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Everything posted by 2009

  1. The only people in the world who are taught that racism is morally wrong is white people in a few countries (e.g. UK, America, Canada, New Zealand etc. etc.) People from other places think nothing of racism. .
  2. I don't really get what your trying to say here. It's not very coherent.
  3. Yup, that's actually what the ex said. In hospital 20 mins then our kid popped out. No joke. I couldn't believe how quickly it was over. No epidural or any other painkillers. She took it in her stride. Which was surprising cos she's one of these skinny Thai women with a 26 inch waist and weighs just a little over 40 kilo. I know in the movies they make it look like a terrible ordeal, but I've only witnessed it once and it was nothing like in the movies Perhaps, it's worse for other women. Maybe my ex got it easy. Aside from that, I am not sure your argument makes sense. Childbirth not being the most enjoyable thing on Earth isn't a great argument for abortion being so easy and accessable. I think abortion is okay, but it should be more regulated and I don't think everyone is entitled to an abortion. You made a baby, you gotta be responsible.
  4. I've already said if a father is present he should have a say numerous times. Try reading. I am not against abortion altogether
  5. In case you hadn't noticed women's bodies are supposed to be able to give birth. The birthing canal opens up wide to accommodate. Their ain't trying to squeeze a kidney stone through their urethra, lol Right now, in most western countries, it is an ideal world for women: - Get pregnant and have an abortion, no questions asked, easy peasy, like going to get a tooth out. - Or have the baby and get child support. Even when a woman commits statutory rape the minor has to pay child support when he comes of age, lol. It's a perfect world for them. They just don't want to lose an ounce of privilege. That's what this is all about.
  6. I have, in fact. I get that there's morning sickness, weird cravings, waddling around with a big belly. Really not much different from being a fat guy with a bit of a hangover. But look, if you have sex and get pregnant it's a natural consequence. And there's nothing wrong with it. Also, I am sure you know many women get abortions because they don't wants to be mothers at that time, not because they don't want to be pregnant for a few months. And there's nothing wrong with an abortion if there's no father willing to raise the child present to object, or if she's a high risk for complications, obviously.
  7. This is what I said: "But if course, it's your business when child support is sought after.' If someone doesn't understand this, they're either not a native speaker, or just pretending to not understand. Absolutely nothing wrong with this usage. It's amazing the lengths people will go to in a discussion, lol
  8. Unless she's at high risk of health complications, where's the burden of pregnancy? Having a big belly? Having a large belly for a few months? Is that it? By deadlock, you mean there's one parent who wants the child? That's easy: the child is born and the parent who wants the child, raises the child. The other parent pays child support, obviously, in an ideal world.
  9. Women say abortion none of men's business. Here are the definitions of the word, "you" 1. used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing. "are you listening?" 2. used to refer to any person in general. "after a while, you get used to it" Which way do you think it was it used in my sentence? (Hint: I wasn't talking about you specifically, obviously)
  10. I think if a father is present he should have equal say (health issues aside, of course)
  11. Why would you take an interest in something that they are saying is none of your business??! But if course, it's your business when child support is sought after.
  12. Where do you get it, out of interest? I'd like to try it.
  13. You tell him, Buddy. Never insult the cheapness of a man's meat.
  14. I rub that baby with a lil' all American sweet BBQ sauce that I got Stateside, add a lil' extra sugar, leave that baby to marinade a while. Put it in a lil' hot pan, and lets that baby fry, then take it out the pan slice it up immediately. Then I take some lil' pancakes I made earlier, and roll the slices of steak up in a lil' parncake, and put a cocktail stick through 'em. You gotta eat food on a stick. I call it a 'steakey-doodle', then once it's been named appropriately, I can consume the product. Might dip it in a lil' syrup or something as I am eatin'
  15. Exactly! They say father's shouldn't have any say whatsoever, yet they seem to expect men to support abortion. Lol Why would we care, if it's none of our business? Her body, her choice, her business. I ain't voting for it. Give fathers a say, and I'll think about it.
  16. I know, amazing isn't it? They are still wearing masks, even now! Yet, no helmets. Splat! I think it's not considered cool to wear a helmet. You remember when you were a kid and you were embarrassed to be seen in a bicycle helmet? I think Thais are like that. Adolescents. Country of adolescents.
  17. Got any facts or credible source for this? You know, as per the forum rules.
  18. Lol. I am not even trying to prove he interfered by arresting Trump. Where have I even attempted to show evidence that he did that?? (Though the timing is convenient, that's for sure) What I am saying (multiple times already) is that it is unethical (suspicious even) for him to say that he'd do everything in his legal power to stop Trump becoming president again. I don't think it's his job to do that. He should leave that to the voters because it's supposed to be a democracy. Do you agree or disagree with that? Placeholder dodged this question. Will you?
  19. You are missing the point. Don't you think Biden should just focus on running the country, and let the next elections be decided by the voters? (Rather than focusing his efforts on stopping Trump from being elected again.) Doesn't this make you uncomfortable? Why is it Biden's job to do that? Don't you think it's unethical for him to even state those intentions? Seems like a misuse of his power.
  20. He said this: 'We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power,by, if he does run, under the legitimate efforts of our constitution, does not become the next president again." What does this sound like to you? Does this not sound like interference? Shouldn't the people elect a president by voting in a democracy? It is interference for a president to get in the way of democracy.
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