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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Of course the greed of the private sector .... Hire migrants to work to pay them less and let them work 7 days a week....Good that a minimum wage should be implemented for a 6 day workweek....and paid holidays too.. People have rights to kave a holiday instead of the obligation to work as there would be no payment.. Everybody here will agree that 30 days working for 333 THB a day is 10.000 THB and that is not much nowadays with rising prices
  2. Correction on this post 5 working days should be 6 working days max. At least 1 day off
  3. And you go on holiday and she can't work and you don't need to pay her.. Is that fair to deduct her income because you are on holiday?
  4. Self employed is not not working on a daily payment.... A seller on the market is not paid for a day if he is his own boss
  5. on pre 2nd WW 2 trains.. Would it not be better to renew the whole railway network and with modern 21st century trains??
  6. The first time I heard that the Heath Minister is talking sense..
  7. Thailand should stop with paying daily wages.. Everybody should be paid monthly, because there are so many holidays and on daily wages they don't get paid. My Idea would be how difficult it would be to realise to pay everybody at least 16.000 THB a month for a max 5 day working week. Another pojnt should be the power of the army must be limited. The army protect the country, polictics is not their core business. Than a lot of other things of this party sounds wonderful, but as we can see in Civil Union Bill or Gay Marriage, things will be difficult to realise as many people oppose, delay or request moe investigations with the result that noting can be realized.
  8. He will get a culture shock... not even 2020 where he is living in He is even living in pre WW2
  9. and that for someone who don't want the job at all, he will not go away.. The country must be totally ruined first by this totally incompetent man...
  10. self defense against a cat??? Or brainless to treat an animal like this?? What can a cat do that you need to kill it as self defense?
  11. 15 deaths a day... wait a few weeks when the end of the year holiday is coming... Than the deaths will go up...Please stop with making news with Covid deaths... Explain who died and why because Covid doesn't lill, but if you are suffering of an illness the infection can trigger it to get more ill and die.....So old people with underlying diseases are vulnerable, but everyone dies one day...Good research would stop this nonsense of daily Covid deaths
  12. It is almost impossible to find someone who doesn't have a tattoo nowadays..20 years back it was rarly and only certain people had one, but now it seems if don't have one you are not normal anymore.. Mutilation of your body..... and why?
  13. Why is there no pilot in Thailand in provinces to abolish the masks. And than see what is happening.. Are the infections booming? Deaths is no measurepoint, because people die every day and a very few all over the world died because of the virus, but most died because they had another illness.. Let them try so they can see that maskwearing is not working
  14. I don't wear a mask where ever I go, but I keep one in my pocket, because in the land of non thinking and follow the stupidities, I always can put it on when they want I do, but as soon as I am out the shop/bank/office or whatever i take my nask off again. Only exception is at clinics and hospitals, because there are a lot of people and I confirm to it...No problems never had
  15. Maybe a study in several provinces without masks should maybe clear that there is no danger anymore, instead of keeping the fear in the public. Masks don't prevent against Covid. And deaths .. people will die everyday, more daily in traffic in Thailand, without that is being solved, HIV and childprotection and useiess murders are more concerning than a few deaths
  16. With openinghours for nightclubs to sell alcohol till 4 am, Use of cannabis while driving, no point deduction yet of your driverslicense, and checkpoints without checking....It will be a success
  17. nothing on european news channels .....fake news?
  18. Again failing RTP, even when the neighbours reports things they don't do anything as it is not the owner. Neighbours too usually don't do anything as it is non of their business...And take someone in house... Who can you trust in Thailand to stay in your house?? I know examples of people who had someon in their house and came back in a mess with things missing, so not the best idea too... and security is not trustworthy too.... Foreigners work hard to get a good life and in Thailand a lot people don't do anything but come to steal and rob because they want wealth and luxury too.. It is sad but o so true
  19. I think if they want to approve it the alcohol ban during daytime must be lifted too. In the night drinking and partydrugs, tiredness are more dangerous .. If people wanto to drink let them be in the nightcubs between 2 and 4 am??it.. but not ony at night. and how many tourists will be in the nightclubs between 2 and 4 am??? Ever did a survey about it?
  20. In which country is are there so many deaths and injured in the army drills as here in Thailand?? It seems it is an institution that has fun in torture and excessive violence. The culprits should be thrown out of the army , prosecuted and the trial should be broadcasted live on TV...Hope the boys will be recovered quickly
  21. Too busy with their cellphones, and no time to investigate, but have time to escort busses, and other vehicles of important people or schools or government officials on holiday....But common people ... who cares? No money, no work... as when there was a burgerly in my house they couldn't do anything except when I paid them first...
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