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Posts posted by ikke1959

  1. 5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    My (her) mortgage on a 3 bed detached house is 10kbht/month, back in the UK a rented room in a shared house would cost double that.

    There is no need for anyone to buy imported goods, make your own jam and it costs almost nothing, plenty of coffee shops charging 25bht a cup, no need for an imported machine and filters.


    As for taxing our foreign incomes ...... it'll never happen!


    living in a dreamworld?? What do you eat for breakfast? only bread? Make your own jam... Have you seen the prices of strawberries??   Some people have no clue .. but you can eat your rice no problem for me

  2. 3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    The only cost that matters is housing!

    Nobody needs a pot of jam, but you do need a place to live.

    just an example....Thailand was cheap, but not anymore.... even housing is getting more expensive and with housing only I will not live long, I have to eat and enjoy live a bit too...So with the expensive tax on imported goods, the coming income tax it will not be one of the best places to live in anymore... And if you want to know I pay here for a jar of jam double of what I would pay in Europe...and for Dolce Gusto coffeepads I pay here 100 THB than in EU... I have a house but I can't live from the wind

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  3. 3 hours ago, jts-khorat said:


    You said, that there is no Buddhist rule that forbids alcohol. But you were flat out wrong. Additionally you are wrong that the Pañca-sila only counts for monks, it is the layman rule for everybody.


    Having been caught out showing your painful ignorance, you are then changing the subject.


    With how many Thai monks have you specifically discussed this issue and how many of those have specifically told you that "Thailand is not real Buddhists"?


    I do not want to call you a liar, but your statements seem quite far out there.

    One of my best friends is an abbot and a  director of a temple school. Or maybe read what the Dalai Lama says about Thai Buddhism... I don't change subjects but I know very well what the rules are in Buddhism as I read a lot about it and when I was in school the director/ abbot and me talked a lot about it.. Maybe you should do the same.. start reading about real Buddhism.. In 10 years I know more than you think..  

  4. 1 hour ago, sambum said:


    "Other people make so much noise too with their TV's in shops, in the cars, and at home, restaurants, and just name it.  and the RTP is doing nothing. 


    When do they ever in domestic disputes?


    But I think they would have a difficult job curbing the type of noise that you complain about, i.e. "with their TV's in shops, in the cars, and at home, restaurants, and just name it."

    JUst go out for a relaxed shopping at Big C Lotus or so....Background music like a club, and at the electronics they have their own party and on several places many speakers with talkin/screaming ladies// Even at the Makro they have everywhere a speaker which announces all products and prices of the vegetables, fish, meat bread.. Also with a background music of a club.. Probably you always go to a 7/11 shop

  5. 47 minutes ago, jts-khorat said:


    Maybe you need to read up a little bit more about Theravada, it is right there in the Pañca-sila (Five Precepts). It does not get more central to Theravada than this, truly, so you are absolutely mistaken:


    Suramerayamajja pamadatthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami.

    I undertake the precept to refrain from intoxicating drinks and drugs which lead to heedlessness.


    It is a valid discussion however, if a government should restrict people from breaking the Five precepts out of their own volition.

    Who in Thailand is a real Buddhist??? praying for lottery numbers, gossip, smoking, sound pollutions, coyote dancings....If you are monk this rule counts, but even the monks are not all following the rules in Thailand, how many smoke, gamble and buy lottery??? Or are you from another planet? Asks monks abd they all will say Thailand is not real Buddhists

  6. Temples should be a place for rest and peace and meditation, but in Thailand that are places that causes  sound pollution, with their parties, and screaming... That is the first place that should lower their volumes to a normal level... Other people make so much noise too with their TV's in shops, in the cars, and at home, restaurants, and just name it.  and the RTP is doing nothing there should be max volumes to produce and the RTP should enforce the laws, but ther it goes wrong...  

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