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Posts posted by HAPPYNUFF

  1. An old guy and an old woman  are living in a retirement village, seperately.   They   become fond of each other, and  get married.    After a little  party at the village, they retire to their accomodation.  They have now been  given a  double  bedroom.   As  they are preparing for bed, the dear old  thing turns to her  new hubby and says""  George, you will be gentle with me wont you, I have acute angina"     "Thank  god for that"  says George,, "you have  shocking tits."

  2. Same for me, One year  insurance  only paid. After  5 years, insurance  drops to  2nd Class,  and  no,  no claim discount , allowed on   that class of insurance.

    I  had noticed  after  each  service at my Toyota dealer  they were not  greasing the Universal Joints each 10,,000 kms, as recommended.   Next time I went in I asked for this to be done. Not one person there spoke  English,  I had the Thai word for grease written down, and  drew  a  diagram of underneath  a car,   drive shaft,   motor, diif etc,, and  indicated the three  grease nipples to be done.   "OK. Ok" I  was assured,,  Got the car back,,, they had bloody well changed the diif oil.    Went home  crawled under the car and did the UV joints myself.

  3. OK , after 10 pages, Ive got eye strain, and Im not going back to the start to look for it.   But it appears the  wife  used 300,000 baht to bail hubby out.   I didnt see that  statement on my first reading, nor did I see that the Swiss guy  had been arrested/charged with anything.   Did   both those events occur, Or am I mistaken..  If  wifey did come up with such a large sum of cash,,  has she been questioned  where it came from, and that verified.?    Im just too damn tired to scroll back through this lot.

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  4. OK, I  know this Thailand, the land  of smiles, honesty, love for  farangs etc, etc,  but  Ive  wondered,  if these  vehicles are known to be stolen, then  there must have been a report of the theft somewhere,  not  necessarily in Thailand, how else  could   the brown slime   ascertain  the fact they were stolen.     If, after finding a report of  the theft,  its  obvious an owner of the  vehicle is   recorded on the report,...why  arent the vehicles  returned to the legitimate owner, instead of being sold, the sale  profits  going into    corrupt cops pockets  and government coffers,, which are  one and the same thing really. thats    stealing   a stolen   vehicle, isnt it??

  5. OK, so  he didnt say Money money, but Maa nee,,, come here,,,,    ...come here farang Im going to kill you so I can  get all your  money as well as your dog of a wife.     And  gee,  all those thousands of baht he was carrying in his pocket, as everyone does at night while climbing fences of course, is now missing.... that  damn farang probably stole   that too.... Im sure the   wife didnt. shes far too nice a person...not.

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  6. From my reading of  history, I get the opinion that Thailand was never colonised, particularly  by the French to the East , or the British to the West,  was due to the fact that   Britain   having grabbed  India  and Burma,  whilst  the French  had what was then known as Indo China, agreed  to leave   Siam, as it was then known,  as a "buffer zone" between them, to avoid possible conflict over territory.   Or could it be  that even then, both countries recognised    Siam as a basket case, better left to rot alone??.

    I realise  Thai history  puts the fact down to "amazing and far sighted diplomacy"  of a certain King  ruling at that time, but then that is Thai history, or Thainess as   they like to say.

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