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Posts posted by HAPPYNUFF

  1. 6 hours ago, bobandyson said:

    I used a lady in Nana Plaza in the mid 90's for a while. She was supposedly a daughter of a top-cop and had someone take the passports to Penang, Malaysia for visas via Malay/Thai borders. 

    At first only needed a copy of marriage paper, then years later had to also show wife's Thai ID card and in later years had to include a copy of a bank book page showing funds.

    I think it all came to a halt when a terrorist named Hambali got caught with fake border stamps obtained from a visa service place in Khao San Road.


    I knew plenty of guys who used the Swede to get visas from Penang but I've never heard of anyone getting visas or entry/exit stamps from Australia though. Somehow I can't see Aussie immigration officials and Thai Embassy/consulate staff being on the take. 


  2. Strangely enough, when I last did my visa  extensionl, and    the usual  annual fee was 1900 baht, the officer  attending to me asked for me to pay  that amount per phone banking to   his bank account.      As I dont use phone banking I declined and offered   the cash as usual..He was  most upset.


    I thought it strange, paying into his account,,,he stated it was his personal account,,, as I thought that would be a simple way to get caught, given  phone and bank records are kept.

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  3. Not the same location, but the very last time I  visited Phuket, I recall being   asked for 400 baht for a copy T shirt,  and 1500 baht for a crayfish (lobster to some)   the size of a small prawn, and 600 baht for a  tuk tuk ride that  I eventually walked in 10 minutes..  Never went back there,  Their loss not mine.  Now  wherever I go and are quoted some ridiculous price, I dont get angry (thats dangerous around murderous thais) but just stare hard at the  vendor and then walk away.

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  4. I feel  sorry for the junior officer who  took and later released this video.    Im sure he will  come to a sticky end, and we will never know, or be told about it....         how does that old saying go,,,something like..."all it takes for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.:.. "     He  should of course be  very richly rewarded and promoted, without his name ever being released, publicly or privately.

  5. A mate of mine was lucky enough (?) to marry a  Chinese /Thai from a wealthy family in BKK.  I have been out to diner with them, and their friends many times.  Most  of them have at least one degree, moreoften two,  even three sometimes.

    Yet to have a conversation with any of them  consists of giggling, talk of TV shows, celebrities, or  fashions.  Not an once of common sense amongst the lot of them. Very pleasant and polite ,,however  I feel sorry for them, their   knowledge of the world outside Thailand is pitiful.

  6. I   had the Pfizer injection at Central, Korat on Tuesday  24/8,  via ExpatVac. , and arranged  by Maha Public Hospital, Korat,,  There were many hundreds of people there, the  4th floor was  standing room only and the greater majority were Thais. 

    There were two lines, one for people, mainly Thais getting  Sinopharm (someone told me that was for their second jab.)

    The other line was for Pfizer, the greater majority of people in that queue were in fact Thais.  Good on them.

    I  overheard one farang being rejected. He hadnt apparently   applied or been asked to attend, had apparently heard about the   inoculations.   He was eventually offered Pfizer , however he was told he would have to pay for it. I dont know the amount  stated.   It appears   some hospitals are doing their best, but the whole system seems chaotic.

  7. I could never understand the principle behind bonuses...     You apply for a job, the  wage is stated, you take the job or you dont.   If you take it   you get the wage offered, if you work efficiently and effectively, you may get promoted, thats your reward.  Here in  crazy land, bonuses seemed to be handed out like Lao Kho at Songkran time.

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  8. By the look of the skinny little runt, hes never done an honest days work in his  miserable life.  As for the photo of the "interrogation "    everyones there but the family dog, and  the  culprit  is given a phone  to talk to the media, where he promptly and publicly  starts his defence.   Ive always thought    the brown slime was  useless, but I didnt realise just how ill trained and stupid they are.

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  9. Livram,, I   got the jab at Central Korat  on  Tuesday, via my  registering on Expatvac )even though I couldnt  add both my passport  and visa page together, and assumed I would be rejected,( but wasnt.)  I didnt nominate any place in particular to be vaccinated, there was no room on the registration blog to do so anyway.  There seemed to be farangs  from all parts of Korat province there, I spoke to  a couple  who had driven well over 100kms.

  10. Hey, Dogmatix, a twist to your tale.....Some years ago, in another life I was  associated with the legal profession  (not as a lawyer, I do have some morals)   I  had occasion to be at the office of a  very famous  criminal defence lawyer, delivering documents.    I could hear a conversation he was having with some clients, through  the wooden partioning, of what was apparently  his interview room.      I was aware a pair of Chinese had been recently arrested  for smuggling a quantity of herion into   the  state I was living  in.  and I could hear, b ut not understand  what they were saying    I m ust have missed  part of the conversation given by the Chinese, as suddenly, in a  raised voice, I heard the  lawyer, whom I kn ew well, raise his voice and say words to the effect...  " thats  no good, we"ll never gat that one past the jury  think of something else to  tell them"    As an old mate of mine  was want to say, a lawyer is something that can walk under  a snakes belly while wearing a top hat, usually accompanied by their client.

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