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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Waaw these people have spend 5000 THB each for a full moon party.. What did they drink and eat???
  2. In our own language we use these kind of words too( stupid cow), and although is not nice to hear itwe can live with it. But In Thailand the people can't handle critics, because everything is fine and good ....and losing face is the worst that can happen for them..If it is used probably there is/was a good reason for it..
  3. cheap??? hotels are even more expensive than in Paris...last year we bougt a bottle of Ec ian in Paris for 50 eurocent.. that is 18 THB the exact same bottle of water here is 65 THB....and than we don't even talk about wine
  4. there are already only 66 million Thais instead of several websites said there are 70 million...So 4 million more votes for them could make it work..
  5. share it on facebook, that will keep the Westerns away and can Thailand enjoy their Chinese guests... Everybody happy.
  6. your country, your view, your opninion.... The big money will be always in benefit...But how about expats and retirees who get less money to spend every month.. They contribute more than the internationals who only benefit the rich and super rich...But again your country.. And a lot of people know that superrich and rich are changing their THB in USD because when the THB will collapse they will profit again.. Everybody happy
  7. Thailand is afraid of China that is all.... and they need tourists for the economy.... But with half baked measures there will be much more damage than decent measures.. Do as China a RT PCR test not older than 48 hours before departure for the Chinese, as they require too to entry heir country...and the rest leave it, leave it
  8. ifyou are an exporter you receive USD and you have to change them in THB and with a strong THB you get less almost every day.. you don't understand that? And I as an importer of your Thai goods have to pay more USD for the same product... Who is benefitting? tell me please. I don't tralk about big international businesses and the oil and energy business... That is totally different.. No I just talk about a Orchid farmer or Thai silk seller for example...As an importer I go and look cheaper options maybe different countries who can deliver the same for less..Nobody is benefitting of a too expensive currency.. Result is that prices only are going up and result in devaluation of the currency..Than all parties are satisfied..At this moment not many people are satisfied with the overvalued THB
  9. so if I have to pay 10.000 THB in USD I pay for a rate at 36 totally 277 USD and with a rate of 34 totally 294 USD.. exporter is happy but not me. Be honest in THB you calculate with THB to USD and not USD to THB.....
  10. According to internet there are a few million Thais missing... but maybe they will appear in the votes with next election to make the current parties stay in power.. https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/THA/thailand/population https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL?locations=TH
  11. Good to hear and read that the Thai economy is going so well.. But in the past weeks there were several opposite articles as well.. Ok no problem as we live in a country that only produce news that will look good ... but as everyone hoorays over the strong THB there is another side and that is not inflation. Expats and retirees get salaries and pensions from their country. They will get less THB and can spend less and with the ongoing inflation and the policy for double pricing for foreigners, it is not good for the economy at all. Besides, the eport will be less too as articles are more expensive because of the THB. Result will be as the Chinese tourists don't come in the expected numbers, and other tourists don't come again because of the Covid rules again, the economy will be going down much more than they are aware of. Don't forget that airplane tickets are already much higher because of the war in Ukraine and climate and airport taxes. People will always come to Thailand, but with a too expensive THB and all other costs and regulations, people will choose a holiday destination nearby or with less paperworks
  12. I am wondering how they count..... The administaration is a mess, with people registered in places where they don't live( in the blue book) but work or live in other provinces...
  13. So if he is breaking the law, ban him for 10 years as the EC did with other politicians too..But because he is the ruling party and the PM probably the laws are not for him
  14. China can make rules and restrictions but if other countries do it to the Chinese there will be measures... double standards... and Thailand goes mad again with proof of vaccines and health insurances and will complain if there are less tourists... But happily the Chinese are here
  15. So the world can not make some rules to enter their country, as China will be take measures who does so, but China can make restrictions on entering their country.. And Thailand?? an incompetent Government agrees with China instead of protecting their own population and see how things will work out in a few months as many other countries are doing too.. But as usual first make a big problem and than solve it with draconion measures...
  16. And he would be the heir for the next PM??? OMG what a man with brains of a ostrich..
  17. yesterday the EU decided different.. This is 30th December, but to make one rule for all EU countries, there was a meeting yesterday. I only have it in Dutch so not allowed to publish. I found something: https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20230104-eu-countries-strongly-encouraged-to-demand-chinese-passengers-take-covid-tests https://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/majority-of-eu-wants-tests-on-passengers-from-china
  18. So indirect India doesn't trust the Chinese tourists, as if the Indians come back from Thailand, where the Chinese can enter without any testing, there is a possibility that the returning visitors from Thailand will bring Covid infections from the Chinese in Thailand. Smart move ..... a country with brains..... and Thailand.. Oh no problem... now the Chinese are coming we can miss the Indians again until the Chinese don't come anymore
  19. Happy tohear that the PM is confident... But what will the reality be?? In the EU Chinese travellers have to wear a mask during the flight and must show a negative test.. In THailand nothing is required now, but what will happen if suddenly the Covid cases rise again? More masks wearing and curfews only to pamper the Chinese?
  20. No mentio if she was wearing a mask too.. Head injuries because of no helmet, but as we see a;most all motorcyclists are wearing facemasks...
  21. What a lot of money again wasted....No wonder there is no money for other things and to keep the daily wages low.... What was wrong with the Bang Sue name?? how many people filled their pockets with this change again?? ... Shameful
  22. just a tip of the iceberg.... How many were not checked/tested??If you calculate this to a year it is more than 425.000 .....and probably even more...
  23. Maybe there are some industry or businesses in your area that are interested in classes for their workers... I did adults too in a company and that was very funny and much better than the 20 years in schools with 50 kids in a class
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