip over the comatose figure of your Defence Secretary when you are leaving! Three Balls Donald - now there is a monicker for a real leader! A man's man!
  16. Sounds like a lot of walking, especially reviewing the troops! I do hope his bone spurs don't play up!
  17. Of course she will - she has made the requisite financial contributions, and made a few legal decisions, which rather benefited Mr Trump. As for the laughter emoji, perhaps someone is expressing the view that the whole business around these nominees is a joke.
  18. By the time he has finished urban USA is going to look like the street scenes from "Bladerunner"!
  19. He is probably counting on the alcohol washing around in his system to counteract any germs...
  20. I agree that it would cover much ground which has already been covered. We know much ( although perhaps we are only now realising the scale and depth of both the criminal activities and the associated cover up. The previous investigations and inquiries have been effectively buried. Exhuming them would not breathe fresh life into them. A new inquiry, would make it much more difficult if not impossible, as a result of these latest revelations and the public interest and anger they have caused, to "manage" to maintain the "cover up", public and media are onto that game and will be watching like hawks. That is exactly why the government is so opposed to It. There are many questions still unanswered, they know that, and are, I suggest, desperate to leave them unanswered. Particularly pertinent are questions as to the CPS's role, which are now beginning to raise their head. The CPS (and it's head the DPP may be innocent), but they need to show that, publicly before an inquiry, not just claim and maintain it. The cries of " an amendment to the Child Protection Bill will kill the Bill" are nonsense, with their majority and 4 + years left in power they could easily resurrect it in short order.
  21. I thought exactly the same when I first looked at the picture.
  22. I'm sure I recall an argument being made that comments on Donald Trump should be tempered with recognition of the dignity of the Office of President of The United States...
  23. Furthermore, and most egregious, he now appears to be placing limiting political damage from the fall out from the exposure of the Pakistani Child Rape Gangs cover up over the need for a proper inquiry into what is probably the biggest scandal in British post war history.
  24. Not to mention limiting the political damage, at local and national level, which such an inquiry would cause. And then there is all that hard work getting the "right" people into positions of power within the Police, Social Agencies, Judiciary and Local Authorities over the last 2 decades. Common Purpose will have been betrayed!
  25. I'm not sure that, in the current somewhat febrile international political environment, that drawing attention to oneself by proposing to follow Denmark and Canada is such a frightfully good idea. Particularly given historical and linguistic inks with Latin America!
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