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Everything posted by RobU

  1. I doubt that an 8 year old boy thought this up more likely he is a victim being used by scammers
  2. Not claiming to be Lord Buddha. Claiming to be the son of Lord Buddha reborn. Buddha's son did not achieve Nirvana.
  3. I seriously doubt that an 8 year old boy thought this up or proclaimed himself on the interweb or otherwise the poor child is being manipulated by scammers. Another stupid AI written headline
  4. Thanks. It looks like a motel without rooms. Do the customers sleep in their vehicles?
  5. Thanks for the reply but you haven't answered the question
  6. In the UK a Trump is a colloquial term for a fart. E.g. I've just trumped and nearly followed through to a s**t. This man follows through every time
  7. Thanks for the info it sounds disgusting. The police do right to shut it down
  8. So it was built in 1953 and wasn't used until 1967? Am I correct?
  9. Wow. It took 14 years from building the bridge to opening it. Methinks the Thaiger has once again misreported, as usual and got it's sums wrong, as usual.
  10. It doesn't trigger schizophrenia it triggers paranoia.
  11. Ah the Mighty Trump of biblical reference, preparing his followers for what is to come.
  12. At least the taking of alcohol is completely limited to the person drinking it. Cannabis users force bystanders (including children) to inhale the cannabis laden smoke they produce, it's called passive smoking which apart from it's carcinogenic properties is laden with psychotropic compounds
  13. All this was known decades ago. The risk to health, both mental and physical, is at least as bad as the risk alcohol poses, if not, worse. Alcohol is bad enough without adding another psychotropic drug to the market. At least the sale of alcohol is controlled. Cannabis is just a free for all scramble with inadequate regulation. It was legalised to provide a ticking time bomb so the army could have an excuse to step in, in the future to provide 'law and order' to a broken society
  14. He was never a nurse he hasn't got a clue about nurse training. He was probably an Auxiliary Nurse (care assistant) without any comprehension of what he is talking about.
  15. OMG!! I am so sorry, I will pray to the Lord God (and the prophet 'Mighty Trump') for forgiveness.
  16. Don't be silly, I doubt you were ever a nurse. Nurses, like doctors are Health Care Professionals (HCP's) by definition i.e. they care for people's health and they are professionals. You demonstrate a distinct lack of understanding of nurse training even 40 years ago we spent a lot of time in other places besides hospital to obtain our certification. You cannot have been working as a nurse during COVID outbreak if you did the certificate level training you are too old. What level of nurse do you claim to be? Probably an Auxiliary (care assistant), if at all.
  17. When did I threaten violence? I enjoyed winding you up to hear your puriel ranting I simply thought that you were a very silly little person who had no sense of humour. But now I think you are deranged and prone to violence. You probably own a gun and are preparing to use it to support your case for Donald Trump.
  18. Born in 1928 and only 78 years old?🤣🤣 It's the Thaiger reporting so we understand the lack of editorial oversight and inability to count which would have picked up that one.
  19. I agree, this system is very similar to the old UK feudal system. They can only register if they satisfy specific criteria such as wealth and influence which depends on maintaining the status quo
  20. The literal minded cannot see a joke and he is probably scared that my joking may actually come true🤣😂 So he tries to shut down any horrid people who scare him 'cos God might take notice and think "what a good idea l, I think I'll make it happen" 🤣😂 he's probably in church now praying for forgiveness and asking the lord to have mercy on us poor sinners and grant Trump the presidency.
  21. Oh get a life and a sense of humour and take your god bothering puerile insults elsewhere
  22. My quote is actually from the bible, the assumption was that angels would make a loud noise using horns (a trump as in trumpet) a humorous play on words, but who's to say that the lord wasn't prophesying Donald Trump gaining power and starting the final nuclear war that ends civilisation as we know it
  23. You must think yourself a very clever little troll creating argument where there is none
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