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Meat Pie 47

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Everything posted by Meat Pie 47

  1. The last time went to Europe my BIL had GPS in his car he had to look at it every few minutes it is more dangerous than using a mobile which is illigal
  2. I just don't understand why every body relies on GPS I habe been driving since 1968 never had an accident, my car is 26 years old, no airbag, no GPS I am 75 years old and still alive.
  3. should be called Raiders of the lost kookaburra
  4. A koala 'roar' in Jurassic Park? Hollywood filmmakers have made some weird animal sound choices
  5. Saudi Arabia executes 81 men in one day in largest mass execution in decades https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-13/saudi-arabia-executes-81-men-in-one-day/100906094 Happy holidays
  6. I am not an expert since I am not a doctor but I have never known some one died of the flu well maybe there are but I never knew one. But I have 3 friends who died of covid and 2 are still in hospital with long term covid so I agree with most of your topic
  7. Hello tea totalers red this 102-year-old grandmother shares wild secret to her long life https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/wellbeing/102yearold-grandmother-shares-wild-secret-to-her-long-life/news-story/10777dbf11e90c7f22e545c1723f309e
  8. Lucky you, I have been broken in to my factory twice had one of my holiday unit burned down and got threatened with a shogun by my FIL.
  9. Come on guys this things happen in the west as well how many times got babies mixed up in hospitals
  10. I am 100% sure you don't need any testing where I live (in the west ) maybe to show your faccination details (have not been in a restaurant for a while) but the last time I dined out had to show nothing. For a couple of weeks we had to show our vaccination status when we bought alcohol in a bottle shop but no more now. I never ever seen a temperature testing anywhere not in shops or pubs nowhere. I feel sorry for people living in Thailand
  11. You know nothing about Russian people or you just a Russian troll I deleted all my Russian contacts on FaceBook and Twitter and why? because the all pro Putin and I just can't put up with their nonsense and propaganda
  12. So I repost it again https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putin's_Palace
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