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Everything posted by RobU

  1. A front for donations i.e. a charity https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/society/boredom-in-switzerland-leads-to-an-elephant-refuge-in-thailand/47207918
  2. More likely nothing whatsoever will happen. The police officers will have to obey their corrupt superiors. He and the drunk driver should have both been arrested on the spot and charged. The driver with DUI and the official with attempting to pervert the course of justice, which should have cost him his job.
  3. The high ranking official was actually misusing his public office by assisting someone to commit a crime and threatening the police. That is punishable by death according to Thai law.
  4. Same has already occurred in cities in the UK especially London
  5. Good news. Thai sidewalks are not designed to be used by pedestrians. All pedestrians using them should be fined. Posts in the middle of the sidewalk forcing pedestrians to step onto the road, dangerous manhole covers, potholes and barely visible ramps cutting crosswise give you a clue. It's for their own good, it is dangerous to walk on the sidewalk. Pedestrians should use a bit of common sense and fly or pay for a motorcycle taxi which will take them to their destination in safety and comfort
  6. I actually hope it does continue as a petting zoo under new management and ownership with the profits actually going back into the business. It seems to provide employment for elephant owners and their families, I believe it takes a lot of food to feed an elephant. Perhaps under collective ownership of the 'employees'
  7. Lou, it's a charity not a business. Supposed to care for rescued elephants. All the elephants should have been rescued yet only one is such. The others are rented and the 'employees' are the mahouts or owners of the rented elephants and their families they are not being paid as employees they are being paid rental fees. All the profits go to him as salary and bonuses, that is the sum of his 'investment' back into the charity because as the charity MD he can take whatever salary and bonus he wants which is highly unethical. He uses charitable donations to fund his lifestyle it's not his money it's money he has abstracted from the charity.
  8. Unfortunately critically ill or dying prisoners tend to be released on parole for compassionate reasons in the UK
  9. I have just found out that this sentence is only for his complicity in attempting to cover up and hide the evidence. Apparently there are further charges pending. Hopefully this will include murder and accessory to murder. Once again the Thai media has not reported the full facts
  10. If he is a child molester, did he continue his activities in Thailand?
  11. I agree it is very distasteful to see people guilty of violent crime or dangerous driving causing death and serious injury getting away with it by paying a small amount. It seems that if it's about money or drugs the sentencing is much more harsh. Money talks here.
  12. Thanks for putting me straight
  13. I can see the need for a rifle if an elephant goes rogue it could come in handy but surely it should be kept on site at all times for the supervisor to use if needed (which it wasn't)
  14. Often this kind of disgusting behaviour is revenge on the mother. I wonder if she was still pursuing a case for custody of the child and possibly winning because of his debt this his actual reason for killing the child was to hurt the mother and deny her contact.
  15. This is about the attempted cover up which he is complicit in. It says he has further charges pending perhaps murder or accessory to murder is one of them (I hope)
  16. As I said. The kick will have been hard and very painful to create such a mark. Not a mountain out of a molehill but a very serious assault. Why do you think he's being held in police custody
  17. Irrelevant comment I merely pointed out that Joe Ferrari has been convicted and imprisoned
  18. She was injured, pictures have been posted of the red mark on her back caused by the kick. It must have hurt a lot to create such a mark
  19. There is a video of the incident on the internet most people have seen
  20. His business is registered as a charity which is supposed to care for mistreated elephants. It is effectively a petting zoo which changes for admission. He hired elephants from local mahouts to pad out the zoo. The 'charity' only actually has one elephant. He is the managing director and takes all the profits as salary and bonuses. He was allowed a work visa only because he is supposed to be a charity director. However it is just a business for him to get money. The victim was injured photos have been published of the red mark left on her back caused by the kick, to create a red mark like that the kick must have hurt her. All of this has been published you need to look at all the previous posts over the past few weeks. Before making your trollish comments
  21. Joe Ferrari has been tried and imprisoned.
  22. He runs an elephant sanctuary, keep up.
  23. He kicked her and caused injury the red mark where he kicked her has been published. he was aggressive. He creates problems for other expats since the incident has given an excuse for Thai racists to start a campaign against foreigners. Hence expats despise him.
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