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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Can you imagine the carnage if they were? ☠️
  2. They did but that was mostly down to the US joining the war and Hitler's poor judgement on the Eastern front. We are talking performance of the armed forces, specifically land armies. Forget about the Luftwaffe and German Navy for a minute. In most land based engagements prior to 1943 the Germans came out on top and even were formidable in retreat and when they were on the back foot after Allied victory in North Africa. Up until that point, the British and ANZACs (among other troops) rarely won any engagements against the Germans, much to Churchill's fury. Indeed, without Ultra decrypts of German intelligence the war would have likely been lost. As to the Japanese, they had inferior weaponry but their infantry fought doggedly, and were generally man to man, superior and more determined fighters than any of the Western allies.
  3. By whom and on what basis? In WWII the Japanese and Germans were by far the superior to their Allied counterparts.
  4. Thailand was in the middle of two Empirical realms, the Glorious British Raj and French Indochine. Pure geographical luck.
  5. They don't have the tech and wouldn't be able to maintain them so its a non-starter. You don't remember WWII ?
  6. He won't have much money left after the Police have taken it all.
  7. US naval fleets travel under freedom of navigation which China continues to challenge, and they don't travel into territorial waters without permission or an invite. China continues to invade Taiwanese airspace in attempts to provoke and give an excuse for an invasion.
  8. Thai subs will be next to useless against these new nuclear attack subs. Oh dear.
  9. Rapid tests positive cases, 6,593 bringing the unofficial total to 17,512 So things are not actually improving if ATK are taken into account? ???? We call that creative accounting.
  10. Except the picture of the tailgate of the pickup and that the rider was an instant fatality. Both these evidences suggest excessive speed.
  11. They have been deported which suggests they got off only on a technicality due to unreliable witnesses.
  12. I doubt you will be allowed to enter Thailand in the future without proof of vaccination.
  13. Don't take it personally, I don't believe anything most Thais tell me, until proven beyond reasonable doubt. I do employ almost 4,000 of them and have been here 31 years, so I have the benefit of experience.
  14. The amusing thing is, they are not even worth 54 million now! Thai will have to pay someone to take them off their hands.
  15. You are classified as an 'Alien', not an illegal immigrant. Indeed that term is not often used in Thai immigration terminology, if at all.
  16. At least he didn't take anyone else with him. Seriously, they should not be allowed these types of bikes.
  17. Correct, and perhaps a retaliatory salvo after Thaksin 'advised' Tammanat back in June.
  18. Not to mention allowed a free-for-all travel extravaganza at Songkran when they knew the virus was already out and about.
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