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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. I've worked with the Thai government and PTT on major oil and gas projects and own a company that employs many more Thais than you would believe in various industries. Corruption is entrenched throughout the country and at the highest levels. We would not have got contracts without assistance from certain people. They wanted something for allowing us to operate, and they still get their cut. Many years ago, I worked for a well known company that used government connections to maintain a monopoly on their business, which is still going to this day I believe. The Thai modus operandi is preying on the weak to extort and bully. These people are the lowest on the food chain, so they are fair game for the bullies.
  2. Very difficult, or nearly impossible given biometrics and fingerprinting used now.
  3. Why? Who else is going to sell their drugs for them?
  4. You are correct. However, countries and companies with morals and ethical behaviour will not deal with murderous, despotic regimes.
  5. PTTEP are the biggest oil and gas producer in Myanmar and operate the largest gas field. Total and other Western operators have exited due to human rights concerns.
  6. Burmese, Cambodians and Viets built Thailand, a bit like the Irish Navvys in the UK. That's not the way Thailand works mate.
  7. All started back in the early 2000s when Thaksin stopped government banks giving their mates free money to pay off their debts. One in particular, an old friend no less, used his failed media business to propagandize support against Thaksin, destabilize the country and provoke a military coup. Since then there has been no resolution to the differences and Thai politics is as fractured as ever.
  8. Relative of a politician. Interesting. Drink-driving. No surprise. Abusive and belligerent when caught. No surprise. Unapologetic and showing no remorse. No surprise. Resorted to violence when he was not obeyed by individuals with less social 'status'. And finally, driving an agricultural vehicle like a sports car. No surprise.
  9. I immediately thought about Gus Fring and his generous donations to the DEA. Dunno why? ????
  10. From reading the article, the bike must have been lane splitting or cutting up the inside or outside at speed. As the bike was behind the SUV and collided with the SUV, the bike appears to be at fault. Not driving as per the road conditions, overtaking other traffic when unsafe to do so etc. All bike riders in Thailand should be aware that vehicles can turn at anytime without indication, but many of them cannot ride safety and think there are no rules, so this is what happens.
  11. Hard to separate the good from the bad when the standard is so low.
  12. Their ego would never allow it. The uniform is their sign of authority and status, that signals that they are above any civilians. Generally, the majority have never worked for the people of Thailand or for the good of society. They used to be hired thugs for the rich Chinese merchant classes, and are now little more than a criminal gang in uniform, as recent events have so clearly evidenced. You can clearly see their struggle to move into the 21st century as Thailand develops. Many of them still think they are living in an era where corruption, torture, extortion, dishonesty, immorality, and bullying are perfectly acceptable, whether in the line of duty or not.
  13. It's quite obvious that the Chonburi mob thought they could keep all that money for themselves and not kick upstairs in the normal manner. Unfortunately for them, someone higher up found out. Their punishment, if any, and the money they will have to pay to continue on in uniform will largely depend on which clan they are affiliated with.
  14. Quikz by Exotic Genetix on day 54. Starting to fade and show colour.
  15. I pay 180thb for 400g of DE. I use one of these for application: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i2069966827-s6758436812.html
  16. That would involve actually having to work, and their sense of entitlement ingrained since childhood, would never allow it.
  17. Buy and donate a yellow bucket and the recipient sells it back to the shop. Free money.
  18. I was a regular in Soi Cowboy for over 20 years. And I mean regular. If I go down the street now guaranteed someone will still recognise me from back then. The only time I remember being really ripped off was after I had stopped going there every night. I was going through a bad period in my life and went out with a mate who also lived in Bangkok. We ended up in the bar next to Long Gun, named after a famous Western TV show. I let my guard down thinking I was in a 'friendly' bar as I knew the owner and I fell asleep in the front row. My mate left me sitting there too and disappeared. I woke up at 3am in an empty bar with a 5k bar bill. I was a wee bit drunk but not that much that I would have been buying tequilas for the girls as I very rarely do that unless I know them! Furthermore, I queried the bill and refused to pay. Not going to go into details, but I was handcuffed to a table because I just tried to leave. The Police were called. The girl behind the ramp knew me and said that the girls must have just been ordering drinks on my tab. I checked the bill and there was one beer on the bill and the rest shots and tequilas. I said why only one beer, I was in there for 3+ hours asleep?!? She pretty much admitted that I got diddled. Police arrived and forced me to pay the 5k. They were sympathetic though, and obviously they were used to this type of thing happening.
  19. I worked offshore over there a few times and it was pretty grim in the mid 2010s. I went back in 2019 before the latest coup and stayed at the Savoy (now closed, but a brilliant colonial style hotel in the heart of Yangon). The locals were all so positive about their future too. Really sad state of affairs.
  20. Most 'normal' Thais I know are in debt which they are unable to repay. Always trying to borrow more money to pay off other debts. Never a borrower or a lender be.
  21. The Thai national oil company, PTT is the major operator in the oil and gas fields there. They were a bit part player until the coup, and took over all the fields when Western conglomerates pulled out due to human rights concerns. No such scruples here.
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