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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. Well they did contribute an Engineer unit to the occupation of Iraq. Known, I understand, as "The Olympic Flames" as they never went out! It took an entire (Italian I believe) infantry battalion to provide force protection when they were deployed to a task. In fairness, they didn't want to be there, didn't know why they were there, were neither equipped nor trained nor able to look after themselves.
  2. There used to be SEATO, broadly a parallel of NATO set up for mutual defence. The US screwed whatever potential it might of had by insisting that the participants contributed to it's political doctrine inspired wars in the region. Some might say that they came quite close to doing the same to NATO in the Middle East over the last couple of decades!
  3. Freshly boiled water for me. I find the foam from the steradent clogs the pores in the teabags, hindering the circulation of liquid essential to a good brew. It also makes the tea taste funny!
  4. In last year's general election this fellow, and his party won zero seats. Pheu Thai won 141. He is a complete loser, an obsessive hater and fascist whose political stance and party were utterly rejected by the Thai people. Now I have very strong reservations about how Pheu Thai came to be in power. Equally strong are my views on how Thaksin's release was handled. It was a mish mash of political chicanery and intrigues; rather like the various prosecutions and " convictions" which had him sentenced, and which this fellow shills for! I also think that Thaksin's release, and no doubt in due course that of Yingluck, however dubious the means involved, is broadly in line with the Thai people's wishes, whishes which this fellow discounts utterly.
  5. He is a real estate developer Such a project will likely take 20+ years to come to fruition (profit). He has no time to waste.
  6. Has anyone considered that the inhabitants of Klong Toey are employed in the port? Now here is an absolutely groundbreaking idea. Spend a fraction of this money ( probably less than the brown envelopes for redevelopment) on providing them with decent living conditions, and get a grip on the pollution.
  7. You must really miss Uncle Adolf and his gang!
  8. A Harris Presidency would be intolerable - just imagine, colour, a woman, liberal views, people having voted for her (on Bidens ticket, but in the clear knowledge that she was in the frame). The Trumpofascists would have a meltdown with or without the orange <deleted> gibbon still being around!
  9. Cheap (good) food is a feature of Thailand. One to enjoy. Scruffy unkempt seedy down at heel farangs are also a feature of (certain parts of) Thailand. The trick is to avoid the latter. Personally, I find that cotton made to measure "polo" shirts and proper shorts are cheap, comfortable, cool, look smart and coupled with 5 minutes with an iron of the morning avoid the down and out in Thailand look. I can stride into the food court, secure in the knowledge that I am as "hansum" as I can reasonably expect.
  10. I don't want to be pedantic but if these 617 are in Myawaddy, and the city is now under the control of rebels, it is a bit late to try and flee. As far as I can make out the Government forces artillery base, which provide covering fire over the city and its approaches has been captured by Karen rebels. Add to this, due to the air force being unable to operate because of the threat from rebel anti aircraft missile systems, and the result is that probably the garrisons in Myawaddy are now pinned down in their bases. The 617 which the Junta want out, are in these bases. Their hope is that as part of a negotiated capitulation they will be allowed into Thailand, and flown out.
  11. Cueing up a Bob Smith thread about Thais are racist and don't tolerate foreigners...
  12. I'm sure that if he had waited a few hours he would have met some young ladies in a nearby soi who would have been able to dream up some really good games with these props!
  13. There were a small group of teenagers playing with water in our village for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon. Some dodgy spaghetti tops and shorts combinations, but I decided not to complain, young people need to be allowed to unwind and express themselves. Mind you, I wonder if the parents (who I know) of one of the young ladies there knew how she was "expressing herself" dancing, then they may have had other views!
  14. No fleas on Trump - they have decamped already!
  15. Of course it is crooked. If Donald Trump swallowed a nail he would <deleted> a corkscrew!
  16. Welcome to Retarius's club. Do you like dwelling in the slime under flat stones?
  17. Well, that and the bodies of young girls, their pelvises broken because they had been raped to death by the noble warriors of the religion of peace. Foul apologist that you are!
  18. Intern them. They are a defeated army which has fled across the border. If they are allowed to fly out then they will go back to fighting. And given that they are Officers and Senior NCOs they probably have good reasons for not falling into rebel hands. Some very nasty people likely!
  19. You can always put loose covers on an old sofa - come to think of it...
  20. They may well take offence at a blundering drunken fool wandering around the place trying to hit on their girlfriend's!
  21. Well if he was a pilot then he would have made sure everyone knew he was a pilot within 5 minutes of entering. What is the old joke - how do you know the man at the cocktail party is a pilot? Don't worry, he will mention it as soon as you meet him! Back on topic of course, the real solution is for white foreigners to avoid losing their tempers and attacking passing waitresses, bar girls, taxi drivers, shop assistants, people whose dogs bark in dog cafes, doctors sitting on the beach and so on. Very amiable drunk me!
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