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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Thailand was defeated in WWII, along with Germany and Japan. Churchill wanted them properly punished for atrocities on Thai soil, but American colonial aspirations let them off lightly.
  2. Nonsense. Robberies and home burglaries are very common here. Why do you think there are bars on all the windows?
  3. Maybe that is the intention, to thin out the foreign retiree herd? In any case, this will be the usual Thai debacle, a mess, and total confusion.
  4. If they can't get folk on motorbikes to wear helmets, they've got no chance with this one.
  5. Wouldn't surprise me to see them go after this guy's family in Thailand as they have before when the subject exceeds the reach of their authority. See the journalists in exile, both Thai and foreign, for prominent examples.
  6. It's the only way to get them to do anything. Ramp up the pressure on social media. The driver may be army thus connected and Police unwilling to pursue a case against him.
  7. Thailand has a conscript army, not a professional one.
  8. Being refused service in a restaurant in Iceland = serious issue, action taken through the Thai courts. Conviction for smuggling heroin into Australia = not recognised under Thai law. This nonsense continually shows how backward and laughable this place really is.
  9. Yet the US is too scared to recognise Taiwan as independent. Go figure.
  10. They are all 'up to something'. They cannot lie straight in bed this lot.
  11. Yet they appointed a convicted drug smuggler to a ministerial position.
  12. In Thailand, being old and 'senior' is the merit. Pee and Nong etc. Nothing in this culture gets done based on actual ability or competence.
  13. It has never worked before, no reason to think it will now. Just more spoiled children fighting other spoiled children. Nothing will change.
  14. I doubt Singapore Airlines are too happy about having their logo plastered all over these homemade Thai buses.
  15. The government are responsible for this current debacle. Their incompetence and mismanagement of this issue, if it causes business and people to lose money, is directly attributable to their actions, thus they should be held accountable.
  16. They should leave it as it is. If it ain't broke why fix it? The problem at the moment is there is a very vocal, conservative lobby, pushing for the re-criminalisation of cannabis, including many members of the current government. The Thaksin governments have always traditionally been anti-drugs. Thailand needs to remain firm on this issue as other countries around the World are moving towards decriminalisation and legalisation, and this potential stutter-step by Thailand could leave them lagging far behind other countries. Right now they have a competitive advantage.
  17. Not true. Under Thaksin, visas became increasingly more difficult to obtain. During Thaksin's time in office, they stopped the agents sending your passport out of the country for visas and stamps, raised the departure tax from 500 to 700thb, raised the extension fees from 500thb to 1,900thb and raised the overstay fee from 200thb per day to 500thb. There were other initiatives that began in his first term of office as well, those are the ones I can distinctly remember.
  18. Again, a government with a convicted heroin smuggler as a Minister can only be viewed as total hypocrites on this issue. IMO, they are simply incompetent brigands who make a mess of everything they touch.
  19. Work only cashier, not work bar. Big Joke only working stiff. ????
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