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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. A scathing article on the Thai police today in the BBC. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-58405215
  2. Indeed. Thais know this all too well. They also know what is best for their own country. Thais must look at the disaster zones Western countries have become due to mass immigration and it probably hardens their resolve even more not to allow anything similar to happen here.
  3. Meanwhile back to reality on Phuket: Phuket’s health officials are sounding the alarm, saying that the COVID-19 pandemic on the island is approaching a critical level, with all the hospitals beds now 80% occupied and those remaining likely to be filled soon https://www.thaipbsworld.com/phuket-hospitals-are-nearing-full-capacity-as-new-infections-surge/ ????
  4. Another major mismanagement decision that will ultimately make things a lot worse when they looked to be getting better.
  5. Reciprocal laws are very much needed. British citizens cannot own land in Thailand? Thais cannot own land in UK. Watch how quick the laws would be amended here.
  6. It's pretty obvious they were saving face by announcing the relaxation of measures but the reality is such that they cannot do so without exacerbating the situation and seeing the numbers spiral out of control. I have repeatedly stated here that this premature opening up will be another of their major mismanagement decisions; to be filed with allowing Songkran travel, visiting hi-so sex clubs in Burma and Thong Lor in Bangkok, and lousy and questionable vaccine procurement. Remember, over 20,000 cases yesterday from official and ATK results with minimal testing being done.
  7. Wouldn't work here because of the all pervasive sex-industry and the fact so many foreign men could then marry poor and desperate Thai women for money just to stay permanently. Hence the rules are a bit different for women marrying Thai men. As such the rules are fine the way they are imo.
  8. Show some evidence to prove my statement wrong. Otherwise stop wasting my time.
  9. In my World foreign criminals are weeded out, incarcerated and deported if necessary. This is assisted by the strict immigration laws, regular arrests of overstayers and a zero tolerance policy for those that do not follow the rules. My World is Thailand. Compare this to the UK where foreign criminals arrive daily and are treated to free hotel rooms, three meals a day, medical care and an allowance, all at the taxpayers' expense. Thailand has its immigration policies spot on.
  10. Logical for whom? For Thais it is extremely logical to keep foreigners on temporary year long visa extensions and 90-day reports. Keeps track of where they are living, easy to remove criminals, no vast numbers of extended family automatically allowed entry, cannot claim benefits or free healthcare (unless paying tax on wp), not a burden on the society and can be removed at any moment at their own expense. Another added benefit is it keeps people that don't have an interest in Thai culture, assimilating or learning the Thai language (which is the majority) well at arms length from any sort of permanence here. Just as it should be. Sounds like a winner to me, wish my home country would adopt similar rules tbh.
  11. Flippant comment in lieu of any reasoned and factual argument. They tolerate visitors but they simply don't want foreigners here longer term. This much is obvious with so much as a modicum of knowledge about Thai culture, history and immigration policy.
  12. The visa system is the way it is specifically to keep the numbers down, or at least manageable. The financial requirements also. I expect those to increase soon, from what I hear from government friends. Most Thais don't want more foreigners here other than on holiday.
  13. I see no improvement in many of these areas you mention, in fact many have gotten markedly worse, including environment and road safety. Don't get me wrong this is a great country and I will become a naturalised Thai citizen soon, but I don't think I would be retiring somewhere where I am only ever allowed up to a year temporary stay, and immigration policy changes often, and on a whim.
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