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Posts posted by HAPPYNUFF

  1. As I have yet to hear of a poor Insurance Company, how does it work if, say, you have  insurance issued in your home country, but thinking to be safe, you also take out insurance  from a Thai company, and  you have an illness/injury  in Thailand requiring medical treatment.    Knowing   insurance companies  extreme reluctance to part with money,  would there  be a bun fight between to the companies as to whom, if any would pay any    costs, as I doubt  both would   .

  2. Us  farangs  must  realize,  judges in Thailand, having paid  enormous  sums of money to obtain a degree in law, notwithstanding  they  would have great difficulty in spelling the word, or ever having attended any university  in the first place, but rather  had a "friend"  attend for them, or simply    passed a brown envelope under the table, to  obtain said degree,  then  must  follow the herd  and do what is expected to keep us  farangs in  our proper place, and apply "thainess" to every matter that comes before them. 

  3. Hey Tomwhatever,,  I can give several hundred examples actually, from blatant theft  in my presence,  to insults, sneers, rudeness, and of course the  double dealing.   Space  and time however limits me,  you will just have to accept the fact , that as I am not a Thai, I am not lying., however, I am not one of the keyboard warrior brigade, but should any person in my country,  treat me  in. that manner they would find themselves on their backside holding their  teeth.  As I realise here, the farang is always wrong, I just sneer back at any   person  who cannot behave like a human,, and believe me I have perfected my sneer  to the nth degree now.. You on the other hand, may submit to any insult you  feel worthy,,  I will not.

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  4. I must confess,   while I lived in my own, very multicultural country, I didnt have  any great feelings one way or another concerning people of different race, culture, religion or colour, I was what  I would term ethnocentric, certainly not racist or xenophobic.  However since living here a number  of years now my feelings have changed, for the worse unfortunately.

    While still not sinking to the level of being a racist, I find it increasingly difficult not to react negatively  to  the slights, sneers,  rudeness and  double dealing I  sometimes receive.   I  now put it done to the behaviour of a people who are socially, financially, mentally and physically inferior to me, and    other farangs.

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  5. I must confess,   while I lived in my own, very multicultural country, I didnt have  any great feelings one way or another concerning people of different race, culture, religion or colour, I was what  I would term ethnocentric, certainly not racist or xenophobic.  However since living here a number  of years now my feelings have changed, for the worse unfortunately.

    While still not sinking to the level of being a racist, I find it increasingly difficult not to react negatively  to  the slights, sneers,  rudeness and  double dealing I  sometimes receive.   I  now put it done to the behaviour of a people who are socially, financially, mentally and physically inferior to me, and    other farangs.

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  6. You obviously havent been into an Immigration Office    from Australia lately...You would have  great trouble finding an Australian working there...Plenty of Chinese, Indians and other nationalities however.     One time    one of them, from a certain  Asian country  started to question my wife.. Even though I realised,  to work in a Commonwealth Government office, you have to be an Australian citizen, even  a naturalised one. I asked  her what right did she, a foreigner in my eyes, have the right to question my wife in such a rude manner.

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