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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Never went to university. Never been stranded in a foreign country during a pandemic either. By the time I was their age I was out of the Army and working out in the North Sea as a roughneck on an oil platform. Probably where I learned the life skills not to eff up, as it would have had actual consequences, not just to my bank account. My experiences working on six continents could fill a book, but we've really not got time for that here. Not having rich parents to bail me out and a sense of total self-entitlement probably also helped.
  2. Burger King veggie burgers are just as good as the meat ones imo. They are not meant to taste the same or like meat either. They are made of beans and peas but taste great.
  3. To feed the growing populations in some countries in the developing World while using the narrative that meat is somehow cruel, even if animals themselves eat each other. The much needed population controls and reductions, are unpalatable for some to acknowledge. Unfortunately reality is that not everyone in the World can enjoy a high standard of living which includes eating quality meat, driving motor vehicles or any other activity that damages the environment.
  4. Parents will have a bit of money if they are ensconced in Phuket. Surely not the singlet and sandal, beer nursing types that we get up here in Pattaya.
  5. Don't bleat and whinge when you are a victim of your poor choices, inadequate risk management and lack of funds then.
  6. Survived the crash but stuck under his bike and later died. Not a nice way to go.
  7. As I predicted weeks ago, they are jumping the gun on reopening and I think it will prove to be an unmitigated disaster. Why do I think this? Well, I do not believe that the lockdown has been effective decreasing the number of cases. Because cases have been down a couple of thousand (not really if you include rapid tests), doesn't mean that it is now safe and we can all go back to normal, but this will be the message that relaxing the lockdown will have. There are simple not enough Thais vaccinated with quality vaccines to make safe the population if they want to open up again. I also think they are in a catch 22 situation. They are unwilling to subsidise those people affected by the lockdowns but they cannot keep businesses closed because dissatisfaction is growing and becoming militant. At this point it is damage limitation for them and the only scenario I see is it getting worse.
  8. It's an open and shut case but the Thai Police are the most corrupt and criminal organisation in Thailand so I will not be surprised to see the charges reduced and no real justice done as is normally the case here. If there was no video then this would all be able to be swept conveniently under the carpet. They will always protect one of their own, even murderers and there's historical evidence to prove that.
  9. Just rock up in a dinghy and you'll get a hotel room, meals and allowance free in perpetuity.
  10. They make perfect sense as they were announced shortly after four new variants of the Delta strain were found in Thailand. The UK wants to limit its exposure to potential new strains. Completely understandable.
  11. Not to mention the land it was on was a gift to Britain from the Thais. For that alone it should have never been sold. Very, very poor etiquette. Proceeds to house more young, male, illegal immigrants in nice hotels that are arriving in dinghies across the Channel no doubt. The Marxist left that has infected the UK now will utterly destroy the country, what little fabric remains is starting to unravel. Selling that land lowers the country's status and foreign mission abilities within the region. A scandalous decision but reflective of the decline of the UK at home and abroad.
  12. The top Police were all on his payroll at one time or another and they have tried to assassinate him before, and targeted his businesses. Remember the grenade attack on Chuvit's hotel on Sukhumvit Soi 24?
  13. I know several expat Pattaya property owners, that have condos, land and houses. Most are overleveraged. Some of them are in real trouble as their rental income has dried up, and they are trying to offload their assets to keep afloat. However, some of them still do not understand the gravity of the current situation and have refused what few offers they have received because they are under what they value the assets at. It's a buyer's market right now, but prices are still way too high given the current situation. Massive correction coming. Take what you can get now before reality comes crashing down around would be my advice.
  14. The UK is testing hundreds of thousands to get those figures though. Thailand is only testing about 50,000 people per day and not including the rapid ATK figures in the totals. Deaths from COVID in Thailand far exceed those in the UK now too.
  15. Wasn't that pub allegedly opened using boiler room money? Would be fitting.
  16. Villa on Sukhumvit is up for sale. 13m thb they were wanting. Bit of a risk at the moment given the demographic it caters to if you ask me.
  17. Certainly must be horrible right now if you are a local and on a low income. Looking at Pattaya now and the place is like a set from an apocalypse movie. Yet the 116m thb beautification of Pattaya beach continues apace, with imported trees from Nong Nooch and funky paving. Likely that locals do not blame the local mafia clan that runs the place but tourists will feel the brunt of it with increased hostility and crime, that is if tourists ever do return in any great numbers.
  18. Absolutely spot on. This place is corrupt to the very core and incapable of change it seems.
  19. Already started with media reporting the cars being a reward from customs, surrendering to Police, allowed to speak to the media over the phone etc. Sickening and pathetic.
  20. My mate used to have a trucking company in Thailand. He intimated to me all his drivers were instructed to flee the scene. The company then sorts out the mess later.
  21. Yup, and you think this generation is dumb, wait until the next one that has missed years of school.
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