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Everything posted by RobU

  1. All these problems around the country with unmarked or dangerous trenches in the road. I wonder if it is the same construction company successfully bribing authorities for contracts?
  2. The one prattling on about loss of face is you Barry stop being daft
  3. Once again Barry losing face is an Asian concept and the only person promoting the concept in this exchange is you 😂. I don't give a toss about 'losing face' I am English.
  4. You may be correct but that means that the management did absolutely nothing despite being informed, which is even worse. Those Individuals should also be prosecuted for his manslaughter.
  5. 😂🤣😁🤣 I have no response to that rambling diatribe other than laughter
  6. Once again this is a discussion group no one is obliged to provide evidence agreeing with their opinion. Your post criticising my negativity has nothing to do with the post I answered where you demanded 'evidence'
  7. 😂No way am I embarrassed by the severity of such a fine. I think it would be brilliant. Your post is rather strange 'losing face' I am not Asian but it seems you have taken this 'cant lose face' concept practiced by some Asians totally on board
  8. Why am I digging a hole Barry? I think it would be great if she and her boyfriend were fined 4,000,000,000 baht it would certainly be a massive deterrent to others planning on doing something similar and she would highly likely make no profit from her actions which she will now
  9. The only way to hurt or make a corporate organisation truly sorry is to take large amounts of money from it's coffers. Corporate organisations don't have emotions saying they are sorry has absolutely no meaning since being sorry is an emotive response. They are just words the structure of the statement decided at a meeting to perform damage limitation.
  10. What about taking legal action against the fools who ordered the installation of flimsy wooden covers
  11. The headline is way over the top. They were helpful, caring and efficient and deserve lots of praise for that but certainly not 'Heroic'
  12. It doesn't matter if no one saw it being filmed the point is anyone could have including children. Making a big example of this might make others think twice before filming sexually explicit videos in public places
  13. This is a discussion group not a scientific forum that requires evidenced statement. They are my opinions and are valid in this group.
  14. Because this is a discussion group and he is entitled to his opinion in this discussion
  15. No because it was performed and filmed in a totally inappropriate public space and the fine is far too small it will not prevent anyone from.doing the same thing again
  16. Interesting point that you trust the statistics from the usually very corrupt governments of those poor African countries where politics is just a way of making money
  17. It was lockdown that caused the problems with society not vaccines. I was totally against lockdown it was not necessary once the health services completed their preparations. It was kept in place for political resons
  18. Yes, why not? 24 hours is not a long time in hostage/kidnap situations. They had all the time in the world especially if it was the maid who screened visitors telling them that her very wealthy employer was not available.
  19. All the police have to do is create a false account and take screenshots with the the likes, upticks and followers showing. Good enough evidence for any court.
  20. No vaccine is perfectly safe. There will always be someone who has an adverse reaction. The fact is that the number of people who suffered adverse reactions was well within statistical acceptability. Quoting individual cases is meaningless, it's just grandstanding and fear mongering. The vast majority of people vaccinated (over 99%) did not have any severe adverse reaction. Vaccination is not about protecting every individual it is about protecting the population as a whole from being decimated and consequently a country's economy and society failing
  21. To my mind the police are not doing their job. The whole thing stinks of a setup. There is at least a 50% chance that she was threatened and coerced into moving the camera and forced to write the suicide note. The murderers not understanding that it cannot be a legal document and any will and testament is more valid. Then the suicide was staged. Also if she was suffering from pre senile dementia she might happily do as she was told. This stinks of corruption on many levels.
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