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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Decades ago the Prince of Orange of teh Netherlands offered help for water management. But Thailand did not needed it and could solve the problem itself... So if never help is accepted from abroad, and think that the country can do everything by itself, don't complain
  2. Unbelievble that the whole world can't find this man. Oh sorry people with money are not punished, underage kids with a opnion, protesters are more dangerous and easier to punish. Poor people suffer the rich buy themselves off
  3. Believe me I don't like physical punishment and always looing for alternatives. As I did in a school I wanted to let students clean the toilets or wash the schoolbusses, but the head of the English department said that I could not punish them this way and she went upwith the stick and solved the problem( she thought but of course it did notl help) and students in several schools said it is n o problems as it hurts a bit and is quick gone. In international schools I don't know how they punish but rural school I am sure noting else is accepted
  4. A new car?? surely not, but a second hand one as new drivers have no experience to take part in the traffic and scatches and minor accidents will happen... An older car is not a problem and cheaper to repair....
  5. How about foreigners who pay tax in Thailand?? That are not tourists...and so should be not charged with this entrance fee.
  6. physical punishment is only accepted in Thailand as I wrote before. Other things not... no sweeping schoolyards, no keep student in the class and not coming back or even write rules...believe me. I was 20 years a teacher here
  7. Born Thai....... the rest is not Thai at all....Why so much attention ?
  8. Good to hear, and how many are left at the end of this year??? How many couldn't manage are bankrupted??
  9. No e cigarettes, no alcohol except 11.00-1400, double pricing, entrance fee coming of 300 THB, more expensive flights by oilprices, expensive THB and tourism is booming.......
  10. Some things are being blowed up.....Students are good , teachers are bad... why not more about the boys behavior?? How many times warned?? Why did the teacher give this punishment?? too less information. Believe me students are real assho... sometimes and some even always
  11. Or else ??? what??? If he wants to tackle he corruption he should look at the tax forms the police fill in. If they earn 15.000 THB a month they can't afford to drive a luxury car, a mortgage free house, and so on... unless they make more money.. and where is that coming from??
  12. They do eberything to stay in power...untill the population has enough of it as happened in 1789 in France
  13. Mobile phones I have said many years ago are the worst invention ever... Sure here in Thailand when people drive a vehicle it seems that they only have eyes for their phone and not for the traffic. No wonder so many accidents as there also no education of traffic rules. Not in Prathom school and in Mattayom schools. as soon as kids can sit on a motorcycle the parents let the kid ride even in 5th grade or younger, because it easy that they can go to the shop or to school. No police enforcement and no awareness of parents about dangers on the road for these kids. And than complaining if accidents happen and the Government that there are not enough births as the people are aging..... Sad for everyone to loose somebody, but the solutions for prevention of this kind of accidents is education, awareness, and law enforcement( and not by paying a small fine but fines that really hurt in the wallet)
  14. Why 8 counters for Thai tourists and only 2 for foreign tourists???
  15. All over the world Governments and bsinesses are investing in solar and win energy. What does Thailand do?? Almost nowhere we see solar energy, which is cheap as there is plenty of sunshine every day, but no investment and stimulating are made.
  16. If was another person who was robbed maybe he walked still around, but the father in law of a policeman is something different. Family first
  17. Hotelprices are very high or expensive with an expensive THB even higher than in Paris. And than the double pricing is approved which will costs tourists too.. So yes backpackers are not the tourists they want, but on the other hand they come and spend money. That is a start. But if Thailand only wants the rich they will miss the boat.....
  18. Don't worry the Government mabe approve a giant minimum wage raise of 5%... I am always wondering how people can manage with a salary of 350 THB a day.... and no payment when there is a holiday. Shameful that there are so many poor people and a few rich and the superrich are closing their eyes. No they are stimulating buying, go on holiday, buy cars and luxury goods, instead of give the people a decent wage to live with fewer holidays. Because who has a holiday of the rich will get paid, but daily earners get nothing. With interests rates going up there will be more problems coming. Change things to monthly payments instead day wages and raise to at least 10.000 THB a month
  19. It is a good place for him, but in fact not worth mentioning it. 65th place is not at the best. Every sportsman has to train, and compete to get better and try to win. Every effort to become better is a reward, but how about a 64 and 66th place? or even the 2.000th place?? They all fight but only 1 wins even the number 2 is not forgotten after a while. So a good job done by this man, but in fact no news
  20. Behind the screens he stays in control.... Remove him from Government as long there is no decision made by the CC. Also no Defense Minister..
  21. Arrivals are not always tourists... The difference TAT can't make and understand. People went out on holiday but live in THailand are no tourists, but arrivals. same for business men and long stayers who fly in and out t stay for several months and go back to their homecountry and after a few months come back again.
  22. The first move to better was made by suspending Mr Prayuth, but replacing him with this man out of 6 deputy PM's?? I am wondering why a country waste so much money on 6 deputy PM's a normal country would have 1. And this man willonly continue what the previous did. Same age, same thoughts, same unreliable.....In fact the whole Governmnet should have step down now and new free democratic elections, but the Army will never give up its control over the country and its people..Old wine in new bags
  23. He is suspended as Pm but is minister of defensie with his frien Prawith as PM no... So he will still telll him what how and when to do things. I believe he will be in power but behind the screens
  24. Mr Prayuth himself said that THai democracy is not the same as a western democracy....I think he did not know what he was talking about
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