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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. She lost her life because of her own carelessness and stupidity. RIP.
  2. Call me cynical, but they have only got a problem because he is a 'rich' foreigner with a bike they can't afford. So a Police officer can ride it while it is impounded, and kill another person on a pedestrian crossing?
  3. National sport here, unfortunately. Hope you fully recover @BritManToo our thoughts at the Meeseek's household are with you.
  4. Illegal in my Western country I am afraid. Human trafficking is a very serious crime where I am from.
  5. Not torpedo them, but they could tow them out to sea and leave them with no power, food, or water as has been alleged that the Thai Navy has done before.
  6. Cannot and would not be enforced, unfortunately. Good idea though, would certainly make a difference.
  7. You can criticize the leaders in the West. Can’t do that in Russia, China or even Thailand. Tells me all I need to know.
  8. I don’t think I have seen a post that is as filled with as much nonsense as this one is on this forum, and that is quite an achievement. Well done sir.
  9. Tell that it’s just about business to the Nazis, the Communists, or to other extremists and religious fanatics. Putin is a dictator, nothing ever good comes of appeasing them, as history shows.
  10. Wrong. You do not have a tax ID if you are a tourist.
  11. They have loads of autos in stock. I'd rather pay less and get them the next day than run the risk of importing.
  12. I am a permanent resident, own businesses here, employ thousands of Thais and pay tax into the coffers of this government. Sorry, but it definitely is my business.
  13. Not so long ago, the then Prime Minister suggested having 'exotic animals' on the menu at Chiang Mai night safari. And yes, I am not joking. The idea was to import 'big game' animals from Kenya and serve them to customers. Only in Thailand.
  14. Such poorly skilled drivers here. Lucky no-one was seriously injured or killed by this idiot.
  15. How many of them will have ridden a bike from that category before? 5%, or less?
  16. Yep, and no tax residence either as they are tourists.
  17. They will take the money first and expect the foreigners to prove it is not taxable.
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