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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Maybe Thailand could investigate why they need visas.. The North is not desperate in need for Thai tourists... Besides many Thais we have read several times, come under false predictions in countries like Korea..... not as tourists but as workers... I know someone who had a visa for Poland, but went working illegally in a massage shop in the Netherlands.. And be fair the EU/US have a lot more to offer than Thailand even if you stay illegally, you will not be treated as in Thailand.
  2. no work permits/?? How come.. Thai people can cook too so no work permit given as it is a job Thai people can do...I never will understand the logic in this country... everything goes against everything...
  3. I am happy that the PM can't say he us the best for this country anymore too...
  4. Motorcades should be banned, also for busses with daytrip people/students, minivans with so xalled hiso's and so on. Only for royalty is ok and for trucks and transport of exceptional things for safety... Normal road usage for everyone.. Nobody has to go aside for other common people
  5. And how much spend retirees and expats during the year in Thailand??? Why are they not treated better than instead if they are criminals with 90 days reporting, adress confirmations, etc?? Or are only tourists important??
  6. A few things... There are more tourists, bt not the number they want us to believe, another thing is the price and quality and quantity.. if they serve normal prices with normal portions and eatable food, a restaurant will sell.. But too pricy for a little bit, or not good food ..... you won't sell that is all over the world the same. And of course the expensive THB makes that people have less to spend.. There is a difference if you get 37 THB /USD or 30 THB/USD, as everything is getting more expensive already. Business is taking risks, you can win and you can loose..but good management and a view can solve a lot too.. Be inventive
  7. Where do they work ?? As inPattaya a check by the police a week or a so ago found no prostitution... So If it doesn't exist they don't need to be protected too..Or just admit that there are a lot and protect them...
  8. Today I read that a lot of CHinese have a problem with their income and payments as the population is also affected by inflating and rising costs just as the rest of the world....Maybe TAT was too optimistic again and my partner has read on another website that a lot of Chinese choose other countries than Thailand and that the big wave maybe expected only around September.... just to say....
  9. And maybe the exchange rate can be useful.. I don't know which rate they use or is it a average rate??? My bank or their bank?
  10. Something new???? When I was burglared a few years back the first thing the police offers ask how much I paid to find the thieves...And a friend who got killed on a motorcycle by a truck, his family had to pay 100k to get witnesses and a policereport... although the truck was surely wrong, but without no paying the RTp would not help
  11. So no jobs left.. Thai can do everything, even teaching English without speaking and understanding one word if a foreigner talks with them. How many foreigners are helping their spouse for a restaurant or whatsoever. Small businesses, who can't employ more people... They should be aware....Tourism is killed already by stricter visa rules and an expensive THB, now the familybusinesses what is left over after the visa rules must be killed... When do we get a Government with brains and vision???
  12. I undertand it, but there is 1 thing that I don't understand is that when Prawith says that the rate USD/THB on 37 is not good, suddenly the THB get stronger....Besides we all know that the rich can switch their THB now into western currency at a cheap price and as soon as the reality of the so called strong manipulated THB will crash they can change again and make big profits...Don't forget who owns the THB
  13. There are no other ways to punish them.... write rules?? they don't do it,...... Keep them after school ? Can not as they have to go home by the schoolbus,...... Fail them? impossible..... Let them clean the toilets? The director disagree as loosing face .....Remove them from the class?? It is not allowed....Expel them from school?? That punishment is too harsh for a minor incident.....That is the reality.....And the students?? They know it very well that a teacher can't do anything in fact and they surely use it..... If you ever were ateacher here in Thailand ypou would know it....Thailand is not the Western world.....
  14. The universities have the power for changes.. They are the future and all changes start with students...Always been and always will...Thailand is too outdated... Respect for them as they dare to stand up....More should follow as united you can reach your goals, individual will not do
  15. Why always blame the teacher.... Who of you ever stood in a class with 50 kids who don't want to do anything as they all know they will always pass... It is a real problem with overloaded classes, always pass laws, and the so called "angel"kids....and the workload of the teachers.. As long as the education system is not changed this will happen....If you are a motivated teacher, find another job because as a teacher you will get no rewards for your work nor from schools, students and parents....
  16. It is not about the amount of money, but as long as there is double pricing they should not collect this fee....It seems they want to use it for the touristindustry, so why extreem high prices for foreigners and free or low entrances fee for Thais... and if it is for the health industry , than it is better to only get tourist entries with a visa, when you have to show a healthinsurance at applying for the visa... No need for extra payments.....
  17. Not all entries are tourists.....People living in Thailand and coming back from their families in the neighbouring countries because of Christmas and New Year celebrations, are no tourists..Same for expats who went back for the holidays and now retgurning to Thailand again... So what do TAT descripes as a tourist??
  18. The THB is far too expensive.....That makes things from THailand expensive to buy... and with no modernizing of laws in Thailand , the country will stay behind
  19. Never a problem if mr Prayuth is involved...Even the Constitution Court can't stop this man
  20. pay 350 THB a day for more than 12 hrs work and mostly 7 days a week....Who want a job like that?? And as we could read immigrants are not allowed to work, as jobs Thais can do are not allowed to do by immigrants....Yes indeed a problem... Maybe 600 THB a day not bad, but better a monthly wage and at least 4/5 days off at 15Ka month would do better
  21. I wondering which Chinese came on the 9th than....There was so much publicity of Chinese coming after the lockdown and today the first direct plane???
  22. But Asean people from neighbouring countries can work in factories, doing jobs that Thais can do too, but are not willing to do.. That is no problem??? The outdated labour law should be reviewed. In other countries most Thais can do any job or any business they want... Thailand is too protective and that makes country not going forward.. More competition makes more need of new ideas, services, etc..
  23. No discrimantion n Thailand, but it seems that more foreigners are fined than Thai..How many drivers are there without a driverslicense in cars and motorcycles... Indeed everyone has to follow the law, with the same fines and no double standards
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