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Everything posted by RobU

  1. Interesting that the language of the article portrays them as naughty boys rather than disrespectful vandals who engaged in a pre meditated action designed to cause offence and anger and get them noticed. They initially bought the spray paint then chose a target then posted a video of their actions
  2. Possible diversion tactic. When I see political outrage like this in the news, in any country not just Thailand. I look for what appear to be minor news items which are 'overlooked' in the feeding frenzy. These 'minor' items often have greater impact or are more outrageous but are deliberately played down.
  3. Seems like he has uncovered a can of worms and those corrupt officials he has targeted think they have teeth
  4. True, and I would make the same complaint about such lenient sentences elsewhere. Case of a British woman graduate being given a lenient sentence because a stricter one would have affected her job prospects or the American undergraduate who was basically let off after raping a woman. It tends to be money and/or educational status in the west.
  5. Wrong, she could have caused the pregnant woman to overbalance, fall and damage the baby or go into labour. At that stage a woman and baby are very vulnerable. She is a selfish little girl. I would suppose that the judge was male, treating her as a little girl, feeling sorry for the daughter of a wealthy foreigner having problems with her period. The boyfriend already tried to influence the police, probably this time he succeeded with the judiciary.
  6. 400 baht per day is the proposed minimum wage it remains between 325 and 350 per day depending on the province. Small subcontractors rarely pay minimum wage, a man desperate for work will not complain. Often employers include meals as part of the employment and subtract the inflated cost from the employees wages
  7. Just a theory He sat on the platform between carriages with his legs dangling over the side. He took his shirt off because he was sweating. His legs hit the partial construction at the side of the track (which was not a problem if he had kept his legs in). He was dragged off the carriage platform by the force of the impact. He managed to crawl under the track platform where he died. I suspect his shirt will be found either on the carriage platform or somewhere along the track where it was blown off by the wind or dragged off with him. RIP
  8. Good for you, but mine will not accept a Bangkok Bank debit card
  9. I seriously doubt what you say. If you had been coming here for years you wouldn't be so disrespectful of Asian custom and practice. You are trolling l, trying to start an argument. How old are you? Probably under 16 years. You probably think you are very clever having developed an on line persona but your language gives you away
  10. Thanks Steve my bill is due within the next few days. I will try it. Do I select iBanking from within the PEA app?
  11. Actually I think it is more likely she knee'd the pregnant woman in the groin since she would have to step back to kick
  12. You mean one report that gave better and more detailed information than the usual sloppy bad reporting which is typical of the English translated media. You are splitting hairs, a kick is a kick and can cause damage no matter what the intention.
  13. So you think the russian woman was right to assault a heavily pregnant Thai woman because you don't respect Thai custom and practice? You should not be in Thailand or any Asian country if you think your values and customs are more important
  14. In the groin, which is a serious assault on a heavily pregnant woman
  15. The discrimination against men as nurses starts at university level, I believe something like 80% of university students are female. Exactly the same kind of discrimination that women used to face in male dominated jobs.
  16. The femoral artery passes through the groin. A kick in the groin to a heavily pregnant woman is a very serious assault
  17. I agree but it's not about enlightenment it's about fear of sexual discrimination accusations and damage to careers. That's why, in my day, if that excuse ever raised it's ugly head the issue was automatically referred on to a female manager. When I was nursing 40% of all nurses were male that has now dropped to less than 10%. And 90% of all middle/upper managers in the NHS are female. Mainly because of 'positive' discrimination. and frank persecution of male managers.
  18. I have tried paying my bill via the PEA app. It won't accept it, using Bangkok Bank.
  19. As a former registered nurse I heard that excuse from some female colleagues many times. It's pure bull... Usually to cover up selfish aggressive bullying. The female SNO's always rejected the excuse and instigated disciplinary procedures regardless.
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