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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. I did not write it is an obligation but that they must, as you know that the Government is promoting to wear a mask and as the culture in Thailand still is that you do what somebody higher in rank tell you to do you do it.. By the way have you seen Prayuth not wearing a mask?? So Thai people think you still have to wear it......complete normal sense
  2. I am wondering how they do it in Western countries... Parents are working too, but this kind of things don't happen. And if the guardians were working too, they should accept the responsibility, or looking for solutions... But the parents made the kid and it is their responsibility, you can't deny that
  3. What a ridiculous movement.. Never was there any problem with Loy Kratong and it is a totally different festival than the Halloween party in Seoul... But Thailand want to show what fake care they do for their people, instead of of doing really goodthings as decent salaries, freedom of speech, and broadcasting,. Crowdcontrol to prevent that there are protests should be the headline
  4. So why must 65 million people still wear a mask if it is as good as no cases anymore....
  5. They were warned last week.........120THB is enough teamoney hehehehehe
  6. Maybe they should make parents aware that if they have children they have to look after them to prevent this kind of situations. They want children but don't want to anything with them. This morning kids arrive at school at 6.40 and probably they get special classes till 18.15 .... Easy... parents don't have watch their kids...This boy too... with a schoolbus again.... nobody cares about the kids.. Shameful Thailand
  7. Of course, they will use all kind of tricks to stay in power and to stop opposition parties to win. They are already preparing with reshuffles of Mp as we could read last weeks...
  8. In fact who cares...... It is Halloween, the day of ghosts, so why dress up as serial killers? and if they do so.. who cares..
  9. I am wondering who is ruling the country.... In every dispute the Constitutional Court has to rule.... Make a law vote for it and the result will show yes or no... Why constantly ask the constitutional court.. We know how they rule
  10. My sister in laws says she is an psychologist, ( But I don't believe it anyway), but she says she can't find a job... Now it seems very strange to me, as so many Thais have mental problems caused by several problems and sometimes reslting in alcoholism, drugs, or suicides..Never heard of groups for people to talk about sexual abuse, victims of accidents, or traumatic experiences, people who caused a deadly accident, gambling addicted etc etc.. Why??? These people need help....
  11. In the meantime the rich are richer and the poor poorer and no help in a hospital or shelter or whatever.. Thai elite is only helping themselves and don't care about its people.. Shameful as they write that there 4,4 million Thais living with less than 3.000 THB a month and I am wondering how many live with less than 8.000 THB because that is very poor too...Schools are recruiting teachers for 6000 THB a month while budget for education is huge... Where goes the money too and how long will people take it?
  12. In a normal country the Government was already gone for months, with so many censure debates. But here in Thailand, they will stay in power now and probably after the next elections too as corruption and fraus will make them winners, without that anyone or anything can be done about it. Even the independent institutions as Constitutional Court, Election Committee and Anti Corruption Comment don't take ay actions
  13. Probably the ghost voice of the GPS it is almost Halloween, It surely will not be speeding, driving at night on bad or not enlighted roads, a mini sleep or all other things. In daytime it is already dangerous at night even more. Hope he will recover soon
  14. Who will dissolve this party?? All institutions are always in favor of them, latest prove was that Constitution Court agreed to let Mr Prayuth stay in power. So if even the highest Court will not get rid of them who will do it than and how about banning them for 10 years???
  15. The journalist should investigate why he is leaving, as he said despite he loves the party... There is more going on apparently.
  16. A reason for the elcetion commitee to dissolve the party and ban for 10 years??? How much was the donation in total?? They did with other parties too... Oh sorry I forgot.. the ruling party is always above all laws
  17. I was in Europe a month a go and there the people almost don't use cash anymore. Everything is paid by the bankcard debit or creditcard or by phone. Here in thailand I don't understand why there is no more promotion of doing so. It is very easy as everyone has a phone nowadays.When I am at the Makro sometimes people pay cash with only 20 and 50 THB bills which takes a long time before they have paid the bill. If the banks are promoting electronic payments more white wash money will get less chance.. I am happy that I can use promptpay to pay everywhere.
  18. I hope that Move Forward will be the winner instead of the Pheu Thai with again the possibility of a Shinawatra leader, as we all know how that ended two times already.
  19. what is the matter deposit money but no debit or credit card... what bank are they using, how do they withdraw money??
  20. Only for the Chinese?? In my village I know several drugsdealers who are caught several times but always the parents r relatives have to pay between 10 and 50k to free them with no charges...They are not Chinese
  21. Live in the past, lok in drawers, cupboards, closets, if you can find something that you can use, but don't move forward and make the country better... That is Thailand... Defamtion charges of things happened 10 years ago... Ridiculous.. Make a law that you can always charge someone even after 50 years and be happy to do so... I wrote many times Thailand need to enter the 21st century and yes people say and do things that other people don't like especially when they are more in the picture.. It is a part of their job and they have to get used to it and don't take the job. Stop with these stupid defamtion laws
  22. just to say that review a law in 5 years is not normal.....in a western country.... Here in Thailand lwas are made by the one who you speak with...and what today is can be changed tomorrow as there are many examples ... It surely is still the topic we talk about. invest 40 million THB and yu don't know after 5 years if the law is still the same and the examples I gave shows only how quickly laws change in Thailand
  23. Not one Baht can go in pockets of some else as the existing ones.... That is why the country is staying behind, there is no money to develop, innovate, and invest in other things that the conservatives want.
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