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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. They wished the could influence that, but it is the decision of IOC to introduce a new sport on the Games, The sport new sport needs several criteria to be an Olympic sport...
  2. Question is... why is the THB on the watchlist?...... I strongly believe that there is a lot of manipulation of the money in Thailand. If theCentral bank buys alot of US$ theTHB seems strong, but in fact it is caused by the bank and if the THB weakens they sell and get the profit..and start over again..
  3. just an example about education by parents/ school and police.... Some kids don't listen because they know they are backed up, only a stick will help sometimes and if there is a dilligent teacher that staples a note on a shirt to prevent these situations the whole country is falling over her/him..... If the parents don't educate and the school can't do put them in an boarding school or in re education program...But this is Thailand
  4. Wish that was true I know schools here in Phetchaburi very well known they are looking for qualified teachers for 7.500 THB a month and own payment of 750 THB SSF. Yes they should earn 15k a month, but there are many schools were a teacher earns 10k a month.... As they always say... follow the money and you where is goes
  5. First start to pay decent salaries to Thai teachers.. 5000 to 7.500 THB a month is too less for the workload.. Reduce students in classes and extra classes.. Today the Kings Birthday and I see kids going to special class. No time to make their mind free?? Stop with homework at primary schools and sent kids to the nearest school at their house, although that everyone want to be at famous schools. Take teachers from that famous school and put them in the schools with mixed classes now and with more kids from the neighbourhood they will have no mixed classes and also 25 kids in a class.And kids are sooner home and less traffic jam.. and many more things.. I was in school where kids in P 6 still counted on their fingers......Than there is really something really wrong. A excellent THai English teacher asked how come that P6 students don't know the ABC.. and the only answer I could give that that was the reason that I stopped with teaching after 18 years. And abolish the always pass law... Let kids get used to work for something....
  6. I don't know what is worse... a stapled note on a shirt or abadon a child at the road.......For me the last is worse
  7. THat is easy if you think.... Thailand want that foreign gay couples come to Thailand to et married and party and stay for holiday.... Marrying with only a Thai partner they will miss this whole group, and besides probably the marriage/partnership will not be international recognized
  8. They can make education bills as many as they want, but nowadays a fully qualified teacher gets a wage of 5.000 to 7.500 THB a month and they have to pay their own SSF of 750 THB of it.. Better can work at a 7/11 for 10.000 THB a month. Make education system, but don't get teachers it seems, because non educated people are easier to control... And that for a country that spend so much on education... Why is nobody investigating where the money is going??? Besides today is a national holiday... I see kids go to special classes.. I think that relax their mind is better than teach, teach teach
  9. As the iq tests are also more than average..... reality is different.......they can write and some can read but a lot have problems ...P6 kids read as P1 kids.. and not English but Thai language..
  10. There is no Civil Union Bill or Gay marriage yet, so no good news too.... If Thailand accept the Gay Marriage or Civil Union Bill it has to be according to the international standards. With 1 Thai and a foreigner it does not meet theinternational criteria for recognizing in sthe other countries... They have found out now after 8 years?? How long still waiting till it becomes a law??
  11. Comment on things you don't know or have a clue is easy.... and education??? if you look at your comment you are not so educated too
  12. and you never have worked as a teacher....... but comment on things you don't know
  13. If they don't get rid of the always pass law, nothing will change... The kids are not stupid and know that they can't and never will fail...So they don't do anything except copying from the good students. and pass..Teachers indeed have a lot of work to do, administartion in books they have to write down every day with a pen who is absent or who is in school.. and also all the figures they gave them and for every subject the same... every subject 1 book......absent or present, figures, test results..... And when finished they have to write again in kids grade lists.. never heard of a computer for this whole waste of time and paper business?? In the classes 50 kids or more.. and in other schools mixed class because of not enough students.. Make classes not bigger than 25 kids and students should be obliged the nearest school to their home to choose.. It will not only solve alot of traffic problems, but classes will be smaller and teachers can teach better and the kids , closer to theirhome will have more freetime to play and not for extra classes... Kids should not go to school at 6.30 and come home at 17.00 with home work to do. Near their house they can leave at 7.45 and be back at 16.00 ...... But as usual education system will never change in Thailand as when people start to think they see things they want to change and we have seen in the past years that demonstrations are not allowed....That are the students who are thinking and see and want to change
  14. Follow the school rules and there is no problem..... but some people just want to do as they want and if there is a problem they shout just like you.....cut their hair if the school say so, wear the correct uniform how difficult can it be
  15. The parents should be blamed, as the semester is open already for 2,5 months and still the kid can't wear the suit as the school wants... Probably the teacher mentioned it many times already and was now sick of it and did it this way.. Why punish the teacher??? If you never was a teacher at a school you don't know how stubborn students and parents are.. teach the kids of today because they are the parents of tomorrow.... and stop please to tell that the students are good.. No... the most teachers are good but the students know that they have the power because the are always protected
  16. Indeed... and even more for speeding 5% of the value of the car... A human life is a bit more worth than 500 THB I suppose...
  17. again..... and again.... and still a lot black smokers driving around... How is sthat possible with all the times crackdowns?? Crackdown for 3 days again??
  18. You are right... but in other countries drivers get an education before getting a driving license, In other countries police enforce the laws foe traffic offenders, In other countries the penalties are much higher than in Thailand. Besides this kid was warned and did not listen apperently....
  19. maybe the the British are not aware of the labour abuse in the fishing undustry, work enviroment for Burmese people, long work hours for doctors and nurses and other people to earn just enough not to die... freedom of speech, rights to have peaceful demonstrations without a huge police/army force with chemical watercanons .....That are Human Rights too,
  20. I stopped teaching because I had the feeling I was teaching alzheimer patients.... They forget, don't think, copy but don't know what they copy and after 6 years English as a Thai English teacher told me they still don't know the ABC... So sure there is something missing
  21. too many young people die on the road.. Why do parents allow them to ride a bike in the first place?? I see kids from primary school class 5 or 6 sometimes driving a motorcycle and when i see them in my class, sometimes injured I tell them that they are not allowed and if theyhave pain now I hope it will be a lesson. Secondly the police is doing nothing about it.. High fines or confiscate the vehicles, that would hurt them and people only learn when they are hurt by things like this. Why is it impossible to let people drive with a helmet?? In other countries no problem but in Thailand ..... and than not to forget if you see people on a motorcycle, it seems that they are sitting at home on a sofa and talking to eachother, looking backwarths to pilon driver, checking their phones as if they are important businesspeople,. In the beginning I felt sorry for the young wasted lifes by motorcycle accidents, but now after almost 20 years in Thailand, I don't care anymore.... Stupidity can't be cured.
  22. I don't think a lot falangs are using the ancient railways.... and cellphones.. All Thais are addicted to it and they don't need it as when they talk it seesm they have to shout so that they can hear it at the other end of the train
  23. not so much.. nowhere solar panels to be seen, electric cars loading points only a few available....polution by burning ricefields, overcrowded roads and a lot blacksmole cars will not reduce the pollution... So in fact nothing.. Even where ever you come try to find a bin on a street, or shopping mall.. If there is one it is small or overloaded
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