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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. In that case, since my income is from a state pension (paid into a Thai Bank account) and from an Army Pension paid into my UK bank account and withdrawn as required from an ATM, do I have to file?
  2. Just wait until they build that proposed ship canal between the Gulf of Thailand and The Andaman Sea, the Donald will demand it be given to America!
  3. All right! A named local police officer will, at best, be present on the streets for 5 shifts a week - before you take out time for court appearances and so on. Police Community Support Officers are about as much use as an ashtray on a motorcycle!
  4. I thought Saint Andrews' primary function (at least in recent years) was as a marriage agency for younger members of the Royal Family...😂
  5. Obviously hits a nerve doesn't it - handlers! And yes, after I retired from 30 years in the army, I did work as an English teacher in Thailand, for seven years. For a few years prior to that I worked briefly as an assistant manager in a hotel, and as a taxi driver ( I was caring for my mother who had vascular dementia - the only jobs which would allow me to work and care for her). Perhaps you would like to sneer at those jobs as well, although it doesn't really sit well with your (presumed) socialist principles of egalitarianism!
  6. Blimey O'Reilly, I doubt that he has owned, let alone read 22 books! A Presidential Drive Through McDonalds is probably nearer the mark! Still, I am sure that wedge of cash will come in handy somewhere else! 169 shags with a porn star at the going rate, or quite a few weekends on the lash for the Pentagon ...
  7. I completely disagree with handing the Chaos Islands to Mauritius. I think David Lammy is a buffoon. It has bugger all to do with Marco Rubio, back in your box Yank.
  8. Going by his reaction to the Potomac Air Crash, totally.
  9. Yes, it says an awful lot about both the President and Vice President of the United States! The Dignity of the Office and all that...
  10. I didn't say "largest swathes", I said "large swathes". There is a difference. Far be it from me, as a retired English teacher, to explain the difference between an adjective, it's comparative and it's superlative; sufficient to say that they do make a considerable difference to meanings. Ask your "handlers", if they have a quiet few minutes they may explain it to you!
  11. No,he just can't help bumping his gums. Fools rush in and all that.
  12. Yes it is deeply sad. Should have kept it in your system.
  13. In respect of the criticism of expatriates in Thailand, and our "integration" into Thai society: we do not expect and demand that the indigenous society allow us to practice religious or society customs which may be abhorrent to them, do not offer or actually commit violence to further what we see as our distinct legal and social systems, and do not expect to be funded by the society to which we have come to live. So we do not demand that Thai religious holidays be not celebrated. If (for reasons of religious custom) some of us don't eat meat on Fridays we don't object to others eating meat around us. If ( for reasons I don't begin to understand) some of us don't drink alcohol we don't demand that it be banned. That is rather the difference between the western expatriate community in Thailand and large swathes of the Muslim immigrant community in Europe.
  14. An elementary school library does seem to be a remarkably uncomfortable and inappropriate place to have gay sex!
  15. Oddly enough I am rereading Arthur Miller's play "The Crucible" at the moment. I have yet to finish it, but my preliminary conclusion is rather that absolutely the opposite is the case. Mind you, that of course is what motivated Miller to write it in the first place! A commentary on Senator McCarthy's right wing antics.
  16. Can't help but wonder how long government can be sustained based on sheer hatred of so many people, ideas and indeed communities!
  17. Who would have ever thought that defence and defence spending would have been on Labours list! Sounds like another Op Bohica ( bend over here it comes again)!
  18. Well it is a new moon - nothing to howl at for a couple of weeks!
  19. I'm not sure that they need to go to all that trouble, just buy a membership of Mar-a-Largo, visit the clubhouse and nip to the khazi!
  20. A bit like your assertion that he is a "has been former General" then?
  21. Perhaps an unwise route to go down, given Trump's umh, publicly expressed views on his own daughter?
  22. It is the Italian courts - very heavily politicised. Remember how they went after Berlesconi - a dodgy comic opera buffoon but nevertheless the consistent choice of the Italian electorate. One of the reasons that Italian governments are so unstable is that they are constantly undermined by a politicised judiciary
  23. Yes, as Monty Python's Flying Circus used to say to introduce a particularly manic episode: " And now for something completely different"! If the picture is meant to be serious, then the melding of Trumps Cult and right wing Christian evangelism has reached a level even Monty Python would have regarded as ridiculous!
  24. Take care if you intend to wrap yourself around any 12 inch subways when using the toilet ... There, has that restored "normal service"?
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