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Everything posted by Farmerslife

  1. Yes, she can apply for a UK passport. She will need to present her Certicate of naturalisation.
  2. ???????????????? The euphemism to end all euphemisms.
  3. Perhaps, you should try watching Trainspotting the original '96 version. It might give you a different take on a more modern Scotland. On second thoughts, scrub that idea. Why spoil an illusion?
  4. Green Valley Pharmaceuticals. The information I saw online may well be out of date but it was stated that the drug is not yet available outside of China.
  5. I am going through this process currently. I have left everything to people here in Thailand but, in your case, with beneficiaries in the UK and Thailand it is advisable to have a separate will for the distribution of your UK assets. A simple handwritten will would suffice. Do you have someone you could entrust to act as executor for you in the UK? I only have bank accounts in Thailand and the UK to worry about. I have listed the details in full for those accounts in my Thai will. Gifts of personal items can be listed in your will, there is no need for a separate will to cover these. An executor can be a beneficiary.
  6. I am currently going through this process at present. My requirements are a bit different in that I still have some assets in the UK I am using Isaan Lawyers in Korat as already recommended by @lungbing. The biggest issue for me has been the appointment of an executor. I really don't know anyone here with sufficient grasp of English (my UK asssets) or the ability to liaise with the authorities, banks etc (both Thai and UK assets) to be able to deal with the paperwork. Isaan Lawyers have roughly estimated around 10,000 baht for this service which I think is good value for peace of mind. Incidently, you ask whether a beneficiary can be a witness to the will? That is not permitted.
  7. I buy my Canon cartridges from www.invadeit.co.th Whether they are the cheapest or not, I don't know but they are genuine Canon cartridges and with English as a first language any issues can be quickly resolved. They are usually prepared to get an item in for me even if it is something they don't carry in stock.
  8. 67,000 driving around with no licence is a pretty terrifying statistic. What's the deterrent? Points on the licence is a non-starter. A ban on driving clearly won't work. A slap on the wrist? A small fine? A now don't do it again, there's a good fella? Impound the vehicle and irrespective of whether the driver is the owner or not, charge a very, very hefty fee for its return.
  9. Firstly, congratulations on one of your shortest titles for a topic yet. A mere four words, impressive. Keep up the good work. ???? A very relatable theory as far as I am concerned. I confess my moods are very much influenced by external events however hard I try to remain unaffected. Serious question; how do you avoid that? Buddhist acceptance? Gallic insouciance? Cussed indifference? Hope may spring eternal but it can be bl**dy difficult to maintain sometimes.
  10. Taken from wiki how; Go to https://login.yahoo.com/forgot in a web browser. This website will help you recover your Yahoo account by sending a confirmation code to your backup email address or phone number.[1] You must have access to your recovery email address or phone number to restore your account. If there's no way for you to access those accounts, you can speak with someone from Yahoo's support team for a small fee.[2] To do so, go to https://help.yahoo.com/kb/account and click Speak with a live agent near the top-right corner of the page. Speaking to an agent would look like your only option
  11. Shouldn't it read "you'll do what I say, I'll do what I want"
  12. This is a serious thread as we all know but I stumbled across this today and it had me in tears Laughter is the best medicine.
  13. 1000kgs of weed - now that would have been one hell of a spliff!
  14. On my visits to Bangkok I often use taxis and have only once had a problem but that was a driver who thought I didn't know my way around and thought he could take me on the 'scenic route'. In truth the traffic has always been so heavy that the chances of speeding have been about as remote as my chances of buying a winning lottery ticket. ????
  15. What an awesome photo. It is both somehow human and alien at the same time. Excellent!
  16. The urologist that I have seen in Bangkok privately does work at Chulalongkorn Hospital and I did attempt to see her there but despite arriving at 6:45am the place was utterly besieged. I waited for over 4 hours just to make an appointment to see her but eventually gave up. With the benefit of hindsight, I probably should have stuck it out until I could make an appointment but it was the morning following my visit overnight to the ER to deal with my water retention and I wasn't at my best.
  17. I had both a flexible and a rigid cystoscopy when I had bladder cancer. The flexible one was a breeze but the rigid one went horribly wrong and I bled like a stuck pig for 8 days after. I'm in no hurry to repeat the experience.
  18. Where's your usual optimism? " ....... extensive cutting ......" Jeez, I want them to reduce the size of my prostate, not disembowel me.???? Being eviscerated ain't on my list of things to do on turning 70. If both the doctors that I have seen suggest a 3 day stay for after the operation should be adequate then I'll bow to their superior knowledge and anyway the more days in hospital the more expensive it becomes. As for India? I know it works for you and that's great but it's a non-starter for me. I know next to nothing about the country and even less about its healthcare. A 2 hour flight maybe, but by the time I had added on journeys at either end, booking in, clearing immigration etc I am looking at a good 6 hours or more. The prospect of doing this after an operation when I might need the toilet every 20 minutes, or perhaps with a catheter in place, fills me with dread. It just isn't practical for me.
  19. Believe you me, you will know when your turn comes. There is nothing imaginary about acute water retention.
  20. The three quotes I obtained were all for a 3 day stay. Thereafter any additional treatment, I imagine, I would be expected to delve into my pocket again.
  21. Slight, fine boned, graceful, femine but never take that as a sign of weakness. My wife packs a mean haymaker, always best to keep a safe distance when she's riled and my girlfriend has a fearless quiet determination. She refuses to back down if she feels she is in the right, true strength of character. There is no way fat and flabby trumps slender and elegant as far as I am concerned. If I had wanted the elephantine I would stayed in the West. Jackie Wilson - Reet Petite "Well, have you ever seen a girl for whom your soul you'd give? For whom you'd fight for, die for, pray to God you'd lie for? She's so fine, she's so fine, she's really sweet the finest girl You ever want to meet" Yes, I have!
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