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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. More than 95% of people have to cancel their travel plans when facing court summons for serious corruption charges. More at ten.
  2. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/30341354 He borrowed them off a dead friend. 🤣
  3. That is the Thai woman's version of the events. I reckon she stole the cards, bought gold with the cards and then sold the gold so she could get cash.
  4. Since when did Thai become an international language? 🤔
  5. Definitely not the case according to my sources. He is good mates with the Watchman, so that should tell you everything you need to know.
  6. This will be beneficial for UK and Thai businesses. It will encourage commerce between the two nations which is excellent. Good news as well for Thais visiting the UK for short periods, as they will not require a visa. Hopefully, there will be some benefits for long term expats in Thailand too.
  7. I have never had to pay any money up front and I have several Thai credit cards with KBank, KTB and Krungsri.
  8. Strategic partnership. Stick that in your crumpet Brit Bashers!
  9. Scraping the bottom of the barrel now.
  10. wtf is this argumentative nonsense?
  11. Meanwhile, in the real world, Thailand’s two most senior Police officers have been transferred to inactive post due to pending charges relating to corruption. 🤣🤣🤣
  12. We have to remember that these dum-dums caused their own problems by starting the global crash in 1997, then had to be bailed out by the IMF. Resentment ran deep as foreign entities took over Thai companies, even banks, often 100% of shares, as foreign ownership rules had to be relaxed as a condition of the IMF bail-out. Thaksin’s first ‘Thai Rak Thai’ government was a direct response to this and was elected on a platform of xenophobic nationalism, as the name implies. There was national celebration as his government paid off the IMF loan earlier than scheduled. Having foreigners bail them out, and the epic loss of face, has never been forgotten.
  13. It was the same in his first term, just less social media around then to cover it, and less of us here in numbers. Off the top of my head: Purachai's pogrom on entertainment venues. 2am closing time. War on drugs. The 'UN' is not my father comments. Thai Rak Thai (Thai loves Thai) Party. Banning the foreign activists from entering during APEC conference. Paying off the IMF loan early. Harrassed foreign reporters and threatened foreign news agencies with expulsion. Ban on the Economist. Tightening up on foreign visas especially those that allow longer term stays. Changes to permanent residency and citizenship requirements, including quotas per nationality. All stimulated a wave of xenophobia and anti-foreigner sentiment during his first term in office.
  14. That is exactly why incompetence is rife here. Incompetency and useless behaviour is tolerated because of status and fear. Thailand is not a meritocracy and never will be.
  15. These photos are from just before, where the two of them called a press conference to ‘bury the hatchet’. Must have angered the PM or puppetmaster as they were both moved to inactive posts hours later. 🤣
  16. If they actually arrested and charged all the corrupt officials, Thai society would collapse. it’s their culture.
  17. Correct, but not in Thailand, where Police will assign blame to whomever they believe was at fault.
  18. The military have already returned happiness to the Thai people, now it is their turn to take a little bit of it away again.
  19. You’d be off your rocker to trust the Thais with that sort of information, not to mention it is a breach of privacy and illegal at home.
  20. Eh? Bangkok was built on underpaid illegal foreign labour. You don’t get the hypocrisy do you? No surprise.
  21. Great opportunity for the local criminal gang to clean up some competition and take over their businesses without any questions asked. Just wait until they realise how much they can make from seizing land and property owned in a nominee company name.
  22. If convicted, it shouldn't count back in England. Just as heroin smuggling convictions handed down by a court in Australia don't count in Thailand. Fair's fair.
  23. Big Joke is an appropriate moniker in English. Some on here were defending him as honest and upstanding, even when evidence suggested otherwise. 😆 Thai cops eh? 😂
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