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Everything posted by 2009

  1. The tuk tuk driver was telling him to give him money. It's not his place to do that. He was trying to force money out of him. In that case, there's a due process to follow to get the guilty party to pay up for damage (if there even was any) And maybe the insurance wouldn't pay up because of some fault of the tuk tuk driver, such as no road tax or expired license, in which case nobody is "ponying up", lol
  2. I try not to indulge in retched excess, but at a buffet I let my morals slide and go Thai style: ignore the rice as it's low value and eat all the prawns and pork I can.
  3. I am not sure what you are getting at, but I think we may have different understandings of the definition of 'extortion': ex·tor·tion /ikˈstôrSH(ə)n,ekˈstôrSH(ə)n/ noun the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats. He was trying to force the farang to pay whatever sum he wanted as compensation for the accident.
  4. That's not how it works. The insurance pays for any damage and the guilty party pays the fine (or goes to jail) for the traffic violation (or criminal offence), depending on the case. If there's any injury, then compensation may be appropriate to cover medical expenses or death, if the insurance doesn't. We didn't build civilization just to tear it down again, did we?
  5. That's not how it works, mate. I know from experience.
  6. Same way everyone knows it: the article says he demanded money from the guy, lol
  7. I am sure the motorcycle dude is an experienced professional in the motor vehicle damage calculation industry. Better take his word for it.
  8. You're right. They couldn't possibly ask for compensation without actual damage. That would defy the laws of physics. ????
  9. I assume it was a rental motorcycle the farang was riding. It should really be insured. But the insurance probably wouldn't pay out under certain circumstances, for example, if the Thai guy didn't have an up-to-date tax sticker. Exactly. If there was damage, I bet it would be shown in media. Probably no damage. I once had a Thai guy try to get compensation from me cos I touched his bumper in a parking spot. He was parked over the line (which I didn't notice when I reversed in). There was no damage. He got nothing from me
  10. Usually done through school. Not sure about brand
  11. Exactly, when you have an accident the insurance fixes it, you don't have to turn all Don Corleone. The Thai guy was extorting him.
  12. Yeah, feed him to the savages. That's the kind of world we should have.
  13. But you said your biological son is great, why would you not choose him?
  14. I wonder if someone killed the vigilante to protect Jordan would they face any charges? ???? I saw news recently where a black woman shot a white man in the head killing him because he had her boyfriend in a headlock. No charges as she was defending her boyfriend. Though her boyfriend was charged cos he owned the gun she used and there was something illegal about the size of the clip or something. It was all caught on film.
  15. Yes, that's the agenda these days. And black on white violence gets next to no coverage now in mainstream media. They even cropped out the black man helping the white vigilante in some newspapers so they could say there was a racial element. There was a black man holding Jordan's hands to restrain him while he was being choked. They cropped that out. And the vigilante put him him the recovery position afterwards and tried to wake him up once he had been subdued. That part didn't get a mention in many newspapers either.
  16. Rest in Peace, Ubon Joe. He was such an asset to our community here, always helpful and kind.
  17. Funny, how you left out the rest of my post where I go on say that the reason for that is we belong to the same ethnicity You know whites from England, America, and Australia (and so on) share the same ethnicity.
  18. To be fair, when I meet white people (irrespective of where they come from), I feel we are on a very similar cultural page. There's a reason for this - I'll bold it for you - we belong to the same ethnic group. I am sure Thais have more in common with Filipinos, Burmese, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Indonesians than other ethnicities.
  19. White people can't say anything these days without being accused of being racist. Wonder why? The media probably.
  20. Of course, it wouldn't be considered racist, nor is it.
  21. Exaggerated? A two income family is not exaggerated; it's normal. I said that in response to you talking about families struggling financially, so it makes perfect sense. Thais generally marry in their own socioeconomic class, hence my example (e.g. a teacher marries another teacher, or nurse, or soldier, or police officer). All these occupations have similar starting salaries. So, with the two of them working they have a decent household income and decent standard of living. There's little opportunity of financial freedom in socialism. They make it hard for individuals to rise up. It literally goes against their ideal.
  22. Why? Nowadays, men generally can't afford 6 kids and a housewife. Sucks, I know. With both husband and wife working around minimum wage they will have a household income of probably 20k a month. With bachelor's degrees or a college course, they could increase that by 50% or maybe even double it. If two Thai teachers are living together, they will have a household income of 30k-40k a month. Not too shabby, actually. Same as a farang English teacher bringing home the bacon for his family (with his madame at home, not working). I don't suppose he gets pity, but that's just life. What then? Communism?
  23. Still less dangerous than a culture that encourages kids to operate motorcycles, imho.
  24. So, if the minimum wage doubles, then they'll probably be earning more (if they work the standard 6 day week) than most Thai teachers, nurses, and other public servants. Then what? Why even become a teacher or a nurse, when you could just work at 7eleven and make more? They'd have to double their salaries too, to make it worthwhile. Then, the price of everything goes up cos businesses want to keep making a good profit, otherwise why do any business at all? Then, we are back to square one with the illusion of a higher minimum wage.
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