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Everything posted by RobU

  1. Not in the UK, emergency vehicles must proceed with utmost caution at junctions and traffic lights and must not exceed 10 percent above the speed limit. You don't just drive out at speed and expect other vehicles to make emergency stops
  2. It wasn't subsidence it was incompetence of the city engineers that caused it . There was no subsidence
  3. Good, the creep should go to prison.
  4. This is the third reported incident of someone being electrocuted by badly maintained electrical poles on a public path. 2 of the victims have died. Why are the executives of the companies concerned not charged with corporate manslaughter?
  5. Nein ich bin eine Holzfàller
  6. Wot!!! I speak reel gud Inglish an I spel it proper, innit.
  7. I meant gramer not grammar but stupid Google keyboard corected it and I dint notis much to my shargrin. You could have got a promochun to sergant gud luk in yore carer
  8. I apologise for my lack of use of capitols and very poor grammer innit?
  9. Right first time. Been here a year and I am constantly amazed at the stupidity of civil engineers in and around Bangkok
  10. Why isn't it reinforced with a steel grid? Just concrete is stupid
  11. In the UK the rural (farming) minimum wage is far less than the national minimum wage.
  12. Correct. Right of way does not mean you push traffic or pedestrians out of the way that is standard on all roads traffic lights or not
  13. The article states that the lorry driver had a green light where do you see he went through a red light
  14. The lorry driver did nothing wrong
  15. As I Said, in the UK, when then traffic light is GREEN you have ABSOLUTE RIGHT OF WAY you do not proceed with caution when the light is green. The same rule applies in Thailand. I drive in both countries The places in the UK where you should proceed with caution are T Junctions with double dashed lines I fail to understand your point. It seems that you don't understand traffic lights and probably don't drive and you are Thai bashing
  16. Yes it is carte blanche to proceed on a green light in the UK. Green light means absolute right of way if people slowed down or stopped at green traffic lights most cities would grind to a halt and become gridlocked
  17. I always consider these types to have emotional problems i.e. cannot control their emotions and act without thought, often spoiled as a child and expect everything to be for their benefit. I consider mental issues to be actual illnesses diagnosed by a psychiatrist.
  18. Sensible request. In the UK ambulances travelling on blue lights usually switch off their sirens at night unless it is a critical emergency where they are exceeding the speed limit by a considerable amount.
  19. Storm in a teacup. He was merely being polite to an attractive woman. Bowing to a lady is an old tradition.
  20. Second case this month of someone being shocked by a faulty street lamp, maintenance and safety seems a low priority here. Fortunately the lady in the first incident survived. RIP and condolences to the victims wife
  21. My opinion: The guards probably practicing extortion and the honest motorbike rider refused to give the guards their cut.
  22. All depends on the opinion of the police. This is a very bad thing with a police force noted for its corrupt activity It now opens the door for extortion i.e. give me money and I will let you off with a warning as long as you dispose of the body safely.
  23. Was it her? Or is she taking the fall for a younger family member?
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