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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. They were very fortunate indeed that someone was there to rescue them. The standard of driving here is deplorable, but they are unable to do anything about it as they can't organise or manage and don't have a proper Police force.
  2. Thais are genetically short people. Milk won't make a difference. ????
  3. When I lived with my ex, her kids would not wash their hands after going to the toilet or before meals. They also did not clean up after themselves. Their bathroom was disgusting, and they had to be forced away from their mobile phones to do basic cleaning tasks. Their mother never saw this as important and it caused many arguments between us. At my company, the Thai men do not wash their hands after going to the toilet or before eating. Sorry, but in my experience Thais are not clean.
  4. Squeeky bum time for foreigners with house and land in company name in Phuket.
  5. You have to play the game in order to rise to the top. Thailand is no place for honest or moral people. From the bottom all the way to the top.
  6. Try food grade diatomaceous earth on the lower branches and around the stem in veg and early flower, that seems to keep the critters away. Need to be careful with it though, and reapply every few days after rainfall and watering. I use it in my living soil mixes, but you still need to apply it regularly though the growth cycle. You don't want it on flowers you are going to consume though, as it is made up of tiny, razor like pieces that cut into the exoskeletons of bugs, and smoking it would not be cool. Wear a mask and protection when applying.
  7. If election victories could be bought so easily, that logic could be applied to any billionaire led party; MFP and Thanatorn, Bumjaithai and Anutin etc.
  8. There were no tax laws broken at the time. The sale may have been viewed by some as unethical, as at the time the sale was exempt from capital gains tax. To fully understand the situation, you must first understand who lost out as a result of the sale. Unfortunately, due to forum rules, this cannot be discussed here.
  9. No need to look, everybody knows. But you are right in that if a new administration takes the helm, they will more than likely hobble their opponents through court actions, just as they did with Thaksin when he was removed in 2006. This is how things are done here in Thailand.
  10. First and only PM to serve a full term and first and only PM to be re-elected for a second consecutive term.
  11. It is plainly obvious that entrenched corruption would flourish under a military junta and subsequent government. The conditions are conducive to a lack of transparency and nepotism. Only the most gullible would have thought otherwise.
  12. Benz MBUX is excellent. Can perform most functions just by voice command. The touch screen systems are really top notch. It occasionally comes on when I am talking with someone else in the car, so it isn't perfect. My car has parking assist which really freaks out the Thais as the car will precision park itself, and it does it really quickly. I told my ex that there was a ghost driving, and she never got in the car again. ????
  13. This is what happens when a person with low IQ and poor education gets a lot of money. Better giving it to a worthwhile charity to benefit those still living in hardship. Just my opinion of course.
  14. I grow indoors and outdoors, those recent photos are from indoor tents with aircon 24hrs at 23c, dehumidifier keeping 45% RH, lights at 12/12. I get pretty good results outdoors as well, but you are never going to achieve the same level of bud quality in either a greenhouse or outdoor environment. You can get close, but it is of course, much more difficult. Pests and mold are a constant issue, especially in late flower.
  15. I think it is disrespectful to the dead friend to dig this all up again. Khun Prawit is of course innocent and a very lovely man. ????
  16. It's akin to missing out on the waiting list for the brand new Benz and having to settle for a Honda Accord. Still, plenty of opportunity for the Generals to make a bit of cash, just not as much as they originally wanted.
  17. From the article: “one .9mm bullet casing and seized from the suspect a .9mm CZ pistol and four rounds of ammunition in the magazine.” Must have been a really small gun.
  18. Nothing happened after Rajaprasong in 2010. This time will be no different, unfortunately.
  19. Seems to be the norm rather than the exception here. Lots of laws, talking and bravado, but missing essential driver training, competence assessment, strict enforcement of those laws and proper punishments. ????‍♂️
  20. ???? Purple Heart from Irie Genetics ???? day 55
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