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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. If the Revenue department was doing its job Corruption would be much more difficult. They see your income and your assets and if you have more assets and a lot of money which in fact can't afford with your salary something has to be wrong....
  2. You are totally right, the problem in Thailand as we can see many times that the reality is totally different from what you write...
  3. To prevent to loose the new elections, as it seems, I would not be surprised that there will be another coup. a thrwoback again for the country, but the army must stay in power at all costs, a democracy for the people is not done. Too dangerous for certain people
  4. Another one.... fire everybody who is involved.. and check every entertainment venue in the whole country and close them down immediately if there is something not right whatever it may be
  5. If he is/was a symptonic, he didn't even know that he was infected.. Besides who said that he died because of Covid? Maybe a heartfailure? People die even healthy people as it is a part of life.. When you a born it is normal that you will die, nobody lives forever
  6. an 10th million arrival on 10 airports, but Suvarnabhumi was the luckiest one... Do they know who in reality was the or will be the 10th million??? Only feel good news, but fake as nobody is able to see if the numbers are correct
  7. to save their position for the new elections as they know that probably the current party is loosing seats.. they want to stay in power
  8. It is very clear that the current parties in the Government will not be ruling again after the elections.. But Pheu Thai is not the best option as we all know previous Shinawatra PM ended by coups.. Probably the best option is Move Forward.. A totally a new wind blowing is the best
  9. better no personnel or less anymore and automatic processes,... it means more people has nothing or less to spend so that is a disaster for the economy. A bigger problem than the greed of the businessmen and investors who only want to see the profits going up year after.. It is a problem because Thailand doesn't have any social security system. The money goes to the 15 percentwealthy and super wealthy instead of being invested in the Thai people
  10. Phetkasemroad to Huahin has less traffic than on a regular weekend. Busses are popular they claim, but maybe there is no money to go now as there was a long weekend last week, this week a long week in in a 2 weeks the New Year holidays start.. Where has to come the money from to go on holiday every time?? Probably made "feel good news" to show how good the Government is working. Besides if you live on a minimum wage of 334 THB a day the travels will be very limited.
  11. A few days back they announced that probably this year they would reach the 10 million, and now several days later it is already party. But who is checking the real numbers?? It must look good, but maybe the 10 million visitor is a friend of someone and is not really the 10th million but maybe the 8 976,543.... We will never know the truth
  12. First make that everyone who drivers has a license.. Than get rid of the corrupt police officers and than implement a good piont deduction system. How easy it is if you get checked and they want to fine you and you can buy yourself out with a few thousand THB or so? No loosing points, and a happier officer... but a worthless system
  13. Put the one who are opposing this plan for 3 months on living on 10k a month and see how many will change their opinion. Easy to say if you don't have to struggle because you have a good salary and all kind of bebefits. Andbe fair if people have more to spend indeed the prices will go up as businesses are never willing to have less profits but people can buy more and that will increase the economy.
  14. Easiest to do is change the ancient laws... and make a long term visa... for retirees 800.000 on a bankaccount or 65.000 income monthly or a combination for students subscribtion from schools and extensions letters from school with study results and how long the stydy will take for volunteers inviation and jobsubscription of the organisation In fact just as the paperwork you need for a workpermit for all visa. No agents or money carroussels , or immigrationofficers/familymembers who grant visa as an agent. Everything in a good working computer program and no copies anymore to save paper.. Only for extension original updates with stamps being scanned again and added tothe file. Yes a lot of immigration officers will be out of work, but they can be used as traffic police for roadsafety. And after 5 years consecutive extensions no 90 days reports anymore... Europe is an example that with one one visa you can do a lot..
  15. But are you a criminal if you are overstaying??? question remains what is a criminal??
  16. a result of the visas who are offered for the wealthy quality tourists....The whole visa system should be revisted.. Make it easy for immigration, foreigners, and lot of problems wll disappear.. Now there are too many different visa and too many rules and requirements.. And criminals should be stopped at the borders
  17. Gay friendly THailand...... promised to civil union Bill and Gay Marriage but although the bills are ready for the parliament they dealy it... But pretending by hosting a HIV conference that the gay community is of their concern
  18. Open the nightclubs till 4.am and in daytime it is dangerous and at nighttime even more...
  19. First of all as I have wrote already the minimun wages in Thailand are too low...compare with the US as you do and yes if migrants come work there they will get a minimum wage too, but that is enough to live in the US. Besides that they have days of and paid holidays... Hpw on earth can you nowadays live with 10.000THB if you work 30 days a month and have a kid that has to go to school?? The Government is helping with lower electricity bills and water use and with 50/50 but who are benefitting from it? The people still have to work 30 days to make ends meet. And the tax reduction announced for the holiday sales is only for the better paid.. I can't spend 40.000 THB to get tax promotions if I earn 10.000 THB. And in the US an European countries, yes, they have migrant workers too but still they don't need to work 30 days a month and have unpaid holidays...
  20. 400 to brainwash people who are unsatisfied with the current situation. 400 to tell how good this country is for them and how satisfied they have to be with their low income, decling touristindustry, deaths and injured in the traffic and the corrupt government and RTP....and the lack for going forward but stay in the old 19th century culture
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