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Posts posted by ikke1959

  1. 5 hours ago, topt said:

    Just to balance the scales a little. I was burgled a couple of years ago, actually more like 5 now, and the police caught the guy same day..........

    And no I didn't pay anything.

    I was burgled 2 times in 1 year time... First time they stole all my jewels, money and safe..But European gold is nothing worth here, even my inheritage from my parents as a watch and diamond ring, but the police first asked how much I would pay if they found it....The second time the burglar was caught by my neighbour... He stole only a few bottles of whiskey that were leftover from my birthday party and some other stuff nothing very valuable.. because the first time they stole it already..But the thief had nothing with him so probably there was a second one, but no effort to find him/her. Only they made a proposal to release him if he paid the damage about 10k THB... I am not stupid of course and I told him I would do it if he brought back the jewellery from the first time, because if he did not do  it some else and now they got the things there they" forgot" the first time in a way to speak.. my  video and foto camera and they knew exactly were they laid.... But the did not know and he excused himself so many times and he even could not say where the 3 bottles of whiskey were... I said I have no compassion and he got sentenced to jail..... So RTP i don't have confidence in them


  2. The Ec  is the only institution that rules Thailand.. They decide who can reign, who wins and will be able to form a Government and if the people or votes speak different the EC will prosecute them, disbanned them and find all kind of ways to get them to the constitution court to ban them with lies and false accusations. How long will the people of Thailand accept these people

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    1. Convienent yes, but I live in Phetchaburi but the bus will never stop in Phetchaburi although they almost pass my house...And I see many times that there are only a few passengers are in the bus... I don't understand as it would bring in extra money for them, but the hide that it is a rule that they can't stop and they are very very unfriendly on phone and mail....If they do it on all the routes it will cost more than it benefits
  3. 9 minutes ago, Gottfrid said:

    So, I am really confused here! Are they No 1, 3, 6, 9, 7, 5 or 12? It´s like a clown bidding every day? Looking forward until tomorrows daily update.

    Lottery is coming... Look what they will write next year if all money from foreigners is taxable in Thailand.... And the retirement people are willing to do volunteer jobs, they they are not allowed due workpermits and alcohol between 2 and 5 you only can drink at your home.... Yes once Thailand was teh place to be... but now other countries like Spain and Portugal and Panama are better..

  4. 2 hours ago, newnative said:

          I think you mis-read my post, which referred to both renters and owners--who both save lots of money living here.  I, too, own my house, fully paid for and bought last year.  The house, a 3 bedroom 4 bath with pool outside of Pattaya, cost me 6.5MB.  About $180, 000.  That's less than the small 1 bedroom 1 bath condo I owned in the US, which is now worth $235,000.   

         So, living here, I have much larger space to live in, with my own pool, for much less money.  Buying my large house here, instead of that small 1 bedroom condo in the US, saved me about $55,000.  Had I tried to buy a 3 bedroom with pool in the US, the savings would be even more here in comparison--in the town where I lived in the US, 3 bedroom single family homes are $500,000 and up.

          My response to the poster complaining about the high cost of jam and wine remains valid.  Instead of laser-focusing on relatively small cost items like jam, it's important to look at the savings you achieve here on the big ticket items, especially housing.  I think it's likely that your 4 bedroom house here in Thailand cost less than a 4 bedroom in your home country, and likely costs less to run each year here when real estate taxes, HOA fees, maintenance costs, and utilities are factored in.  

         Of course, nobody likes to pay high prices on products we buy.  But, it's important to look at the big picture.  As I said in my earlier post, the savings you achieve on the big ticket items like housing pays for a lot of small ticket items like jam and wine.  

    I agree with you, but a house is a one time purchase, and indeed much cheaper than my country too, but there is much more than a house, I have to eat and imported food whatever is because of taxes very expensive, That are costs that nobody calculate. In my country a jar of Hero jam is 2,5 euro that is 100 THB but in Thailand I pay 250 THB for the same jar. If you calculate probably how much extra you pay for all these items maybe you save on your house but you pay it by the daily groceries, and if that is not enough now Thailand is going to tax all incomes/wages/salaries/pensions from all the foreigners... and believe me the tax here is higher than in my homecountry... I am intergraded already here after 20 years, but still I see that Thailand is not the country anymore that is attractive to foreigners, but there are other options surely for newcomers and Thailand will miss them because of their greed

  5. 19 minutes ago, JoePai said:

    One small(?) problem is they do not have all the money to give away as yet  :crazy:

    One small problem??? indeed they don't have the money yet, but Thailand and digital things is another small problem.. 90 days reporting online, Mor Prom, safety at digital bank apps.....This will be no different, the app will not work is refused, doesn't get the money, crashes, just name it... This is Thailand

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  6. 6 hours ago, newnative said:

         You're citing items of relatively small expense, jam, for heaven's sake, while ignoring the really big ticket items, like keeping a roof over your head, utilities, real estate taxes, homeowner maintenance fees, and so on.  

         Twelve years ago, I was renting out my small 1 bedroom USA condo for $1500 a month, about 54,000 baht.  You can rent a 1 bedroom condo in Thailand most places for 15,000 baht a month.  Of course, condos for less or more can be found depending on your budget and location.  That 39,000 baht savings will buy a lot of jam and wine each month.

        That same small USA condo is now valued by Zillow at $273,000, about 9.8 million baht.  Should you choose to own rather than rent, you can easiy find 1 bedroom condos most places in Thailand for 3MB or less, leaving much more money in the bank compared to purchasing that USA condo.  Monthly condo maintenance fees, and taxes, will be far less, too.  Again, more money for jam and wine.

    I live in a nice house with 4 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms, fully owned and paid.... so I don't know what you are talking about.. I never have rented...But for a drinkable wine I want to pay but not for the crap here... and be fair, with all the high taxed products we don't contribute enough because with the tax law many will leave, as they will surely implement it.. The Government is in need of money and foreigners with their incomes can pay  a lot..And Do you like to pay overcharged prices anyway??

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