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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Fines and the license requirements will be ignored as usual. There's no effective enforcement here as Thais can't manage to do anything effectively.
  2. We are in Thailand and this is a Thai forum. We don't care what happens in the US of A. Correct.
  3. They are ruled by their egos. No mastery of self and this is evident when you see them driving.
  4. With the standards of health and safety here this comes as no surprise.
  5. An English guy is shot dead and the usual defenders of the realm come on here arguing Thailand is better than UK or <insert other country here> . You couldn't make it up. A guy has lost his life due to an emotionally unstable, vicious and violent psychopath with a gun. Get a grip of yourselves.
  6. Most Thai politicians are the same unfortunately.
  7. Chief Engineer too busy with his Mia noi that weekend to sail. Mai bpen rai.
  8. Taffy died of COVID-19 back in England about 18 months ago.
  9. It is not a harrier where pilot skills matter. These things are fly-by-wire now. You are attempting to create a narrative that the Thais want these things for something other than simply to enrich those involved in procurement and subsequent services to enrich themselves. The majority of us here know better.
  10. So many things are blatantly obvious to anyone with a brain but apparently not the Thai government. Too busy being ferried around in motorcades and spending taxpayers' money on their lifestyles to care.
  11. Correct, the Su-30's the Viets fly have weapons systems, the F35's the Thais want to buy do not.
  12. It's all about the money. They don't need to be effective.
  13. Utapao is going to be Thailand's second airport after Suvarnabhumi, they are planning to spend billions upgrading it to handle 60 million passengers per year. Upgrades to be done in phases over a 20 year period. All part of the grand EEC plan.
  14. The Vietnamese have a much larger standing army, they are the regional military power, not Thailand, but this is often overlooked. They are used to fighting too, most recently against French, China, USA etc. but they have a long history of martial prowess.
  15. If I had to take an educated guess I would say it is about the money and the Thais lack of understanding and empathy of the invasion in Ukraine. If you talk to any Thai about it they just stare blankly at you. They have no understanding of real hardship, struggle or conflict here.
  16. I see the photo in the OP and I just think to myself, "how?" ????
  17. We bother about silly things like safety, morals, ethics, trust and obligations... silly farangs.
  18. Incredible statistic, but not surprising given the absurdly high levels of stupidity I witness daily on the roads here. The majority simply should not be allowed to drive or ride a bike.
  19. They will not learn, downright refuse to. Most of them think they know it all already. ????‍♂️
  20. Last company I worked for before going it alone was illegally owned by a New Zealander. Was under investigation by the DSI at one point too, one of the many reasons I left the company. Bent as a nine-bob note he was.
  21. Good effort, but won't break any records.
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