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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. a few days ago another website mentioned that the Thailand pass was available at 2nd of November and the CoE was not available anymore.....So 1 st of November opening and the website opens 2nd November ?? will be a very quiet week I think https://thethaiger.com/news/national/thailand-pass-website-launching-accepted-from-november-2
  2. can't have sex anywhere, in a hotelroom afew months there was a sex party, on internet, against a so called holy tree, and now next to a monument.... Police is getting crazier by the day
  3. Reduce speed , wear helmets and get educated shall save more lioves than a hole in road
  4. Stupid rules that can not be followed...Keep the schools closed and continue with online learning is much better and less risks and easier to do. The commission has no experience in schools apparently
  5. Some schools to reopen, Boys can get 2nd Pfizer, Is there anyone in this country who can think or decide more than 1 hour ahead????? It seems it is impossible after 6 months schoolclosure to make a decision. Schools are open or not but not maybe, some, only if...... IT seems very clear in red and dark red areas keep them closed until 1 st January and let the term expand to Songkran than. December is a month with a lot of days off so no problems as kids don't study so much in this month. Other areas can start on 1st of November with half classes even studentnumbers in the even weeks and the uneven numbers in the uneven weeks. If there is an outbreak in a school or area close again... So difficult to decide??
  6. I am wondering how many people will come. no word anymore about the Travel Pass or CoE... And if you are coming to Bangkok than you welcome to stay in the polluted air as bonus
  7. Unbelievable that so many people around did not interfere in this abnormal abuse... They should do the same with him and much slower... In the passion they whipped Jesus maybe that is what they should do with this men
  8. Maybe you did not do a notification of address to Phetchaburi?? I live in Phetchaburi and have never a problem. I don't do it online, because the immigration told me if it goes wrong you have problems, you better come to the office
  9. They need a court to decide that???THey couldn't find out by themselves
  10. OK, but in my flight when I arrive a ew people test positive of Covid.... What is happening?? Does the whole airplane put in quarantine? who will pay for it? What happens ifI am on a 3 wee holiday in THailand and suddenly there is a new outbreak and my country put Thailand on the red list again???
  11. Typical Thailand first talk than look and after that think....Several times I said that the PM is giving not correct information because he want to show the people that he is doing his best for the coiuntry and the people believe him, but outside the country they know better
  12. the oilprices are rising worldwide so it just normal that Thailand has to follow....
  13. I think it is the last moment already.. Most tourists book their trip weeks before and with no clear details yetm it can take some time before they will book now. We all know that Thailand change the rules by the day....So untill the last moment...
  14. except Moderna who would deliver 5 million doses this year and now reduced to 1,9 and still unknown when or if that vaccine is coming. On the other hand there was also a possibility for J&J for 1 jab, but they never ordered. NOw they are begging for other countries like Spain and Hungary and Japan.....but yes with 1/3 of the country doubled jab is far from the 70% that he always told at 31st December.....
  15. If you need inspiration by disabled persons, why not give more shows around the disabled olympians???? Taht are Thai people who can inspire.... Not a blind singer or a thai born singer from a girlish Korean group
  16. the question is dying......not to be dead.... Being dead does not afraid me , but the way you go.. I have seen many people dying of cancer with a lot of pain and suffering or Alzheimer totally lived out, That is not the way I want to go. I choose for quality of life ....dying in my sleep a heartattack, or something.... just suddenly gone...I am a bit curious with will be hereafter,,,,
  17. If he has not booked them already they probably will no time anymore to come... So only hot air and besides that too expensive
  18. Make the price now 35 THB.. the trucks and their drivers are a big danger for other people on tghe road....
  19. But we want tourists come to Thailand next month, but look whta will happen if they leave their hotelroom in the evening......They have to choose for a softdrink holiday
  20. Thailand is not ready for opening.... Look at the western countries where people don't need to wear mask anymore, where they can eat and drink in a restaurant or pub what and when they want, where there is no thread of being quarantined if there are some people positive tested on the flight, and where they don;t need to do PCR tests.... and than coming to a country with poor vaccinated people ....It is way to early
  21. As I wrote a long time ago, for the unemployment because of Covid give the people a job for example to bury these cables in the ground... work enpough for them and the street looks better , It is safer, people have something to do and get paid....Make the country better... But this is Thailand
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