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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. In a bar restaurant you are allowed to take your mask off, but walkig in the open air in an empty street you mus wear one....Logical is far away here...Most countrie started to get rid of the face mask before relaxing other rules.. here they relax rules but the mask must be kept on... I agree a lot of people look better with a mask than without, but tourists will not be happy... Unless just as with wearing a helmet on a motorcycle... everybody stops with it and nothing will happen..
  2. You sit in a bar with mask on and have a nice talk in the the loud atmosphere and drinking with a straw under your mask.....till 2 am... What a fun it will be
  3. Indeed as they report....and you with no experience as a teacher apparently
  4. For me a school is not an entertainment show. Good to find ways to teach kids, but in Thailand nobody needs to study and remember because you always pass. Many of us had to learn list of words and verbs and tenses, but here students just don't do it and nothing happens. Thai teachers tell them they did not have time, homework to do and so more if I explained it is important. But still nobody ever learned 1 list .. I taught kids from Prathom 1 to Prathom 6 for 6 years and they can't even answer the question how are you, what is your name and how old are you and that in 6 years and weekly classes......I have given up..... I told them you never can be a Champion if you stay sitting on your chair and play on the phone..... you have to put energy in it to reach things in your life... but as I said hopeless
  5. The butler did it...... Probably the Russian was not the only man in her/his life, as many Thai people have a mia noi or so..... Easy to blame the Russian, but who knows maybe other people are involved and Thai people are very jealous so ... and they only met twice.... so no reason to believe the Russian would killed her... What happened when he was away?? She never brought someone else to her house??
  6. But there is no censorship in Thailand and there is freedom of speech according to the Government. Human Right Watchers must get out and tourist must come in...... But that are things that go together.... Tourists don't like to be silenced or not or wrong informed about their destination....
  7. He has idea's and that is good.. scrap the 90 days report for long stay visas, approve the Gay Marriage, open casino's... in fact wht he is saying Thailand please get rid of ancient laws and enter in 21st century. I don't care what he has done, people make mistakes, but can restart and do better than before... Everybody deserves a second chance or not? And it is proven that Gay Marriage is a economic booster... Thailand with beautiful places to marry and a population hungering for it.. Can you imagine how many parties there will be coming?? And as for 90 days report it seems that every non Thai on long term visa is still treated as a kind of crimininal to report if you are still living at the same address, as we all know that address is a must to report. And the casino's... yes... indeed why has the Government that it is forbidden to gamble and the Government organize a lottery twice a month and is probably making new gambling games, as they announced not so long ago.. A non gambling law is not for Governments?? or is a lottery no gambling??... So casinos should be possible
  8. I don't understand there are so many studies about every decision , subject, issues and still they don't know anything and can't make easy decisions....How difficult it can be that even a child can understand ... 2.500 new Covid cases a day on 70. million people is 0,004 %... Why should 99,996 wear a mask if the risk is so low??
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