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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Coincidentially there wasa similar case with a former student in the school were I was teaching. the M3 girl was deperately in love with her Thai teacher, that she wanted to commit suicide, because he rejected her...Her mother came to school because the director was a monk and she thought the the old teachers could change her mind...It happens everywhere.. Look at Presodent Macron from France... he married his teacher....And yes I disapprove relations love relations between teachers and students.. Not professional
  2. no points to deduct as he was not allowed to drive a motorcycle already.. Why don't parents in Thailand don't care about their children in general... And of course again the lack of law enforcement by the police...... 1 year a lot of work to fine and check everybody and everything and things will improve a lot.. But ........ Martin Luther King said already... I have a dream
  3. If they want to do an election campaign aleady, finish this week and next week the current businesses and dissolve the parliament and they can go to the provinces to get votes.. But not now as they have to do their job first.....
  4. On one hand they want to ease the tourist visa and with the other hand they make restrictions like 300 THB entry fee... I changes but keep it 30 days and no entry fee. People who want to stay longer can apply for a 3 month visa... Same as a Schengenvisa for example...
  5. I am still wondering how it is possible that people with no driverslicense can buy a car or motorcycle....It is the greed of the selling business and the lack of the Government to do something about it. Even without a proper income they sell cars with loans to people with no driverslicense and when things go wrong......who is responsible?? Lack of law and police enforcement....and ruling by the Government... Nobody cares
  6. It will never work... First of all as long as there are a lot of drivers who drive without a license, no proper education in driving and behavior on the road, and no enforcement of the laws and / or the corruption by the police, it will fail. They should start at the beginning.. helmets on motorcycles instead of masks, proper checks at checkpoints( not only tax payment). heavy fines for speeding, dangerous driving, alcohol, druksabuse and overloaded trucks and cars..and although many crackdowns on blacksmoke cars there are many on the road.mEnforcement of laws 24/7/365
  7. Whatever.... his license revoked for at least 1 year a jail term and very big fine....He is rich enough and doesn't stand above any law... Show that Justitia is blind, instead of having a vault for envelopes
  8. that will be a long wait before law enforcements and rforms are made..... Don't look further than the Civil union Bill/Gay Marriage laws, that takes already almost a decade....Alcohol laws are still not adjusted to the 21st century and driving ..... don't need to explain
  9. there are 3 to 4 million foreigners working/living in Thailand.... They pay tax and spend money here.... What do you think do the contribute to the economy?? And that are not tourists
  10. The perfect country... no sexworkers,only hostesses, waitresses, and masseuses.....or whatever names they use..... Pattaya is the sexcapital of the world, how do they get that name??? But the RTP is not corrupt and does a good job always, so no worries...
  11. Ancient outdated laws to protect the Thai people for ....??? yeah what???As a foreigner you only can make a business if 51% of the shares are Thai. Why should a foreigner invest if he will get the minorty in shares?? A foreigner is not allowed to do anything that a Thai can do too... So shopkeeping can do all Thai people, so not allowed by foreigners... Protecting their country and protecting the rich of the country..That is all about it......Suppose it would be the same all over the world... Where would the Chinese be? where would the Thai massage shops all over the world be? Time to enter the 21st century Thailand instead of staying behind in the 19th century......... Times changes
  12. They should be sacked, but probably normal behavior.. rules for everyone except........... and who cares that they are boozing... they have nothing else to do... If they were working and doing their jobs, they didn't have time to do so
  13. an influx of international tourists, should be after an influx of chinese tourists...Other tourist were coming already for several months although not in very big numbers and the question is ae they westerners really coming back in big numbers..
  14. First of all, how come that they paid 10x more?/ and secondly it is normal if you make a mistake like this that you correct it.. Why so much praise for normal behaviour??. O yea an exception in gthe land of scams
  15. They could publish them already....we all know that they want to keep the current Government, maybe in other parties, but the persons..
  16. As usual they did ot think about that...and also different cases... Just foreign tourists on tourist pay and exceptions???? OMG there are different entries too... meeting now, probably can't start 1 of June
  17. The rich always get a way out... no drinking, refusing a test, although no problem if only 2 champers were drunk, he wanted a bloodtest after many hours, he paid already 100.000 THB and want to pay for a new car, and a lot of excuses why reacted like that.. probably he was not speeding too
  18. Didn't Thailand said a few days that tey did not discriminate??? Why always foreigners have to pay more than Thai and Thai are excepted in several cases?? Is that no discrimination??
  19. The unelected senators, should have no votes at all in the choice of a new PM.. They are not selected by the people, but appointed by the Junta and that is no democracy... As soon as possible this group should be dismissed and vanish from the political stage... They only damage the country
  20. Don't worry too much... Everything changes all the time and this has benne postponed several times too. In June there is a new Government after the elections so in Flipflop country you never know... And maybe Chinese start to complain and it will be abolished too..Besides only workpermis holders don;t need to pay but It should be all with a residentvisa, retirees, expats, and students... They are no tourists too.. Only pay if you are staying in Thailand shorter than 4 months would be better...
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