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Mr Meeseeks

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Posts posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. 1 hour ago, CharlieH said:

    The other difference here is the strength of family and community, which is admirable in my opinion, and why you dont see so much "in your face" poverty. People here can also eat and sleep in Wats. In the west the Churches woukd be padlocked !  

    I think that is largely a myth, based on the evidence of Thai family units I have seen and their behaviour, often criminal, that leads to the loss of family assets, imprisonment and destitution, often of elderly family members.


    As usual in Thailand it is all about appearances and the reality is often very different.

    • Like 2
  2. 17 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

    The Government really had to do something like this in order for the Country to still function.

    There was no way that the Locals would do the work that these people do

    I know of a few local Thais in Pattaya that are now working on construction sites due to COVID-19.


    There's a vast, silent underclass of Thais involved in the tourism trade that are now looking for work, and they're desperate. 


    The days of refusing manual labour because it is beneath them are all over.

  3. 22 minutes ago, Alpharius said:

    This REALLY hurts an underaddressed demographic here in which I am apart of. Young foreigners looking to simply live abroad, learning the language and culture of the country while earning an honest living whilst maintaining a healthy lifestyle. For someone like me, there's more planning and preparation that goes into my trips to thailand compared to an actual tourist. I dont have a rich family, i dont earn much  i go to school at the same as working when im back in america. Long story short, i use the STV to set myself up (finding an apartment, good school, stay in toich with contacts, ext.) for an extended stay on an ED visa, which unlike other people, i actually use to study in addition to other commitments i must maintain in between. It's hard, but it's worth it. Until now I've only just been able to support my life of travel and education and the pandemic has made things especially difficult. If this is requirement becomes permanent, it will be impprrible to return to Thailand. There are many ways Thailand can benefit from being more accessible other than money/income... 

    I think making it impossible for you (and persons in circumstances you describe in your post) to return and stay here perennially on tourist visas is the entire point of this new requirement.


    Let's be honest, if this had happened without the COVID-19 crisis would any of us really be surprised? 



    • Like 1
  4. 11 hours ago, Mister MXYZPTLK said:

    Finally, someone who knows what they’re talking about.  I live a stone’s throw away from the Emporium.  You can clearly see the busses and construction vehicles pouring out billows of dark toxic smoke and gases.  REMOVE THEM OFF THE STREETS AND RETIRE THEM PERMANENTLY.  Put the new buses into operation instead of the limited few.  Remove the old dump trucks and get them off the streets.  


    Unless a car is 20+ years old, it’s not a polluter of any significance.  Most new cars (last 10 years) use a computer to control air/fuel mix and not manual Carburetors.  The air in Bangkok has never looked cleaner.  Lets keep it that way.   STOP giving out fines.  Just haul them off to the scrapyard where they belong.  START WITH ALL THE OLD BUSES (It’s the red ones... ???? just in case you weren’t sure).

    How are the majority of Thais meant to travel anywhere without the buses? 

  5. 3 hours ago, Rubble said:

    I am not so sure it is nepotism. If it is Prayut making this decision then I suspect it has more to do with ass protection armoury. Thammanat is a vital cog in the wheel of winning elections for the PPRP. He is Prayut's numbers man and ballot box fixer. He is often lurking in the shadows of polling booths. Like he was  at the recent Samut Prakan by-election which the PPRP handsomely won. Also it wouldn't surprise anyone if he knows more than he should about cerain individuals and needs to be kept happy. The appointment of his wife and another income should put a smile on his face. And why otherwise would a convicted crimal who has spend jail time dealing drugs be made a deputy minister? 

    Correct, 'the Doctor' as he is known (even with a fake PHD from California University) is an old style gangster 'fixer' and surrounds himself with heavies for personal protection.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Rubble said:

    Not yet. Donut income is still in the process of being divvied up. Anything left over wont amount to much. But the cutlery and crockery fire sale could be just the thing to turn the cashflow tide. The fun is just starting. They will be out of cash next month and if they don't sell any planes where will the money come from to pay those consultants handling their rehabilitation plan? The auditors haven't signed off probably because they know they wont be paid. 

    The accounts have not been signed off.


    I would suggest, as I did earlier that fixing this is impossible and that they are just prolonging the inevitable.


    It's gone, but national pride and greed will not let it go quietly.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, thedemon said:


    I'm not sure who I feel more sorry for; the thousands of employees that have lost their careers and are now struggling to take care of their families or someone that obviously has such a miserable life that they would make a comment like this.

    When have they laid off thousands of employees? 


    I must have missed this announcement.

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, mickymouse1 said:

    As they have decided to keep the company going ,why not reduce the workforce headed by redundancy amongst the senior management and big reduction in their salaries followed by ground staff and if course aircrew

    That would cost money they don't have as Thai labour law requires mandatory redundancy payments and would result in union action and further court costs. 


    They are totally messed. 

  9. 1 hour ago, yellowboat said:

    That is all you got? 5G?   


    Then junta industrial park gets more uninteresting with each passing day.  I was looking at some industrial space near Bangkok.   It was rather inexpensive.   Not sure what makes the EEC so wonderful.   Oh, sorry, 5G   

    They are going to zone the country's industry there so it will mean the vast majority of those businesses will eventually have to be there. 


    Aside from communications, there's also the infrastructure, proximity to ports, airports, rail link etc. and it starts to make sense. 

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