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Everything posted by RobU

  1. I always find it very cold in airports definitely not comfortable
  2. I never thought of it that way. You are so right. All of the balanced gay men I know despise gay activists and are extremely dubious of the gay pride movement they just want to get on with life. It's all about money too. The war against discrimination has been won but charitable organisations like Stonewall need to keep pushing because they would lose income and eventually fade away because they are no longer necessary. Charity bosses make big money
  3. I don't care. (Sniffs and tosses head preciously) I hate horrid people
  4. Yes they are. What is your problem? Gay couples will just have to do the same as heterosexual couples. Or do you want 'special' fast track treatment because you are gay?
  5. Of course it will be. It is the only way to get legally married here.
  6. What utter rubbish. We have just held the funeral of a gay man in our village. The whole village turned out to mourn and honour him including me. Many important local officials also attended. Thailand has always tolerated homosexuality the big problem I find is precious gay foreigners who bring their baggage and big chips on their shoulders with them looking for discrimination and taking insult where there is none. My own recent experience was criticising a stupid policeman who discharged a gun because he had an argument with his boyfriend, some people on this forum jumped in trying to state that i was criticising him because he was gay
  7. I wonder why someone put a confused emoticon to my statement above? Does that person have difficulty reading English?
  8. Yes it is. The factory producing it has been identified https://thepattayanews.com/2024/04/07/chonburi-officials-uncovered-cadmium-waste-in-warehouse/
  9. I hope the jerk driving the lorry gets some prison time. Probably overloaded and tried to turn too quickly. The momentum of sloshing liquid can overturn a vehicle carrying it. That's why tanker drivers are considered more skilled.
  10. My wife says that this will soon be the case in Phuket and Pattaya. Lucky we live in the sticks with our own borehole village water occasionally fails or drops in pressure so we just switch the pump on.
  11. No matter what the cost he didn't have to resort to violence. All he had to do was give them what he thought the bill should be and walk out. This is a violent man who deserves a prison sentence and possible deportation
  12. Seems like the pigs have finally got their way. I believe he is an honest man who does his job applies the law fairly and roots out corruption. I don't know how they framed him but it seems that he is going down.
  13. Thanks for your support. I note that passive smoking where non smokers inhale the cigarette smoke is tending to be a a big deal, I don't understand why passive smoking/inhalation of cannabis isn't.
  14. My bad. Thanks for the info. I was under the false impression that all public transport was operated by the same company
  15. Perhaps now SkyTrain can afford to tighten bolts properly and implement careful checks and maintenance to stop bits falling off
  16. It seems that the RTN behaved honourably and refused to become involved in this scam. EITHER The RTN was then punished by the politicians on the special house committee who refused to authorise the 2024 procurement budget OR The committee refused to authorise the falsely inflated budget on the advice of the RTN As usual the Thaiger does not clarify
  17. Subjective opinion like yours is irrelevant since alcohol abusers also state how well much it does not affect them. How much cannabis I have taken is irrelevant, subjective experience is always skewed just ask any alcoholic. Objective observation is that cannabis users and alcohol users both have cognitive faculties impaired which includes levels of alertness. Therefore l, as I said originally, cannabis users levels of alertness are impaired just like alcohol users. It's been fun sparring with you but I think this aspect of the topic is exhausted. I'll leave the last word to you.
  18. Obviously not as much as you since you seem to think that cannabis abusers are morally superior to alcohol abusers and it has no effect on driving capability.
  19. You also need to learn to read and comprehend. I said that it depressed alertness alcohol also depressed alertness the mechanism for the depression may be different but the result is the same. Thus Just like alcohol taking cannabis results in a depressed alertness.
  20. So you are saying that it is safe to drive after taking cannabis. And it does not compromise alertness and driving skill🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  21. Cannabis reduces the level of alertness of the user just like alcohol
  22. If VAT collection is similar to the UK. The vendor or sales platform pays all the costs of collection. The VAT is added to the basic price automatically and what you see is the cost of the item plus VAT which is what happens now in Thailand. The vendor keeps 1 or 2 percent as payment for making the collection and submits the difference to the government every 6 to 12 months. This actually makes things easier and cheaper for the vendor/sales platform since now all they have to do is submit 5 or 6 percent of their total sales rather than splitting sales between VAT and non VAT goods.
  23. She was in the right. The steps were not on his property they were on a public beach. She had every right to sit there.
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