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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Responsible Thai media? Educating the public? Psychiatric ward in Thailand?
  2. Thai people are dying by the dozens on the roads, and you are more concerned about your lifestyle. There's nothing enchanting about losing a loved one in a road accident. Pray that you never need to find that out for real.
  3. When have you ever heard of a Thai with money and connections being fired for incompetence or non-performance?
  4. Keeping the farang hater in chief well appraised of the persecution progress.
  5. Wow, such a revelation! I quite liked his train blog too.
  6. All foreigners in Laem Chabang should be investigated. Loads of dodgy characters working there.
  7. If you don’t return the card you will be arrested and deported.
  8. Indeed, however, it could have all been premeditated to steal his business and assets. I wouldn't put it past the devious locals to have set him up. To clarify, I personally know of similar cases. This is Thailand, nothing is ever what it appears to be.
  9. You seem to take a lot of glee in others' misfortune.
  10. Yep. I believe someone wants his elephant business and maybe other assets. Folk here can't see the wood for the trees.
  11. You absolutely can settle criminal cases with money in Thailand.
  12. Mentally ill? Hard to tell here.
  13. Not saying that is what happened, only pointing out the possibility that many Thais will side with other Thais whatever the circumstances.
  14. You take her to beer bars, and you have a 'proper relationship'. OK then.
  15. On the contrary, I think it is likely they collaborated and he noticed. He's a foreigner, they are Thai and that blood is thicker than water.
  16. Any bar in South East Asia that has visible 'bouncers', I avoid like the plague.
  17. All they are good for. Utterly useless to a man. I remember one cop that loved a photo op, look what is currently happening to him. 🤭
  18. The Police offer that service? 🤔
  19. They need to change the culture of irresponsibility and indifference. The only way that will happen is with proper enforcement and harsh punishments for offenders. Impossible to achieve in Thailand at the current levels of education and development, I am afraid.
  20. This was exactly what happened to me when I bought my Seal Performance. I had to redo the finance agreement because the price of the car dropped by 100,000thb from when I initially went to purchase it.
  21. And one that wouldn’t happen if the rider was properly trained and competent.
  22. They managed to squeeze in a bad foreigner at the end of the article though, even if it was in another part of Thailand and completely unrelated to the original incident.
  23. Not all of us are potless two week tourists like you bub.
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