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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Thailand and applicants don't go together... 90 days reporting, Mor Prom, Expatvac and previous versions, and so on.....The hub of failures
  2. I think it will be time that that foreign experts should be consulted... This never ending story can not be sloved by the RTP and all its commitees... 10 years later almost and still they don't know what happened..
  3. No wonder prisons are overcrowded in Thailand... The first thing they will say if you..... than you go to jail or fine.... Maybe they can give people a life instead of the military punishments....
  4. If they manupilate the cases every day than there will be more recoveries than total Covid cases......
  5. In Thaikland nothing will change ever... every year same copies for extension visa, or anything you want driverslicense, the use too much paper instead of starting to have decent computerfiles. Than they want their forests on the world heritage list, but they will ot follow the rules and make resorts in it. This Government has its mouthful as we saw the last days that there is no planet B , that they will do things , but we all know, nothing will happen, airpollution will worsen, no solar and wind energy, or electric cars, but burning ricefields, deforesting for their luxury houses and paper and for places to build houses wich will not be sold....there are already too many houses
  6. Don't worry as it says already the poll suggets... So not even real And yeah if you see stumbling PM ... he should refrain from alcohol even on meeting he refused to sign a deforesting plan... Too much alcohol made him make the wrong decicions
  7. 1thing I don't understand... they wrote that 20% will be given to the Red Cross and 77% to the private hospitals..... 20+77 is 97 % where is the rest going?????
  8. the whole alcohol laws/bans are just ridiculous.....they are obsessed with banning alcohol even in movies is a bottle of beverage blurred... Education will have more effect than these 19th century laws
  9. He can not think a day ahead.. Look at the Thailand Pass.... and 2065 is 50 years to go..... but as ususal the delays in improvement will continues going on.. nt yet, we are working on it, there has to come a new comitee, and so on and so on...... and in 2065 it will be still the same
  10. He stumbled already last week for a press conference, now he makes another statement that is nonsense.. I think he has Alzheimer disease...... In all the time he is in power he has done nothing at all for the climate... crack downs yes... but still a lot of cars with black smoke, cars too old to be on the road, nothing about wind and solar energy, still a lot airpollution in Bangkok, ChiangMai... The only thing he has achieved no plastic bags,, but I see them coming back again in the big stores
  11. Good, so they still don't have a clue... A vaccine only protect you to be less ill if you catch Covid, With several cases in the prisons there is still a possible outbreak coming.....Vaccinated or not, positive tests are positive sick or not,...... But Oh I forgot, a new category will appear soon... positive cases from prison visitors.... than we have PCR tests in normal public and prisoners , ATK tests which we don't count, Prison tests from prison visitors which we don't count too and other clusters we forget,and see soon we have zero infections
  12. I dare to say that most Thai teachers are cruel for the kids. If they don't understand and can not doit they are lazy, or and got hit. It happens already in kindergarten with as a result that kids are afraid to ask the teacher to telll again or explain one more time. The teachers in Thailand can not be questioned.. the idea is that a teacher is clear in explanations and asking means loosing face for the teacher. It happened when I was teaching I cam into a class for my lesson and there were fractions on the blackboard of the previous lesson. My job was teaching converstation English,but as a warming up I wrote a similar fration on the blackboard and asked who knew the answer for a few candies if it was correct. Except 2 students nobody knew the answer and a few students said to me that they did not understand fractions. So instead of doing my lesson I explained the whole frations and the students were happy and 90% understood. The result was that every lesson they wanted to play a game with fractions math....... and I knew that they would never have asked their math teacher...
  13. So promissing by reopen the schools yesterday..... weddings are not so many in the past months, because parties were not allowed with more than 25 persons or 50.
  14. The school I know will open on site per 1st of December or maybe later if the situation worsens...
  15. If 1 shot is vaccinated than it is ok... but only inNThailand. In the rest of the world you need 2 shots to be called vaccinated... Here in Thailand in fact too because only after your 2nd shot you will get a proof, but the Government has other idea's...
  16. He announces and he announces.... but nothing will be done except chaos, delays, changing everything ..........all the time, hour by hour, day by day year by year, decade by decade.....everything still the same.... black smoke cars...airpollution in bangkok and Chiang Mai, no investments in solar energy or electric cars instead of cars from before WOII, etc etc
  17. Today we see a rise of infections.. 8.859 pcr test and only 8.253 recovered. If you calculate the ATK test too than thee are almost 12.144 new cases against 8.253 recoveries
  18. No gatherings.... 30.000 people on Suvarnabhumi on Monday... rows waiting for immigration desks..... School open on Monday... many students in a crowded schoolbus, schoolyard, and at lunch time.... Funerals and parties in the temple for katina festival.....Overcrowded shoppingmalls.... How will they inforce such a stupid announcement?? Throw everybody in jail or fine everybody?? Than a lockdown was better.....Or is it just to prevent the protestors gathering???But than the police has to o to jail too.. They are standing very close to eachother, shoulder to shoulder and several rows, That is dangerous too for spreading the virus.. Oh no double standards.....
  19. drinking??? what??? water, soda, coffee or tea??? a ban on gatherings.... how will they do miss Loy Kratong and all the shows ??? No drinking, no gathering??? no fireworks .......Happiness to the people
  20. Nowhere I have read that wearing a facemask is a must in THailand, not on any travel advice nor the requirements for tourists coming to Thailand. In many countries people don't need to wear a mask anymore.. I am curious what will happen
  21. There is one thing I am missing in al the requirements for tourists and that is wearing a mask. In many countries already here is no need to wear a mask anymore but in Thailand you are obliged to do it.. Nowhere I have seen written that tourists has to do this too, or have I missed something?
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