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Everything posted by RobU

  1. She may have been coerced by someone off camera holding a gun or knife
  2. The poor maid may have staged the suicide to get the money along with accomplice.Very easy no need to lay a hand on the victim just threaten with a knife or gun. Get the victim to write the note then stage the suicide of the victim. If the victim is frightened enough she will obey all instructions. I don't know how she died but all methods of suicide can be faked.
  3. If it is just a note written before her death with no witnesses then it is not a legally binding will
  4. She shrewdly disabled the CCTV? Absolutely no reason for her to do that. Nobody would see it until after her death More likely the CCTV was disabled by her murderer(ers) and the suicide was staged.
  5. Israel developed a local phone signal blocking system many years ago it is used in some cinemas and theatres and I suppose will be used by the IDF to block mobile phone signals during war crime activity so reporters cannot live stream events.
  6. By suppressing reporting from El Jazera to Israeli citizens the deeply unpopular government is trying to suppress anything that criticises it's policy
  7. Don't be silly Gaza is related to the story Israel has now suppressed all reporting from Gaza so the IDF can continue it's genocidal rampage without any oversight. it's the true reason the station was shut down no journalists are allowed there.
  8. What should happen is she should be fined 2000 baht for each instance of it being viewed or upticked on only fans. I have not been to the site but I presume it has the facility to show how many views or how popular the video is. The same should happen to the soldier who posted the videos of his ex.
  9. 🤪😂True but It is also true when it's a 9 stone girl with size 6 shoes
  10. I agree. I have a nice house here in the countryside, a big car and a comfortable lifestyle. No way could I afford the same in the UK the equivalent house in a countryside location would probably cost me nearly a million pounds, running the car would cost a fortune and I would have nothing like the lifestyle I have here. I would probably end up in a 'social housing' shoebox eking out my pension and waiting to die.
  11. I fully agree. The western wokies seem to have infiltrated the editorial staff. Ladyboy has been in use for decades. It is not insulting it is merely descriptive and is embraced by all Thai Trans women as their unique title which sets them apart as a community. They don't want to be women, they are Ladyboys.
  12. I remember at our local dance hall in the UK. The jive was in fashion. Girls wearing high heels would do 'heel spins' and bore a shallow hole in the dance floor, which annoyed the management. Until one girl actually did it on a guy's foot. It went straight though skin, flesh and bone. He got taken to hospital with the shoe heel protruding from the sole of his foot. The pressure at the heel is equal to tons per square inch
  13. What rain? I'm not plain, rather good looking really. Planning on going to my local 7-11 wearing just Speedos to show off my manly 6 pack (actually it's a 12 pack with overhang but hey, if the Germans can do it so can I ). Everyone knows it's only in Spain than the rain falls mainly on the plain
  14. Yet another stupid 'influencer'
  15. Yah! You young uns. No stamina😂🤣
  16. I believe the 90 day report was introduced as an anti terrorism thing so they could monitor the whereabouts of all foreign nationals. Forgive me if I'm wrong but I believe other countries have a similar system. But from what you have said there was a 90 day system in place. You drove to the border every 90 days, isn't that effectively a 90 day reporting system? When I make my report I am often in and out within 15 minutes its actually easier and cheaper than driving to the border.
  17. Ouch, it's painful to watch I had to give up half way through
  18. Digital Nomad seemed to be the 'in' phrase with TAT and the government a few months ago, perhaps they thought he was a kosher IT geek that they were so desperate to attract and he slipped in under the wire
  19. Apparently not, and neither does your embassy. You languish in detention until you get funds to pay the air fare
  20. Oh my goodness dahlings. What does one expect? He is so obviously working class, just listen to the poor chap. He doesn't understand how to behave, like wot we does innit?
  21. Thanks Lou, it's already been pointed out to me. My bad
  22. Thanks for putting me straight about the individual concerned. I just got the impression it was about Big Joke's wife
  23. OK I understand sorry I wasn't trying to be a clever dick
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