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Posts posted by HAPPYNUFF

  1.  Further to my post Saturday 24, Page 26...    Got an email  from Maha Public Hospital in Korat PM   Monday 23, to attend Central Shopping Mall Korat  10am  to 1pm   today Tuesday 24th  for Pfizer...    Went,   hundreds there, mainly Thais  getting 2nd Sinopharm needle.           Take  yr passport and address details, fill in a question aire, all in Thai,   Vaccinations started 10.50.    After the jab   waited 30 minutes and out by 11.22.     Back for second  needle 14th Septem,ber. same  time and place.

    Now to  try and get my  3,300 baht   back from St Marys Private Hospital, tho they suggest I can nominate  someone else to take my place.. Hope my  wifes daughter has that much cash.!!

    • Like 2
  2. Registered on 3rd August with Expatvac and unable to  add both passport and visa,  so even though my registration was accepted, I assumed I would be rejected..          My wife then   got onto St Marys private hospital in Korat City, registered  both her and I there, for Moderna vaccine.  Paid, up front, 6,600 baht for  two   needles each.   will be advised in September when  Moderna  arrives there.


    Now, last night, Monday 23, got an email from Maha Hospital in Korat re my expatvac  registration,,,to attend Central Shopping Mall   10am to 1pm today, Tuesday 14th, for Pfizer vaccination........Attended,      hundreds and hundreds there, mainly Thais getting 2nd dose of Sinopham..    Fairly well organised, except  questionaire in Thai, so  guessed at the answers,   Vacinations started at 10.15,   after one doze of Pfizer, and 30 minute wait , I was  out by  11.22am


    St Marys Hospital  tells me I can change the name  for my  date,  my stepdaughter   can have  the M oderna, but I want  3,300 baht  back??

  3. Dont worry if you got a rejection notice,,,  I   bungled my   application  with Expatvac,  but     got my Pfizer shot   thru them, with hundreds of others today, at Central Mall, Korat.    Got email advice   PM on Monday  23rd  to attend AM 24th.

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  4. I, like many others, when I registered on  3rd of the month, was unable to   load  both my passport and visa  details.  My registration was accepted, b ut like many, I expected to get a rejection notice later.

    Instead I got  advice   to my email address  PM  on 23rd,  telling me,,, and many more,  to attend Central  Shopping Mall in Korat   between 10am and 1pm   Tuesday 24th.

    Went there, arrived  8.45am..   Long queue, mostly Thais. On the 4th floor.    Bit of a shambles at first, given a form to fill in,  all questions in Thai,  so did the best I could,  probably   told them Im pregnant, have dandruff, ingrown toenails, etc, as I ticked  Yes to everything.      2nd Dose of Sinophorm  being given, mainly Thais in that queue,  You had to write down on the numbered ticket you were given  did you want Pfizer.  Yes please.  Anyway, once sorted out, very quick.    Everything actually started at 10.10am, I was done and dusted by 10,52, had to sit  for 30 minutes and allowed to leave at 11.22am  Back later in September, same  time and place.  Need to take your passport and home address details.



    For those who registered in Expat Vac  and living  in Korat region,  Maha Hospital in Korat has emailed advising  inoculations are  to be held at Central Shopping Centre today, TUESDAY 24th between 10am and 1pm.  

    The list of those to attend  is  sent using your email name, not your actual name.

    To confirm  you are listed, move cursor to  first list of email names, click the drop down sign and scroll down.  Tho you should have received an individual notice.



    Maha hospital in Korat has sent an email advising  all   that vaccination  is TODAY, between 10am  and 1pm at Central   shopping centre, Korat.

     To find  if you are on the list.... move cursor to  end of the  email names shown  in the  line, and click on the drop down  sign and scroll.


    Didnt count  but there appears    maybe over a 100 namas,,   listed by your E mail address.  , not your actual name.

  7. Tried and tried again..to register, failed.. using a different email address, and dropping last numeral off my passport,  again, no matter  what I did, from the advice given here couldnt   load both passport and visa ... I havent been rejected, yet, but probably will, so  the wife   got onto a private hospital in our province,   paid 6,600 baht up front for   two injections each of Moderna,  and  was told we will be advised when to attend.   I  keep telling my  other half, the  boss, now you know why I drink...



  8. ::Soon::     translated from the Thai means  ::Later::


    Ive given up after being rejected by Expatvac, due to being unable to add both my passport  and visa attachments, being  put on a ::list::  at  my local hospital,, another list at the hospital in the next province,  and  no word since, many many days later..so Ive paid 6,600 baht for   my wife and I   to register  at a private hospital in our province,, for  two injections each, and Im told  it will be the Moderna variety. on a pay now,  vaccine later basis , of course.

  9. I wish people who post on this forum would be  more exact when  describing or naming a place.. For instance, there are numerous " I registered  and went to Central today......""    there are many Centrals,,which one  exactly are you referring to.?

    The same.." went to BHP  today,," ,,, what Broken Hill Proprietary  Limited, a large company in Australia you mean??

    I realize posters are trying to help, but they must realize many  on this forum  are no longer in their youth,  or are not aware of  many   abbreviated  place/institutions names  that a person from a particular locale  is aware of.

  10. On a different thread a poster has  told   if you hold down the CONTROL tab and then move  cursor over  each photo , you can   download both....   Too late for me tho, I  stuffed up twice, using different  e mail names.  2 rejection notices expecte3d for me.

  11. When I first came to this country, in 1987, on holiday, there were no computers, mobile phones,  extremely limited TV  , and of poor quality anyway, and the main danger was to  watch out for Somchai  galloping past on his buffalo.   Here we are now in 2021, and  you expect  Thais to be able to develop an efficient internet programme to.  .  enable us poor farangs to register for  the vaccine.     I have  , twice, using different e mail addresses, and it is only now  I  see, from a very helpful  commentator, that to upload BOTH your passport and visa extension details, you just have to hold down the control tab, highlight both  pages, and move them to the  email....Too late for me, Im now waiting for two rejections.   And some  wonder why us farangs are driven to strong drink.

    • Haha 2
  12. How many   females have been lured  overseas  with promises of no hanky panky,, either just  as friends  or  offer of a respectful  job..   Im  sure most of us  know   some horror stories.   In fact  my wifes cousin was one,  lured to Sydney, work as a waitress she was assured by a  friend,,  finished up locked up in a brothel.  She managed to phone my wife, I   got onto Immigration in Sydney  and     gave them the address, they raided the place, apparently 5 other girls there in the same situation, only an old Mama San     in charge,,   organiser/owner of the brothel  well    away and hidden.      Just have a look at the "personal" column of your local newspaper,   hundreds of females, from all  over the world offering "services"  A cop I know tells me  quite a lot of them  are  in country on a tourist visa  in Australia, organised  by  gangs.

  13. A bit off topic, but  considering  the new   visa  regulations   coming in place, retrospectively, in Malaysia,  whereby for a retiree, a monthly income of  $9400, plus in excess of $300,000  in the bank, permanently, is     going to be  the requirement, I have little doubt the  wonders that run this circus will be looking, and considering similar legislation....    But hey, think of all those rich  Chinese and Indian  tourists  who will take  our place??? Two weeks at a time, no less.

    • Like 1
  14. Kee Tua,,, Im not a computer geek, but my Lenovo  seemed to have every problem imaginable. Jumping out of programmes was  a main thing, frequent jamming,  refusing to connect with my printer, and  when,  wouldnt print correct page... The technical terms  are beyond me, but my  friend  tells me he has  similar problems, or rather  did have, till he got rid of it. I bought it direct from a large  shop  dealing in computers,  On taking it back I was told I would have to send it myself to an agent in Bangkok, whom I had never heard of, at my expense.  Even now it  stumbles along, I  try not to use it often now. I have previously owned Acers,,    never a problem, just   got old and  worn out.   I was  sweet talked into this thing.

  15. I wish  you all the best should you be unfortunate enough to decide on a Lenovo.   I  have owned  three computers in my short   life  of   using   these new fangled machines,  and    my present one, a Lenovo, costing just under 19000 baht  some 6 months ago  has aged me considerably ..Three times it has been back for repair,   at a cost, so far,  in excess of  7000 baht. Warranty you ask, whats a warranty in Thailand look like.???      I have a friend who also bought one of these Chinese disasters, and has suffered similar problems.  As he has far  more money then me,  he  has bought  another, different make of course, and uses his Lenovo as a door stop now. Says it works  very good  in that use.

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