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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. What did they expect otherwise?? There was no proper education for use, no control of who which how where to grow, use, sell.. Look at the Netherlands.. They could have asked them how they do it before making a law and let everyone do what they want. No wonder there are problems , but this is common in Thailand. First do , than think
  2. 75% is reasonable here in y opinion... indeed better is no stary dogs at all, but here there are too many even the dogs which are living in or near a temple.... if you see some dogs they are sick and covered with wounds and nobody takes care of them.. If the Thai people believe the dogas are reincarnaited maybe family members maybe a even more reason to end their misery..
  3. In several countries these killer dogs are forbidden.. For me easy.. just shoot them just as 75% of the stray dogs
  4. They should be forced to retire....Forbidden to apply for the job..
  5. so a few people disbehave and the whole foundation is punished... Do they the same here in schools in Thailand too??? Director or teacher misbehave and the whole school close
  6. You can't do nothing about it.. Some Thau people think they are alone on the world.. The only thing I do sometimes i play loud music too when they have visitors, or early in the morning...But it has no effect.
  7. I have he same question in fact but for rabbit... Makro had once but now not available anymore..any tips?
  8. Stop with showing therese robberies.. It will get worse as people can see how asily it can be done and how much gold they steal... Don't talk about the money and stop showing it in TV and newspapers...
  9. Better to solve the problem by pass overs in Cha am en in Hua Hin, as the traffic is terrible every day, We nerver go there in the weekend or holidays. The only times we did that when there was Covid..
  10. Yes all tourists and especially US tourists in this case come to Thailand to stay up late to go to the bar and than go to bed... Only the bars and benefitting from the tourists, ut the day trips organaizers not, as the people who went to the bar will not get up early to do a trip. Besides not enough dead yet because of alcohol and driving and bad enlighted roads...
  11. I hope the court agrees with them. It is much safer for foreigners NOT to buy land here... as long as foreigners are discriminated just as double pricing, named as alien or falang, and don't get the same rights as the Thai people it is not wise to buy land...
  12. to impress the tourists..... but if and when are they coming ?? There is a lot of robbery and stealing etc at the moment in Pattaya and that don't like tourists. so paint the streets but better make it a safe place
  13. Start to change the border control officers with people who are doing their jobs first instead of taking bribes, secondly the business owners fine them and lock them up for a year of 5, and thirdly and maybe most important get Thai people to work, than no immigrants are needed... I know a lot of people who don't want to work because and as reason they give they don't ear enough.. No indeed everybody wants big money but I always tell them start with a bit that is better than nothing and it will grow, but like to ask people for money instead of a job
  14. ikke1959

    Drink Driving

    Where are you brains as you drink and drive and surely at night. It is not going together. Go out have fun, drink and rent a cab ... If you can't/want to rent a cab don't drink or do it at home... Unless you want to kill or be killed you can do what you want it is you life but I have brains and use them
  15. For a few there is an inspection, but for the thousands of other people arriving they don't care..... And for the few CEO and other "important" people everything has to look the best, but I hope they read this forum too, than the see the reality
  16. The only question is, who are the Thai people?? Probably it are the 1% elite and the Government, as most Thais are too uneducated to understand what the Government is doing, because if they opened their eyes see what is going on in THailand , there would be a lot of problems for the Government and these 1 %.
  17. keep the masks on... a new strain but not found yet. How can you keep the people in control to wear masks and spread fear...
  18. compared t many western countries which have only most a same constitution for centuries
  19. A new constitution after the the new elections as the current Government is not willing to change much...and the army will still pt their influence in it.. Hopefully after the elections there can be a fair constitution written by non army backed parties.
  20. Follow the money... who is benefitting by these rules???Not the customers, not the Grab riders, but who????Find that and you know why suddenly the changes
  21. I believe that 95% or more of the people are coming in a country have good intentions... But they get irritated by the way they are welcomed or by the waiting time... especially if you see officers playing on the cellphone, or talking with other officers while the queue is growing. People come on holiday and don't want to waste time slow immigration. Yes they have to do their job and check, but a smile and friendly attitude and especially doing their job instead of other things will take a lot of irritation away.
  22. The wisdom of Thailand has no borders.... Time to educate and get rid of all electric cables above the ground...Make it safe for everyone
  23. Last month we came back from Europe and there was a short waiting time, not more than 5 minutes. However not all counters were open and more officers came to open their counter. I am wondering why don't they have a clue of the number of airplanes arrive at what time so they could be prepared. And why all the pictures constantly in and out, at local immigration offices ..... Do it once in a good 21st century computer system and finished... The officer was very friendly by the way something that made me happy as in the past it was often very impersonal and unfriendly
  24. All bills proposed by the opposition will never pass, by this Government. All bills of the ruling party or disputes will be in favor of the ruling party. That is democracy in Thailand and that is why the country doesn't make any progress and still stays in the 19th century... No moves forward are being made and everything must stay as it is /was. Conservatism holds the country back for so many years already
  25. Yes very busy compared with the pics from Suvarnabhumi airport in another article
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