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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. indeed by people who don't know anything about it.. But if explained they will change their minds, except fanatic believers of religions, and people who like to discriminate others for being different.. As you can see that only a skin color is a big problem in especially America....
  2. Can you give me 1 publication from Thailand that is not maipulated??
  3. Laotions pass the border in the north with almost no flying......same Myanmar and Cambodia and even Malaysia
  4. I know several people who live in THailand and flew in and out.. They are counted too as tourist so it looks a lot but the real number of tourists.............. Oh we know this is Thailand
  5. teach people how to drive a car, and check their mental health instead of their physical health.... Some people drive like crazy, cut you off, brake in front of you with any reason, switching lanes without lokking and so on and so on..... If you respond on their behavior they get mad and see what happens.. Not the first time and not th last time this will be.. Almost daily news.. Rip to the deceased and the man who did it??? make sure he never can drive anything again
  6. I probably understand them more than you if i read your comment. There is a big gap between Thai and foreigners
  7. THai people have no idea of the money of foreigners.. They believe all foreigners are superrich... But I told them that in Europe we have to pay a lot of taxes and everything is much more expensive than here in THailand. 1000 euro in Europe is nothing, but here in Thailand it is enough to live of.. But that doesn't mean that foreigners are rich... But the Government is feeding the idea with their uneducated minds that are still living 60 years back..... Thailand must enter 2022 and stop living in the past and investigate before saying things
  8. who is responsible for all the constructions and the making of it??? Even the new relax building for the MP's is poorly build.. For all the money the spend on these projects a lot diappeared in the pockets, now let them pay for it to repair ....
  9. On the other hand you can buy the plants everywhere... The sellers should have permissions, but look at the number of cars at side of the road with the plants.. I am wondering if they all have permission. People buy it and use it but without any knowledge.. Surely it is a tip of the iceberg.. Many cases are kept away as everything is manipulated.... Look at the real Covid cases....and published numbers
  10. The people are so educated and instructed about ganja use and consequences.. that they think they can put it in everything for everybody without warning signs... The whole legalization is a farce without any information for public... They put it in noodle soup, food , cakes, drinks, and name it.....
  11. every day is a day too much, and with his friends in the Constitutional Court be prepared for another 5 years, Elections or not...they will be manipulated as he will not move out.... He feels/thinks, it is a lifetime job, although he offered his position who could do better, but as he thinks by himself there is no one who could do it than he...
  12. Warning already... don't vote on this party , the country is realy in need of change and with keeping the current Governement in place it is going further down..
  13. Jail term for this???? It is crazy... replace to an inactive post and never get MP anymore is better... Jail the ones who deserves it and not just for light offences
  14. We had a soap The never ending story of Peyton's Place .... THis seems the same... endless news... Maybe the six could ask the Red Bull heir and family advice.... They know how to get rid of charges
  15. Under age. no license plate, seized them all and destroy them.... That will be a beter lesson than talk with the parents
  16. The problem is not during the holidays, but during when the students go to school and home.. Everybody want to wait at the gate with their vehicle beause they are afraisd to walk two metres.. Besides thereare cars parked where it is forbidden, pavements full of vendors, and the police disrupting the traffic even more. Thai people are afraid to drive a bit further than normal, better do the difficult road.. Better options should be different times for students to go home.... at least additional...Ok it is a start.. but there are 8 schools in the area that they try..... we will see
  17. Disappointing as Thailand always want to be the first in the world.. A second place is not good..
  18. Next year the same news, as they don't try to solve the problem year after year...
  19. Shows how the police is doing their job.. THe kids are laughing with them.....
  20. who cares... the police doesn't enforce,... the cases are going down, doctors seems to be happy... Only for assembling to demonstrate against the Governement I suppose... Probably the important APEC meeeting will be excluded
  21. There was never a threat to the Pm or his Government. His friends and the envelopes kept him and will keep him in place..Even the Constitutional Court is at his side... if w ewill see soon. And the country??/ more corruption, further backwarths more poverty and more ricch for the the rich.... In Sri Lanka they want to stop it. Irak people are sick of the corrupt elite and it will come to Thailand too. They can stop it now with section 112 but be sure if PM Prayuth keeps in being in power in in or anoher way thi gs will be worse... Change is needed and alot of change, with free democratic army free elections to start with
  22. I hope it will not come so far.. In the last months there were examples how to get rid of people as in Sri Lanka and other asian countries... We have to get rid of him because if he stays in power and the incompetent Government the country will be bankrupted and destroyed.. They have showed already they can't rid of him with censr debates and now he is already preparing for a new term. I hope that Constitution Court decide he had his time done, but the judges never decide against him...
  23. they should smash all these fake lotterynumber shrines..... Good spirits never will give you money.... and the bad spirits play with you so not to believe what they say or do.
  24. Announcement of Wat Don Kai Tio School. Recruitment for temporary employees Teacher position. 4 positions. Position to take a qualification exam for agency work. A. Thai language topic. Number of 1 position. (Wage rate is 7,000 per month by subtracting 5% from social security fund) Two. Computer topic. Number 1 position. (Wage rate 8,500 per month by deducting 5% from the Social Security Fund) 3. 1 position in the performing arts field. (Wage rate is 7,000 per month by subtracting 5% from social security fund) 4. English box. Number 1 position. (Wage rate is 7,000 per month by subtracting 5% from social security fund) Apply from Monday 18 - 24 July 2565 08. Recruitment location for Wat Don Kai Tio school from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Every day (except public holidays) or in the online application system (end of July 24, 2017 at 4.30 pm) ***Online application system will be open from July 18 - 24, 2017 Pre-exam on Wednesday 27 July 2565 Details https://web.facebook.com/โรงเรียนวัดดอนไก่เตี้ย-428537670990605
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