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Everything posted by Farmerslife

  1. "No more corruption" Not on Prawit's watch as acting PM. Of course, he may find he only has a limited timeframe to bring his reforms to bear. The seconds are ticking away until the constitutional court delivers its verdict on Prayut's tenure as PM. Still, it's good to see an honest face in the centre of the dial of Thai government.
  2. Ditto @recom273 If you dig around in Makro's freezer cabinets you can also find the pricey imported stuff but, maybe, this only applies in Nakhon Nowhere. ????
  3. I expect the occasional Burmese python here, living close to Khao Yai, but this one is far from a suitable home. The vast majority of snakes in Bangkok walk upright on 2 legs, their nationality being irrelevant.
  4. I get your point but tattoos are a matter of personal choice. God forbid, that I ever live in a totalitarian state that would prevent people from being tattooed. I confess I don't have a tattoo. When I was young they weren't fashionable and now it is much too late in life to get one done. Apologies to all those at the wrong end of life who are tattooed but I think they lose their visual appeal on wrinkled skin. A far greater concern for most of us pale skinned expats is the risk of skin cancer from exposure to the sun's rays rather than the risk from ink from an aged tattoo. Oh, - - - - and one last point, the sweetest lady in the world has but one, a small scorpion tattoo on the back of her left hand, just below the thumb, and I love it. ????
  5. Small in stature, towering in presence. I always associate him with Ugarte in Casablanca but that is doing him an injustice as he appeared in a huge number of classic films. A great actor.
  6. One further thought This is a bit of a long shot but when I moved my belongings over from the UK this is the company that was appointed by Anglo-Pacific on the Thai side. Good written and spoken English. They were very helpful and when it came to the delivery day arrived with a small army of labourers which seemed slightly excessive given I didn't have that much stuff. That said, they were efficient, polite and only one item was damaged. (In fairness to them it could well have been damaged UK side or during the sea voyage.) They might be worth contacting; Boonma Moving & Storage Co., Ltd. | 106 Ramkhamhaeng Road, Soi 8, Hua-mak, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240, Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 2 314 5021 Fax: +66 (0) 2 318 2447 Website: www.boonma.com
  7. Sorry, this is of no help to you but, out of curiosity, just how many of these glass panels are there? How many ascents of the summit are necessary? I would try asking around among your local builders. They will know the casual labourers in the area though whether any would be prepared to undertake the job will depend on the remuneration. It would be good if you could insure the panels for this operation.
  8. I will reiterate: International mail requires a return address Internal mail does not - though it is in your own interest to include one. The mail you post may fail to reach its intended destination for a variety of reasons. Incorrectly addressed. Poorly addressed, "Gone away". Declined. These are all commonplace. It can only be returned to you, the sender, if you have included a return address. Royal Mail operates a Return Letter Branch from Belfast and it is here that all returns are sent from around the UK. It handles around 20 million items a year
  9. International mail requires a return address. It is not always enforced but nonetheless it is a requirement.
  10. 304 views yet only 19 voting responses. Is this a reluctance to to vote or a very large number of single guys viewing the thread?
  11. Getting into the cow business. It took a long time to extricate myself. (You may interpret that in any way you wish)
  12. Signs of a bad girl? When you marry them. ???? They're all fine before then. Signs of a bad farang? We post on here.
  13. Very similar to the wife, though this lady is a good deal more gentle..
  14. Papaya fruits rapidly, though it has a comparatively weak rooting system, so be careful where you plant them, they can get washed away at this time of year. Guava, as you already know, fruits quickly. Cover the developing fruit on the tree in either paper or plastic bags to keep the insects off. In addition to the two above, we commercially grow dragon fruit, banana, mulberries and lemons all in poor stoney fast draining soil. Soil which I have gradually improved over the years with a steady supply of cow manure from a nearby dairy farm but it's a lifetime's work, I suspect. For our own consumption, we also grow mango, limes, blackberries (yes, seriously), sour sop, melon and, my pet project at the moment, lychee (I have to see how this pans out).
  15. During the intervening period it is only necessary to maintain a minimum of 400,000 in the Thai bank account. Probably advisable not to get too near to the 400,000 minimum in case of any unexpected bank charges or similar
  16. No, not a sourdough. The recipe calls it "Artisan bread". It does require kneading but the hardest part is leaving it to prove for 2 or 3 days before baking. Now really does a will of iron! ????
  17. I'm just an impoverished farmer, sadly, I can't afford a nice Chardonnay ???? - well, not very often ????
  18. On a macro level (no, not Makro level ????) worldwide wheat consumption is currently exceeding production - 787 million tonnes as opposed to 778 million tonnes. Whilst 10% may sound relatively small, 77 million tonnes doesn’t. Couple that with demand already exceeding production and it isn't difficult to see shortages arising. Perhaps unsurprisingly, China with its huge population is the largest consumer. (With India soon to become the world's most populous country I wonder if that will change?) On a micro level, I have taken to baking my own with really encouraging results. Time is the biggest drawback but if you can spare a little it is well worth it.
  19. I too would like to see the return of a democratically elected government and, whilst I am not anti Thaksin, I just wish he keep quiet. His day has passed. Accept it. Perhaps, 10 years ago he might have played a significant role in the resumption of democracy in Thailand. Now all he does is weaken the current opposition's position with constant references to his return. He isn't the son of God, we are not expecting the "second coming". Please, for the sake of the country <deleted>.
  20. Famous nomad capitalist youtuber Is that just 4 random words thrown together? I think I'll go for awesome barnacle doorstep haberdasher. The world's screwed.
  21. We found an abandoned feral kitten in the middle of the road and, like you, took on the task of looking after it. I guess ours is a similar age of 3 weeks or so. Initially we started feeding her just goat's milk but have now got her eating a small amount of solid food as well (a little sardine mixed in with rather wet rice). We are probably doing it completely wrong but she seems to be thriving and even our dogs seem to have taken to her, although this may change as she grows. No doubt, the experts will be along shortly to tell us where we are going wrong. I am happy to be corrected by those that know their stuff.
  22. Agreed, but the timing's a bit off though. This on the same day as news of Aeroflot's planned resumption of flights during October between Moscow and Phuket.
  23. Hair? Oh yes, I remember that stuff. Truthfully though, I have been cutting what little remains for some years now. It's easy enough when you keep it very short and when it is a sparse as mine anything else would look frankly ludicrous. The only thing I miss about my hair was the protection it gave me in the midday sun. A burnt bonce is no fun at all. However, easily overcome by investing in a decent hat. No worries.
  24. Found it ! Under Thailand General Chat. it doesn't take much to confuse me these days. ????
  25. What's a Sunday? When I was in paid employment Sunday was my day of rest but in these days of unpaid employment for the hardest taskmistress you would never wish to meet, every day is the same as the one that preceeded it. Forgetting Sundays, I prefer to think of the Kinks Sunny Afternoon. Relaxing to this puts a smile on my face on any day of the week.. https://youtu.be/TYIl6n_SRCI
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